Strongman event - Hummer Tires

I've always wanted to try that but never got around to it. I did something similar (rack pulls) using metal plates and work my way up to lifting upward to over 800lbs. It's a gradual process, so much strain on your wrist and body when you do this.
Yes, only because the idiot does not do a full grab around the bar with his hands/fingers but the bar rests on his hands instead. Like an open palm bench press.
Yep. That's the word. Can't imagine 1000 pounds feel like but I know what 600 lbs felt like in a bench press position pressing it and holding it there. The strain is incredible.
How does 1100 lbs grab ya? Look at that bar bend!

[ame=]YouTube - Benedikt Magnusson 1100 Tire Deadlift WORLD RECORD![/ame]
That's why you have that platform to help counter the bend in a bar or else you wouldn't be able to get the whole thing off of the floor.
Well, there are certainly people who have both. It's certainly not uncommon.
"First impression is everything."

Whether you like it or not, people do judge you based on what you look like because they think it's a tall-tale sign of what you like to do.

For instance, someone with beefy legs and broad shoulders is most likely to be a backpacker or a rugby player. Probably spend more time outside than he like to work.

Slender, well-toned? Probably someone who go to the pool a lot.

Scrawny? Probably read a lot, or spend too much time in front of video consoles.

Bodybuilder or strongman physique? Probably spend more time at the gym than he does at home.

Someone who looks bony? Probably too obsessive with dieting. Or is a drug addict.

Whether or not these are actually true indicators, stereotypes do exist, and they are constantly reinforced by the majority who choose those lifestyles.

So yes, it is a matter of perceptive, but you cannot deny the mainstream stereotypes.
brawn, not brains! :giggle:

Give me the brain! Gotta have a convo with 'em sometime!:lol:

But seriously...think what could be accomplished if the same amount of effort was put into something that could actually be beneficial to society.:cool2:
Give me the brain! Gotta have a convo with 'em sometime!:lol:

But seriously...think what could be accomplished if the same amount of effort was put into something that could actually be beneficial to society.:cool2:

Why does that remind me of Arthur Dent... where the entire world was supposedly a supercomputer?
Yes, it may not be uncommon... but it's undesirable to let one or the other be the dominant feature.

Quite true. And when one must put the time and effort into training that goes with these type of competitions, then brawn always becomes the dominant feature. It has to by default. There aren't enough hours in the day remaining to pursue intellectual endeavors.