Silliest gossip about you

Same here..I agreed with you, Tweetybird. It is awful that someone talk behind someone's bad really bad. It is not worth to be a friend with!

well, i have people talk behind my back and i dont trust them and not worth for me back be friends with them, what if they do again?? nah! think urself anyway.. smiles..

also i dont wanna say DEEP my personal in here cuz of i found out some people from ad that they talk behind my back so i forget it and not put here anymore.. it was awful to me..
ok then tell me what do u mean ur brother in law cant protect u from here??
I think you are misunderstanding my post, I was telling that this is the comment of what was been said about me. And that comment is not true.
yea i know that i found out since last yr.. that why i am not going blew up in here so i can use my wise to ingore them and forcus on myself and my family... so not worth!

Yea, I agree. I had problems with my former roommates 6 years ago and they were spreading rumors about me being such a clean freak and sleeping around with different guys. I just got myself out of that apt and just focused on my family and close friends. It did hurt but not worth staying and fighting with them about it. Now, it is alll very very old news.
Yea, I agree. I had problems with my former roommates 6 years ago and they were spreading rumors about me being such a clean freak and sleeping around with different guys. I just got myself out of that apt and just focused on my family and close friends. It did hurt but not worth staying and fighting with them about it. Now, it is alll very very old news.

oh no i am very sowwy this happened to u.. but i am glad that moved on , forcus on ur close friends and family.. smiles.. :hug:
Ummm. Just a word of caution here. These are silly rumors about themselves that people are bringing up, not facts. So please don't comment as if the rumors are true . . . or that will just keep the rumor going and growing.

I've misread posts in the past, so maybe we should all read a bit more carefully and stay on topic.

As for myself, I kind of like to be the target of rumors, because things are so dull that the rumors are better than my real life.

One rumor that was silly was that my partner and I cheated by using ASL at a game of Double 9 Dominoes to win a $25 prize at a family holiday gathering. We donated the prize back and said we were very, very sorry for being lucky, ha ha ha ha.
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Ummm. Just a word of caution here. These are silly rumors about themselves that people are people bringing up, not facts. So please don't comment as if the rumors are true . . . or that will just keep the rumor going and growing.

I've misread posts in the past, so maybe we should all read a bit more carefully and stay on topic.

As for myself, I kind of like to be the target of rumors, because things are so dull that the rumors are better than my real life.

One rumor that was silly was that my partner and I cheated by using ASL at a game of Double 9 Dominoes to win a $25 prize at a family holiday gathering. We donated the prize back and said we were very, very sorry for being lucky, ha ha ha ha.
should've told them you were not very sorry for cheating, and that you would do it again if given the chance. then you peel out in your Corvette and leave everyone choking on smoke from the burning, acrid rubber of your tires.

well, i have people talk behind my back and i dont trust them and not worth for me back be friends with them, what if they do again?? nah! think urself anyway.. smiles..
Did you ask the people if it was true of what they said about you behind your back, or did you believe the rumors of what was being said? It's important to go straight to the person who did talked about you behind your back, then believing it from the third party. In my opinion.
When my husband finally accepted faith several years ago, It was said that I was a "faith coat tail rider"... by the "leader" of the church bible group. He said this because I am not an outward worshiper. Whatever!
Hmmm, this would fit well in the ignorant people thread too, huh?
Did you ask the people if it was true of what they said about you behind your back, or did you believe the rumors of what was being said? It's important to go straight to the person who did talked about you behind your back, then believing it from the third party. In my opinion.

yea i did straight to my close friends few ppl everything and they told me the truth and..i rather straight ask this person.. i dont buy story in gossip..
well it's not silly but some idiots think I do drugs or am in jail but it seems like they are jealous I lead a good life and I am still working at longs for that long almost 8 years.. knowing some had no patience to stay at a one job that long like me :roll: oh well... at least I don't socialize with who does backstab my name behind my back anymore ;)

It hards to believe mother would do that to you or people that you were watch your mother talk even you know its not true.

I have similar part you have what my mom is but my mom is hearing... Due my family send me a card for inviting such as party. I told mom that I am going to the party. She was like.. oh you are?! (exciting) I am going there too. I was like.. what.. how come she didn't tell me at begin that I was prepare to do trip for worth 30 hours driving.

Anyway.. I wonder do your mom have peace when she being passed away?

I grew up in the deaf parents were deaf.. my mother always lied about other deafies.. i went with her to the deaf club every weekends... saw her lying to deafies what deafies had visited us... When I got home... i told her that no deafies had visited us for long time... why she lied about other deafies... she stayed quiet...
Then i graduated and got married... i stayed away from my mother.. she always caused me lots of troubles.. I kept telling her i am not interested in her lies about other deafies... so there were more rumors about me .. Guess who started the rumors?? my mother...
Thats how i never believe any kinds of rumors what i heard.. I just shrugged.. tell them GO TO HELL. you are not my friend if you believe any rumor about me...then STAY AWAY FROM ME...

The rumors about me had stopped after my mother passed away...