Sign in if you're proud to be Deaf

In! :D why not be proud of it? its better than hating it. :dance:
Yeah, I'm in too. :) Got nothing against the way God intended for me to be!

I am not Deaf, I am just Ignoring you. Ha Ha Ha! :nana:
I am not "proud" of it cuz I know what I am missing; however, I am not disgusted, either. It just IS.
I am not "proud" of it cuz I know what I am missing; however, I am not disgusted, either. It just IS.
Well what's wrong with being proud of something? I see deaf/hoh pride as akin to being proud of being Irish, Portugese, French or whatever. It's all about celebrating difference! :) I mean I am certainly proud that I am not one of those soccer mom bland suburban types where everything is average or the same.
Tousi said:
I am not "proud" of it cuz I know what I am missing; however, I am not disgusted, either. It just IS.

Me too.. Im a lil proud of it but I really know what I'm missing and I hate it. But at the same time, I love being with deaf people more than I do hearing people, so I'm in, for now :P
Pinkster, fair enough, you go, girl!

And, sigh.....Deafdyke, nothing wrong about being proud of anything; I said I'm not proud of being HoH AND I explained that its because I know what I'm missing AND that I'm not disgusted/angry/fekked up/ad infinitum over being deaf. What I said BELONGS to me, capise? This isn't a discussion, the topic's asking ya to just tell how YOU feel, so flake off, ok?
Jeeze Tousi who lit the fuse on your tampon? I was just commenting for crying out loud! I don't really think of myself as missing might as well say that women are missing the experiance of being a man, or GLB folks are missing the experiance of being hetrosexual, or black, Asian and other racial minorities are missing out on the experiance of being white. do you know that hearing is really all it's cracked up to be? Sure being deaf/hoh isn't the greatest thing in the world....but it's far from a tragedy. If hair cell regeneration became possible and you opted for it and it worked , you might realize after the fact that being dhh wasn't too bad after all. Sound and hearing are overrated!
Tampon???? Ummm, maybe a sex change is something that makes you gush at the possibilities, but not this guy! Furthermore, for you to say that I, as a guy, am missing the experience of what its like to be a woman doesn't wash here.

Then you say that being deaf isn't the greatest thing in the world---isn't that what I said? You also say its far from a tragedy. Where did I say it was? If you said you swell with pride as some do, what's with the waffling?

And as far as my saying that I know what I'm missing, are just gonna hafta trust me on that. If ya don't , I say, "Burglefickle".
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:rofl: :rofl: @ Deafdyke and 'Tousi!! you guys so funnieeee!!
Well as for me, i guess i dont mind being deaf (I guess) but it is a fawkin hassle and frustration at times, i wish more than anything in the world, even it is just for one day, i would LOVE to hear!! and see whats it like to be able to hear everything!!.. :smoking:
me 2, #137 ;) never mind that....probably somewhere between 40 and 50?
oooooooooooo that would be REQURIED for me to be IN!!!!!!!!!!!!! No question asked!!!!

count me in!
Pride with responsibility

I can be proud of my deafness as long its emphasized in a responsible demeanor. It's a turnoff when people use deafness as an excuse to conduct ad homenum smear campaigns, chidlish squabbling, and other immature activities.
