Supreme Court to consider D.C. Handgun Ban

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wow... damn... well ok you say "slapping" is not ok and it's a child abuse but look at your action. I don't know which one's worse - a slap at your face or you being uncontrollable and physically abusive to them. You put them at risk of being injured by you. Officer probably slapped you in the face to make you SNAP out of it.

2nd officer tight my body down on ground then 1st officer slapped my face so hard at once, just before arrest with handcuff.

Yup, I had seen some kids are very uncontrollable and aggressive, it happens but will learn when become little older.
wow... I zip my mouth... Here in Germany, we can argue with Police in manner way.
There you go - "in a manner way." You can do same in here but you know how argument is. It solves nothing and it usually escalates to violence. That's why it's best not to argue with the police. Police is out there, risking every second of his life! Arguing is not what police wants to do. You can argue at court because it is a safe environment to do so. Arguing on street makes police nervous and scared.

No no... I am trying to say that ID and papers is IN my handbag (purse)... You suggested that I should leave handbag away... I asked you HOW? because ID and papers is IN my handbag... It would "disobey" to them if I didn't go to get handbag for ID and papers ... How? If I am not allow to try to explain him that ID and papers in my handbag? They would taser me for try to explain him...????

Yes, yes, I know what you are saying before about get cell phone to call lawyer... I am trying to tell you about ID and papers IN my handbag... How about that?
let's start over. when the officer approaches to you - he asks for ID and papers. You can reach into purse or glove compartment for it because the officer expects you to do that. But when you argue and then suddenly reach into purse or compartment, the officer is not expecting that and it scares them. get it?

Simple: Vehicle plate number... - it helps to search the lost and stolen cars... The police installed the speed camera on different time to collect their money from us... Police don't care either my friend use my car because it's my problem, not their. Police only care if I report missing and stolen vehicle... that's it.

All vehicle plate numbers go to police criminal department.
Very interesting!! That really sucks that the owner of car automatically gets the points even though he did not drive. In America - they do not charge points by camera to driver - only fines. Because when you charge points to license, you have to prove that it's the driver who violated the law, not the owner of the car. Camera does not prove this.
Very low/rarely... accord blood loss...yes, but shock? how? the attacker know the police have guns.

I was speaking of medical condition when I referring to "shock". Shock is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body is not getting enough blood flow.

Shock (medical)

When you say it rarely happened, that's what people says about "tasers" and beside did you know there are major arteries that run through your arms and legs that will cause you to bleed out within minutes? Also, did you know that a single bullet in the arm or leg will not always stop an attacker?

I have little sympathy for those that can't follow the laws and if they get hurt or killed in the process then that's their fault because they're the ones who put themselves into that situation.

Shoot to affect heart and head could kill real quickly than legs/arms to wound to make him/her fall down to help the police to catch her/him quickly on the same time they alarm alumbance to take him/her to clinic to save her/his life.

IF I was in a dangerous situation, I would shoot first and think later..(Sadly I don't like guns and refuse to own one either)...
If someone is struck in the femoral artery it is very easy to die from blood loss. Google "femoral artery death", and you'll see how many pop up.
Shock can result from any traumatic injury. Shock: First aid -
Knowing that the police have guns has nothing to do with physical shock.

Right, :ty: Rebaie
No where in the linked article did it say that the police officer aimed at the woman's leg. It said that she was shot in the leg. How do you know where the officer was aiming? He might have been aiming for the chest and missed. We don't know. The article doesn't say anything about training or aiming for the leg.

Right, I was thinking the same thing when I read the article.
But a shot in the arm or leg doesn't IMMEDIATELY STOP an attacker. That's the important difference. If he's conscious and alive even another 20 minutes with a leg wound, he can still shoot back and do other damage to you.

A shot to the chest will knock him down a lot faster than a lucky shot to one leg.

Yes, I'm very much aware that could happen.
Where have I say that Police bring their firing range? I only know what I said is Police advised us to come to them if we want to question about self-defense... if we want to become gunowner... etc. how to shoot to wound, not kill... Police would be happy because they prefer to shoot to wound the people, not kill... If happeend suddenly/unexpectly then is a different story.
You said, "Police told us at parental evening that they will be glad to give us answer and advise us how to shoot if we want to know."
How can they train you how to shoot if they don't use a gun and firing range?

Train to make sure that no gun should go to chest (which I mean is heart) and to head (which I mean is brain) because it would kill them real fast... Get it?
That isn't hands-on training. That's a lecture. You can't develop skills from a lecture.

Do you have any experience to shoot an attacker/intruder? If yes, I would love to hear your story what you experienced.
No, I haven't shot anyone, and I pray to God that I never have to.

Why do I have repeat this to you? I already said that I DECIDE that gun is not one for me after learn pros/cons over gun issues... because I KNOW I am bad shooter and would kill them... Get it?
Why do I have to repeat to you that I never said that you should have a gun? I said repeatedly that no one is forced to have or use a gun, that it is a personal choice. Our Constitution protects our gun ownership. That's all.

Your posts make me wondering because you often say about chest, etc., kill is okay, not wound... that's why I said "I guess that America and Germany is different.
When I post about aiming for the chest, it's not because I want to kill someone. It's because the goal is to stop the attack. If I can stop the attack, and the attacker lives, that's great. The goal is not to kill; the goal is to quickly stop the attack. If the attacker died from his wounds, I wouldn't be happy but the attacker made his choice when he broke the law. That's not my fault.

The laws in America and Germany are different but that doesn't mean Americans want to kill people more than Germans do.

Can you? I can't image that you prefer to run to get gun than do something to defense your life.
I said, "I want to have that option available to me." It would depend on the situation. I never said that I "prefer to run to get gun".

Yes, it's true. I only say because many people use weapon under their pillow which is not good.
I thank you kindly not to make assumptions about what I do. I'm not "many people."

Yes, but what if some people do not like to own gun?
Then they don't get a gun. No one is forced to get a gun. How hard is that to understand?

I remember from read the article somewhere that a lady cries for the help because her estrangle husband beat her up... Police advised her to get gun. A lady refused and said that she do not like a gun. Police said: "Ok, it's your choice"... It sound not much solution for her if she do not want to own a gun? :eek3: I cannot remember either she killed or not. I am still searching this article, I read at few years ago.
If you don't even have the facts or the whole story then why are you bringing it up?

The police didn't force her to get a gun; they only suggested it. It was her choice.

I replied: "who says that self-defense is an illegal in Germany? I do not see anything that I say"

It make me look like that you think it's okay because I know your response in your previous posts... example like this.[/blue]

I guess it doesn't really matter how many times I tell you something clearly and bluntly, you will see only what you want to see. Sigh...

Yes, ma'am, right away! I'm sorry that I can't keep up with your multitudinous posts and questions. I better cancel my afternoon beach plans so that I can catch up with your posts.

That first post is about England's laws, not America's laws, and the death was the result of knife wounds, not a gun. The homeowner was totally justified in his actions. What else did you want to know?

Huh? My friend is not an ignorant. She learn to focus and respect the law. Yes, I'm the same as her as well because we want to respect the law. Yes she told me many thing is almost same as here in Germany which is different what I read some posts here.
I never questioned your friend's intelligence, never. I just asked if your friend is a lawyer. A doctor is highly intelligent but I wouldn't get legal advice from a doctor. A lawyer is highly intelligent but I wouldn't get medical advice from a lawyer. If your friend is not a lawyer familiar with the laws of every state in every country, then I wouldn't go to her for legal advice. That's all. If your friend can supply a reference to support that statement, then fine. If not, then it's just speculation.

Again, Please stay focused on my post...
It's so cute how you attempt to mimic my posting style. :)

I said: "the family of intruder would sue you for shoot him IF he is OUT of your properly" which mean an intruder ran from our house property to out of our house property. Get it?

No, I don't "get it" until you give me a legal source for that statement.
Yes, ma'am, right away! I'm sorry that I can't keep up with your multitudinous posts and questions. I better cancel my afternoon beach plans so that I can catch up with your posts.

I better cancel my afternoon beach plans so that I can catch up with your posts.
can I join you? :cool2: Weather's mighty fine at this hour!
can I join you? :cool2: Weather's mighty fine at this hour!
Sure, everyone at AD is invited. Hubby's bringing home lunch now, and then we pack up the car and head for the beach (if it doesn't rain).
Hi I´m here to view your 3 videos, Jiro123. I will answer on this later.

They are NOT ALLOWED to shoot at leg/arm to stop them from running.

During evening meal, my famliy were shock when I told them about your post. They wondering themselves either US police are allow to kill them to stop them from running? Yes I also wondering the same as well.

You talked about your 2 incidents about when you were alone. Well how about this - what if it was a "norm" to carry a gun (only lawful citizens)? Nobody's going to hurt you and you can jog alone at night. :cool2: In Germany - criminals know nobody is carrying guns therefore everybody is an easy target!

Here in Germany, we are not allow to carry gun to the public except hunters, officers, security personnel, politicians. We are allow to use pepperspray as self-defense, also deodorant spray as well to the public.

about the bike incident where you almost hit him... have you considered that the biker may be scared because you are probably reaching for gun in your purse? :giggle:

:lol: I´m afraid no, he know automatic it´s spray, not gun..
Right, I was thinking the same thing when I read the article.

Interesting.... I am surprise that you and Reba don´t get the difference between cop(S) shot a man with knife dozen of times and a police officer shoot a woman with gun´s leg.

*shake my head and walk off quietly*
Hi I´m here to view your 3 videos, Jiro123. I will answer on this later.
cool! welcome home! lol I'm here too.

During evening meal, my famliy were shock when I told them about your post. They wondering themselves either US police are allow to kill them to stop them from running? Yes I also wondering the same as well.
actually - we would be SHOCKED to hear if cops would actually shoot at people to make them stop running.... that is a civil rights violation and there would be riots! Plus - cops can't do that because it is very dangerous. The stray bullet can hit the innocent or the bullet can ricochet off to innocent people.

Here in Germany, we are not allow to carry gun to the public except hunters, officers, security personnel, politicians. We are allow to use pepperspray as self-defense, also deodorant spray as well to the public.
don't I wish I can be allowed to carry those in public..... It is banned in NJ & NY and it would be considered as a weapon charge like gun :roll:
I can't get the video to play, so I don't know what your point was for that. :dunno:

I´m sorry that you can´t use the logical to see the difference between cop(S) shoot a man with knife dozen of times when he RAN to them... they should shot to wound his leg, not shot dozen of times to kill him and a police officer shot a woman with gun´s leg to prevent her from try to do something including kill herself.

No where in the linked article did it say that the police officer aimed at the woman's leg. It said that she was shot in the leg. How do you know where the officer was aiming? He might have been aiming for the chest and missed. We don't know. The article doesn't say anything about training or aiming for the leg.

Don´t you read that a police officer shoot lady with gun´s leg?

Here's another quote from your link:

"There's a common misconception about the use of force, especially with all the crime-related TV shows, that you can shoot an armed suspect in a leg or arm," Holmgren said. "Officers are trained to aim for the center mass, to use force that will immediately stop the threat. If they shot him in the hand, he still could have fled or, for all officers knew, sprayed a residential area with bullets."

15 years old????? :eek3: You defend cop for wrongly shot to kill 15 years old boy ? :eek3: Send my deepest symapthy to the family of 15 years old boy.
I had been attacked at officer in 1994 when I was 6 years old, I was start wild and attack at bus keeper, that where women who take care of handicapped kids in special bus, she showed a point the police car to me at bus's window and I just feel disgusted then almost attacked her, yelled so loudly then bus driver had call police via CB radio and stopped the bus, officer got in bus and grabbed my arm so hard and got out of bus, I was punched at his chest and kick at leg, nearly to body until other officer had stopped to tight my body down and 1st officer was slapped my face so hard then arrested with handcuff and drove to police station then put me in jail alone, several min later then sat in office after calm down and I was act like very wild kid, just had wait until my parent picked me up, that's not funny but it happens when some young child are bad.

There's no taser gun at this time, even can't point the gun at unarmed child like me but slapping isn't right, it can considered as child abuse but I don't have enough mind to report at this time, I just looks like special education, really not basic knowledge, even I had been raised at bad preschool, just nothing to learn and not know how to fully communicate until when I was 8 or 9 years old. :(

Oh my dear, it´s very sad to read your story what and how you had been through. :( I´m very sorry to know that you had a bad experience with 1st officer.

Yes you are very lucky that they do not taser you at your time... At present time, they taser the kids accord the link, I posted which is really sad. :( I consider it as an abuse, not right self-defense. :roll: There´re many wild kids, not just you... they do is held them tight until they are calm down... I know myself because my oldest son was ADD that´s time he was a little boy... I hold him tight as long as he calm down... :ty: therapy´s tip.
Interesting.... I am surprise that you and Reba don´t get the difference between cop(S) shot a man with knife dozen of times and a police officer shoot a woman with gun´s leg.

*shake my head and walk off quietly*
I haven't even viewed the video, so I haven't made a comment about it. I never compared the video situation with the police officer shooting a woman's leg. What's going on here???
I´m sorry that you can´t use the logical to see the difference between cop(S) shoot a man with knife dozen of times when he RAN to them... they should shot to wound his leg, not shot dozen of times to kill him and a police officer shot a woman with gun´s leg to prevent her from try to do something including kill herself.
Did you not read that I said I haven't even looked at the video yet? I have no idea what is in your video link because I can't view it now. How am I supposed to make a comment about something I can't see? Come on, now, get real. :roll:

Don´t you read that a police officer shoot lady with gun´s leg?
Yes. No where in that article did it say that the officer aimed for her leg. The bullet hit her in the leg. We don't know where the officer was aiming when he fired. It says no where in that article that the officer was trained to aim at the leg. If you can find a sentence in that story that says the officer aimed at her leg intentionally, I would like to see it.

15 years old????? :eek3: You defend cop for wrongly shot to kill 15 years old boy? :eek3:
Where in the article did it say that an investigation proved that the cop wrongfully shot the boy? Please show me the sentence.
You said, "Police told us at parental evening that they will be glad to give us answer and advise us how to shoot if we want to know."
How can they train you how to shoot if they don't use a gun and firing range?

Huh? I said that they are glad to answer our question and ADVISED us how to shoot. I never said the word about train... Huh? Please read my post carefully.

That isn't hands-on training. That's a lecture. You can't develop skills from a lecture.

That´s why I decide the gun is not for me.

No, I haven't shot anyone, and I pray to God that I never have to.

Understood... Okay, you & I don´t have any experience with guns to shoot. We do not need to say anything further when we don´t have any experience to defend ourselves against intruders/attackers like that before but we are still learning how to defense our life against attackers/intruders. You decide for gun is your choice as the same I decide for not get gun is my choice.

When I post about aiming for the chest, it's not because I want to kill someone. It's because the goal is to stop the attack. If I can stop the attack, and the attacker lives, that's great. The goal is not to kill; the goal is to quickly stop the attack. If the attacker died from his wounds, I wouldn't be happy but the attacker made his choice when he broke the law. That's not my fault.

Yes, I thought the same but I beleive in to use good judgment instead of jump too quickly.

The laws in America and Germany are different but that doesn't mean Americans want to kill people more than Germans do.

Accord websites, Americans killed many people without use good judgment because they "thought" they have weapons.

I thank you kindly not to make assumptions about what I do. I'm not "many people."

:confused: I agreed with you that it´s not safety to use gun under pillow because I notice many people thru websites that they use gun under the pillow which they beleive it´s safety which is not good. Please don´t accuse me of something I didn´t accuse you for.

Then they don't get a gun. No one is forced to get a gun. How hard is that to understand?

Accord your previous posts here and other threads, you beleive in gun is the good idea for self-defense. You tried to convince us that gun is ideal. I tried to convince you that each person is different and do not want to own a gun. You questioned me a lot in other threads how do I defend without use a gun... Remember ?

If you don't even have the facts or the whole story then why are you bringing it up?

The police didn't force her to get a gun; they only suggested it. It was her choice.

I have no reason to make up the stories what I know from read the article at few years ago and already told you that I am still searching for that article, I read at few years ago.

Yes, ma'am, right away! I'm sorry that I can't keep up with your multitudinous posts and questions. I better cancel my afternoon beach plans so that I can catch up with your posts.

Enjoy your wonderful day with your hubby. :)

I never questioned your friend's intelligence, never. I just asked if your friend is a lawyer.

Accord your writting... you question me in cynically way.

A doctor is highly intelligent but I wouldn't get legal advice from a doctor. A lawyer is highly intelligent but I wouldn't get medical advice from a lawyer. If your friend is not a lawyer familiar with the laws of every state in every country, then I wouldn't go to her for legal advice. That's all. If your friend can supply a reference to support that statement, then fine. If not, then it's just speculation.

Okay, this is your opinion... I take both sides to real life situation and fact (laws).

It's so cute how you attempt to mimic my posting style. :)

I learn from you.. I learn more and more from you due our years debate. ;)

No, I don't "get it" until you give me a legal source for that statement.

Why should I give you a legal source when you want "highly intelligent" people´s advice only (your own word)...? I would suggest you check with local police station in area where you live then you will know more about legal from "highly intelligent" people there in your area because you know that there´re different laws in different states in America.
Oh my dear, it´s very sad to read your story what and how you had been through. :( I´m very sorry to know that you had a bad experience with 1st officer.

Yes you are very lucky that they do not taser you at your time... At present time, they taser the kids accord the link, I posted which is really sad. :( I consider it as an abuse, not right self-defense. :roll: There´re many wild kids, not just you... they do is held them tight until they are calm down... I know myself because my oldest son was ADD that´s time he was a little boy... I hold him tight as long as he calm down... :ty: therapy´s tip.

Yup, thank god, I'm born in 1987, just got enjoy on child life in late 80's and entire of 90's.

Like Reba said, taser gun isn't adopt to most US polices until late 90's but 1994 is really long ago, gotta love this old year.

I talked to few officers in my area, they said they don't use taser gun until 2001.
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