

♥"Concrete Angel"♥
Premium Member
Nov 28, 2003
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Has anyone here ever had a real bad sunburn? Well I didn't relized I was laying out in the sun for about 6 hours today , then later on this evening I couldn't bearly walk, and I'm having a real hard time trying to lay on the couch since my chest , arms, shoulders are killing me...

I look like a RED lobsters here! ... :eek:
Few years agoI had one so bad I had white blisters under m eyes. If I find a picture I'll post it.
Sun burns are a good way to get skin cancer, some people think u won't get it. You still can get a risk. You're asorbing huge amounts of ultraviolet rays from the sun, also don't forget the thinning ozone layer, that makes it even more dangerous. You also need to wear sunglasses, too. The damaging UV can cause blindness when u get old. My mom got skin cancer from the sun, she got it removed long time ago. She has to wear a straw hat to keep away from the sun, she is very redhead, that's why. I have gotten sunburns few times long time ago, I had a mild sunburn last year. :)
^Angel^ said:
Has anyone here ever had a real bad sunburn? Well I didn't relized I was laying out in the sun for about 6 hours today , then later on this evening I couldn't bearly walk, and I'm having a real hard time trying to lay on the couch since my chest , arms, shoulders are killing me...

I look like a RED lobsters here! ... :eek:

Have you put Aloe Vera on your body?.. make sure you keep your body moisten or you'll end up get white blisters like sooners said. Just be careful not to let it dry out. You're gonna be burned for the next few days and start peeling of course.

I've had that one sunburn back in 96... been out in the sun for 8 hours and it sucked!! didn't feel good, was sick for a few days too from the burn. That I'll never do that again, next time put sunscreen on your most sensitive body areas.
Rebel beat me to that thanks grrl! hehehe

yah use aloe vera and from now on use sunscreen this will prevent any futher burning and take cool showers for the next few days, taking hot ones will cause you to get * water blisters *its NOT fun serious getting them off you will be bothersome and itchy

i got burnt in oahu last month and its not fun at all, so make for getting aloe vera it ll help u in every way!
I'm the same with Angel... :Ohno: (points at Angel's for inviting me to go swimming) :mrgreen:

Not only laying out, but going swimming as well, and we also played sports later on that late afternoon to the evening. I guess that's maybe why we are like lobester. :giggle: I can walk just fine, but I having a hard time sleeping through the night because It's so darn humid here in Ohio.
Oh poor RED lobsters twinies...

I know what it's this. oooohhhhh

We used thick sunlotion to protect cancer skin.

I don't know either you have magerquark in your country or not?

If yes, then you spread thick magerquark on the small towel then press on your burnt skin. It calm pain down then it will turn into brown within few days later.
Yea I had a real bad sunburn when I was 14 yrs old. I went to the beach from 10 am to 4 pm and the temp was 104 at that time. Boy it hurt like hell. Looking like lobster for sure. But good thing I got heal before my grandfather's funeral thanks goodness. :giggle:
RebelGirl said:
Have you put Aloe Vera on your body?.. make sure you keep your body moisten or you'll end up get white blisters like sooners said. Just be careful not to let it dry out. You're gonna be burned for the next few days and start peeling of course.

Yes I did and I will keep putting some more on too, it does help cool down the burn.... :)

I've had that one sunburn back in 96... been out in the sun for 8 hours and it sucked!! didn't feel good, was sick for a few days too from the burn. That I'll never do that again, next time put sunscreen on your most sensitive body areas.

8 hours?? you poor thing! I've had real bad ones before and I remember I became really sick for a few days also....It's not good having real bad sunburns either....

I have senstive skin too and I do burn badly if I'm out in the sun too long...
Cheri said:
I'm the same with Angel... :Ohno: (points at Angel's for inviting me to go swimming) :mrgreen:

Not only laying out, but going swimming as well, and we also played sports later on that late afternoon to the evening. I guess that's maybe why we are like lobester. :giggle: I can walk just fine, but I having a hard time sleeping through the night because It's so darn humid here in Ohio.

LOL Are you still coming over today?... :naughty:
sequoias said:
Sun burns are a good way to get skin cancer, some people think u won't get it. You still can get a risk. You're asorbing huge amounts of ultraviolet rays from the sun, also don't forget the thinning ozone layer, that makes it even more dangerous. You also need to wear sunglasses, too. The damaging UV can cause blindness when u get old. My mom got skin cancer from the sun, she got it removed long time ago. She has to wear a straw hat to keep away from the sun, she is very redhead, that's why. I have gotten sunburns few times long time ago, I had a mild sunburn last year. :)

You're right Sequoias, I have to be caution when I 'm laying out in the sun or going swimming, Ill be sure to add some sunblock to keep from getting skin cancer....Thanks for the head up ;)
Mostly I usually use after sunscreen..

Kids may habits forgotten to take sunscreen loition. When I spotted my kids got sunburn on their back. So I took after sunscreen cream loition and applied on my kid's back. Went well smooth next day.. Not even complained during the overnight. Glady they are fine and least still do it require sunscreen apply it before attend the beach. Be always after sunscreen in case use it.

Poor Angel got lobster... Be Caution anyone who hungry for lobster their meal. (chuckles)
The old trick is apply vingear! It does work wonder. Like other said aloe vera too. I had really bad sunburn once and got sick! ICK! Never again and I have to be careful not to become a lobster! :giggle:
Yes, I had sunburn few times, easy to get sunburn cuz my skin is fair. My brother has skin cancer and had surgery to clean up cancer. Bad one. If get sunburn bad, apply white vinegar on sunburn to cool heat off. It is old fashioned way. :mrgreen:
Yes you guys are right white vinegar does help alot, I used that to pour in my bathtub and let my sunburn soak in for awhile even through it's stinks but it works! :giggle: Thanks girls! :thumb:

BullyMom said:
Poor Angel got lobster... Be Caution anyone who hungry for lobster their meal. (chuckles)

:shock: I hope no one thinks I'm a REAL lobster here! heh
^Angel^ said:
Yes I did and I will keep putting some more on too, it does help cool down the burn.... :)

8 hours?? you poor thing! I've had real bad ones before and I remember I became really sick for a few days also....It's not good having real bad sunburns either....

I have senstive skin too and I do burn badly if I'm out in the sun too long...

I've got fair skin too.. Glad you're taking care of yourself! :D
Aiiieeee! Sunburns are no fun at all. After last year, I have decided to be really good to myself and use only 50 or more spf sunscreen, applying it liberally every 2 to 3 hours, and keeping my head covered with cap, body covered with clothings, etc... We should learn from the examples of the Arabs, who cover themselves fully from head to feet, when going out to be in the sun all day. I use long sleeved shirt and pants when I am working in garden (sometimes shorts though). It really helps to prevent sunburns! I don't care if I am "white" but better to be white than to have skin cancers!!!
i get sunburn sometime... but i have olive skins and not get sunburn all the the time... hehehehe..