Spoooooooky stuff...

that explains.

so over 30 years? you must be........ what? 40's? 50's?

Not quite 40. I was sent to private schools from the time I was 4 (learned to read at age 3).

My father is a minister. My sister is a minister, my grandfather was a minister, my uncles are ministers, my grandmother is a minister, 2 of my brother in law's are ministers.

That's not mentioning my cousins .... the missionaries ...

I have never wanted to be a minister or a missionary. I respect their beliefs, and when in their homes, abide by their rules. I don't necessarily share their beliefs, but do have similar beliefs. We get along just fine.

Not too many people know who Jack Van Impe is. He was one of my "mentors" when I was a kid.

edit: P.S. I don't share his belief that black holes are the location of hell (LOL)
Not quite 40. I was sent to private schools from the time I was 4 (learned to read at age 3).

My father is a minister. My sister is a minister, my grandfather was a minister, my uncles are ministers, my grandmother is a minister, 2 of my brother in law's are ministers.

That's not mentioning my cousins .... the missionaries ...

I have never wanted to be a minister or a missionary. I respect their beliefs, and when in their homes, abide by their rules. I don't necessarily share their beliefs, but do have similar beliefs. We get along just fine.

Not too many people know who Jack Van Impe is.
I don't. Almost misread it as Jack the Ripper :lol:
I've been reading up on this finding:

Bacteria from Mars found inside ancient meteorite - Telegraph

Every year, there seems to be a report about NASA finding bacteria from Mars. Its been that way since ...... a long time ... :hmm:

just a minor correction - the scientists discovered bacteria only from meteorite that crashed into Earth. Problem is... we don't know for sure because a meteorite can be easily be contaminated after crashing... which is why they didn't make a definite statement. Instead - they said "they believe...."

But I do believe all or some planets do contain microbes. who knows? :dunno:
just a minor correction - the scientists discovered bacteria only from meteorite that crashed into Earth. Problem is... we don't know for sure because a meteorite can be easily be contaminated after crashing... which is why they didn't make a definite statement. Instead - they said "they believe...."

But I do believe all or some planets do contain microbes. who knows? :dunno:

Spaceflight Now | Breaking News | Martian meteorite surrenders new secrets of possible life

I think they ruled out that it was contaminated here.


nah. not ruled out yet. Just that they felt they're convinced enough with evidence that bacteria's from Mars. The only way to rule it out for sure is to go to Mars and test it on-site.

That's in probably 20-30+ years :)

the Mars Opportunity Rover discovered hematite spheres at the bottom of a crater, as well as the ridge of the crater.

Hematite is produced through a biological process.
yes, and no. Formal training, yes. Studying formally for 30 years, no. Studying for 30 years, yes.

To summarize the extent of my studies - just about every major religion blames women for the downfall of man - except pagans.

(and that is a very very brief summary).
Not exactly.

Adam tried to blame his sin on Eve, and Eve tried to blame the serpent. Ultimately, each was responsible for his or her own decision to sin.

It is thru men, not women, that the sin nature is passed on to each subsequent generation.

It was thru a woman that the incarnate Savior for all mankind was born.

This is what born again Christians believe.
Not too many people know who Jack Van Impe is. He was one of my "mentors" when I was a kid.

edit: P.S. I don't share his belief that black holes are the location of hell (LOL)
Jack Van Impe is a very well known televangelist.

I wouldn't recommend him for a spiritual mentor.
nah. not ruled out yet. Just that they felt they're convinced enough with evidence that bacteria's from Mars. The only way to rule it out for sure is to go to Mars and test it on-site.

That's in probably 20-30+ years :)
Budget wise, I think that kind of space exploration is on the back burner for now.
Yes, I remember reading about that a few years ago. They were planning on sending a small team of geophysicists who would live on the surface of mars for a few years :eek3:

good thing is - that mining collapse in Chile produced a very valuable information for NASA.

Optimally - it takes 6 months to get to Mars. It will be another one year for next orbital window. However.... at this point right now even in 20 years when we're finally launching men to Mars - it will most likely be one-way flight :eek3: because we do not have sufficient technology nor fuel for return flight. Not for another several decades till we have a significant technological advancement in propulsion system.

Realize that since it takes 6 months to get to Mars... this requires a massive spaceship. It's too big to build it here and then launch it from Earth. It's not economically and technologically feasible. The argument was said that we should focus on Moon colonization first which can serve as a launching pad for Mars trip. Unfortunately - that project was abruptly cancelled due to... of course!!!..... budget issue and it was placed on hold indefinitely. :mad2:
Budget wise, I think that kind of space exploration is on the back burner for now.

It was for dozen of times. I believe we should re-prioritize our focus to Moon. We've had our exciting moment with Sojourner and it was great and all.... but Mars is just not financially-wise to pursue any further. It's a fool's dream :giggle:
Not exactly.

Adam tried to blame his sin on Eve, and Eve tried to blame the serpent. Ultimately, each was responsible for his or her own decision to sin.

It is thru men, not women, that the sin nature is passed on to each subsequent generation.

It was thru a woman that the incarnate Savior for all mankind was born.

This is what born again Christians believe.

Eve took the apple when she knew she wasn't supposed to. She then convinced Adam to eat it too. His response was .. "but .. but ... were not supposed to".

The similarity and inclusion of women and trees throughout the world's religions is .... stunning.

Some Native American Tribes claim a woman fell a tree, it left a hole to earth and she lured a man to jump through it. Most religions imply that women are the evil tricksters and men are the innocent suckers.

Then, there is Islam ....
Eve took the apple when she knew she wasn't supposed to. She then convinced Adam to eat it too. His response was .. "but .. but ... were not supposed to".
You've padded the dialogue.

Here's what the Bible says:

"And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat."

It doesn't say that Adam made a protest against eating the fruit.

BTW, it was a fruit, not an apple.

The similarity and inclusion of women and trees throughout the world's religions is .... stunning.
Not really "stunning" other than how they've manipulated the original story.

Manipulating the story isn't hard to do; you even did it when you misquoted the text and changed the fruit to an apple.

See how easy it was? And you even had access to printed or on-line Bibles for verification. How about our poor ancestors who didn't have those resources?

Some Native American Tribes claim a woman fell a tree, it left a hole to earth and she lured a man to jump through it. Most religions imply that women are the evil tricksters and men are the innocent suckers.

Then, there is Islam ....
In the book of Genesis, Eve didn't "trick" Adam; he knew what he was doing.

All thru the Bible, men and women are equal in their examples of duplicity and trickery.
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well here ya go. I stand by my post #170 :nana:
well here ya go. I stand by my post #170 :nana:

Depends on which version of the Bible she is referencing doesn't it?

There is just one comment I need to make regarding the argument that the "original" story of creation in the bible being copied and confused by different cultures.

many of the "confused' stories of creation that share similarities with the version in the bible pre-date biblical scripture.

Would that mean that the bible is a confused distortion of earlier creation stories?

Would the story in the bible of how god created man from clay (dust from the earth) be a distortion of the Sumerian creation story?
Depends on which version of the Bible she is referencing doesn't it?
I quoted from the King James Version. Which version did you use in your post?

There is just one comment I need to make regarding the argument that the "original" story of creation in the bible being copied and confused by different cultures.

many of the "confused' stories of creation that share similarities with the version in the bible pre-date biblical scripture.

Would that mean that the bible is a confused distortion of earlier creation stories?
The original Creation events were at first passed down by the generations as oral history until they were written down by Moses under direct inspiration by God.

Prior to Moses putting down the events in writing, various culture and religious groups adapted the original oral history to fit their beliefs. That's how the other stories originated. Some of those adaptations were subsequently written down.

The Genesis records are not "confused distortion" of Creation. The facts of the Creation events were given directly from God (the Creator) to Moses in order to ensure accuracy.

Would the story in the bible of how god created man from clay (dust from the earth) be a distortion of the Sumerian creation story?
First of all, I would appreciate if you remember to capitalize Bible and God when referring to them. They are proper nouns, so they are supposed to be capitalized. It will also make references less confusing. "Bible" with a capital B refers specifically to the 66 books of the Holy Bible of Christians. The word "bible" without a capital refers to any authoritative reference book. "God" with a capital G refers specifically to Jehovah God, while "god" refers generically to any deity. As a student of theology, I'm sure that you know that, and we all make typo mistakes when we're in a hurry. :)

The answer to your question about the creation of man would be the same as my above reply since it covers the whole Creation record.
The Bible is never perfect, and it doesn't tell us everything, but moral accounts. I think the best way to study ancient Hebrew language is to understand the Bible better. There wasn't a standardized pronunciation system as there is now in modern Israel. I don't believe Earth was made six thousands years ago. The definition of an ancient Hebrew word, 'create'-- it does not mean to create out of nothing.