ExR - Really? I don't think so. Look at me...I've been in a real long time relationship and I happen to be continuing to make a lots of male friends ever since then. I don't know why I have hard time making friends with females..I wish I knew. It always have been that way since I was in high school. I seem get along with men so easy and faster than women does. *shrugs* In a real life, nearly rest of my close friends and best friends are male especially gay male. In my experience, I felt that I trust more in male friends than female friends or you may call it so-called friends because I notice that sometimes females are tend to be two-faced, close-minded on some issues, shy or uncomfortable, drama bitch, and gossip to others...they seem tend to be bored with me after there is not much common interests among us, not much topics to discuss like they are limited to. Lesbian females are a bit far out of my league to be close friend with.
I still go out at bars to meet my guy friends without my bf, out for lunch/dinner without him, at cafes w/o him, even travelling with across the country while my bf isnt around with me. This shows you don't necessarily have to be dependent on significant other or spouse daily especially in your freetime.
My bf has always been aware a high number of male friends I have. He, of course, trusts in me even if something happens when a friend is trying to mess around with me, I'd tell my bf. it does happen a several male friends or recent new friends trying to "get" me and 2 of them begged me to break up with my bf which is uncool. I have always tried to be blunt about it to them. Those men who tried to "get" me didn't know me that well from the beginning so the time goes by they learned my bluntness and seriousness personality they got lost interest and left me alone. It worked. Lol. I ain't no feckin' easy gal. Oh, yeah not to mention some females (I thought some were my friends but not) tried to ruin my relationship just 'cause they're jealous of me having him. Whatever.