Silliest gossip about you


New Member
Apr 3, 2003
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It just happened to me! Someone left a comment on my facebook and myspace saying that he heard I walked out on my job and said FU to the boss. :dunno2: That never happened, but it was idiotic and funny. Share the silliest rumors about you here!
It just happened to me! Someone left a comment on my facebook and myspace saying that he heard I walked out on my job and said FU to the boss. :dunno2: That never happened, but it was idiotic and funny. Share the silliest rumors about you here!

Oh, yes - there was one deaf woman who came up to me and tell me she forgave me for screwing a pastor in West Coast. I was like " WTF ? " I was in Midwest the whole time and then moved up in Alaska. Yikes ! Those rumors, so ridiculous !!
yes there was a rumor that i am pregnant. haha someone saw me at the gyn office. I was there to have my staples removed due to hysterectomy. I cant have babies! LOL funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny! hehehe!
Well, the gossip has turn us off. Before we were married. The gossip say that girlfriend got preg. by me and she was smoking like careless about the health issue. I end up decide had a boyfriend?!

It what the gossip and find out who start that stir. It just silly!
The silliest rumor about me is that I am anti-CI!:giggle: Guess where that one came from!
Someone told me, she was feeling bad for me when she learned that I was divorced. I said "what!" I have been married for 26 and still going strong.
Yeah I got one that happened twice, one in middle school when I was tomboy and one in early high school, because I didn't have boyfriend so that they spread rumor that I was lesbian :lol:
And I even got 4 girls come and hitting on me and 1 tried to sort of raped me wtf ugh
But that's over cuz I have fiance whew!
The silliest rumor about me was I allowed my husband to sleep with other deaf women. Boy, did that one spread at my job last December.
I've heard a lot of gossip going around behind my back too. In a way, it helps me determine who my friends really are and what kind of people they are.

If I hear something from someone else, I don't immediately take it as a fact. I will just nod and move on. I will eventually find out more, whether it's true or a lie. I also don't try getting myself involved in the situation since it doesn't involve me, so I try to keep a neutral position.

"OMG! That bitch! Last night, she left my party to go have sex with this guy she met!" She heard it from someone she hates and isn't even friends with. The truth? That woman who left actually left the party because she was getting a headache and had to get up in the morning for a meeting of some kind. I saw her myself, so I know what really happened. When I asked the other woman why she thinks her story is true. She said it was because she heard it from someone else first.

It has happened to me several times. It was most common with my ex-girlfriend. She was always getting these false ideas from her other friends. She would approach me and accuse me of wanting an open relationship, of having an affair with someone else, of not loving her enough, etc. It sorta made me mad at her friends for doing that to her. (I later found out that her friends were actually giving her their opinions based on what she told them... lies from her point of view.) :roll:

We're apart now. I'm glad we're apart. She still hasn't learn to accept the fact that she's been lying her whole life and doubt she will have a wonderful future if she can't stop living her life of gossip and live a life of truth.
yeah I hate that, vampy like when they think it is something else but really it was not true? oh well. I just laughed at them. haha. They think they know me well but guess what? They dont. :D
Last silliest gossip, last April...

That boy I was somewhat interested, all of sudden, his ex-gf accused me for dating his bf and made up about what horrible exprience story about her bf abused her and blah blah. I didn't buy it anyway. In fact, I never date him yet, we were only on friend 'date' as we just tried to get know each other. We ignored her and later, in summer, I began to lost an interest for him. I couragely told him the truth, all of sudden, he accused me for cheating on him! Oh, dear!

Even he accused me for bring my "boyfriend" to the hotel on my 21st birthday. In other fact, I did not bring any boy to hotel, I only inveinted (sp) three of my girl friends. DUMB and CLUELESS...

Today, he still called me a "cheater" because I just lost an interest in him. :roll:
Last silliest gossip, last April...

That boy I was somewhat interested, all of sudden, his ex-gf accused me for dating his bf and made up about what horrible exprience story about her bf abused her and blah blah. I didn't buy it anyway. In fact, I never date him yet, we were only on friend 'date' as we just tried to get know each other. We ignored her and later, in summer, I began to lost an interest for him. I couragely told him the truth, all of sudden, he accused me for cheating on him! Oh, dear!

Even he accused me for bring my "boyfriend" to the hotel on my 21st birthday. In other fact, I did not bring any boy to hotel, I only inveinted (sp) three of my girl friends. DUMB and CLUELESS...

Today, he still called me a "cheater" because I just lost an interest in him. :roll:

I grew up in the deaf parents were deaf.. my mother always lied about other deafies.. i went with her to the deaf club every weekends... saw her lying to deafies what deafies had visited us... When I got home... i told her that no deafies had visited us for long time... why she lied about other deafies... she stayed quiet...
Then i graduated and got married... i stayed away from my mother.. she always caused me lots of troubles.. I kept telling her i am not interested in her lies about other deafies... so there were more rumors about me .. Guess who started the rumors?? my mother...
Thats how i never believe any kinds of rumors what i heard.. I just shrugged.. tell them GO TO HELL. you are not my friend if you believe any rumor about me...then STAY AWAY FROM ME...

The rumors about me had stopped after my mother passed away...
I think the most silliest rumors about me was that some of people believed me that my cat was dead at last April's Fool Day and told other people that my cat was dead.. :lol:
some ho wrote in to the school paper saying gays all hated god and were just "acting" gay to spite him and worship the devil. she also thought that gayness was spreading over the land like a disease and that soon the human race would no longer be able to procreate.

i wrote a response in the next issue and put her in her place. naturally, the students (all 3,000 of them) apparently assumed i was gay from that moment on. i guess i walked right into that one.
Some people tells a lot of silliest and the most stupidest gossip comments about me, like how I send an email to someone a picture of a dead cat. :roll:, how I won't be posting much on Alldeaf because my brother in law can't protect me anymore. :roll: If that was true, I wouldn't be here on Alldeaf at all.

People think they know everything about you, when the truth is they do not know anything. I just let them talk all they want because they're the ones looking like an idiot.
well, i have people talk behind my back and i dont trust them and not worth for me back be friends with them, what if they do again?? nah! think urself anyway.. smiles..

also i dont wanna say DEEP my personal in here cuz of i found out some people from ad that they talk behind my back so i forget it and not put here anymore.. it was awful to me..
Some people tells a lot of silliest and the most stupidest gossip comments about me, like how I send an email to someone a picture of a dead cat. :roll:, how I won't be posting much on Alldeaf because my brother in law can't protect me anymore. :roll: If that was true, I wouldn't be here on Alldeaf at all.

People think they know everything about you, when the truth is they do not know anything. I just let them talk all they want because they're the ones looking like an idiot.

well, since ur brother in law cant protect u anymore so u can put few post here as u can and u dont have to put PERSONAL in here.. just simple put post..
well, i have people talk behind my back and i dont trust them and not worth for me back be friends with them, what if they do again?? nah! think urself anyway.. smiles..

also i dont wanna say DEEP my personal in here cuz of i found out some people from ad that they talk behind my back so i forget it and not put here anymore.. it was awful to me..[/QUOTE]

Wow, that really sucks for that to happen to u.
well, i have people talk behind my back and i dont trust them and not worth for me back be friends with them, what if they do again?? nah! think urself anyway.. smiles..

also i dont wanna say DEEP my personal in here cuz of i found out some people from ad that they talk behind my back so i forget it and not put here anymore.. it was awful to me..[/QUOTE]

Wow, that really sucks for that to happen to u.

yea i know that i found out since last yr.. that why i am not going blew up in here so i can use my wise to ingore them and forcus on myself and my family... so not worth!