*sigh* im worried about my sister


Active Member
Oct 2, 2004
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i have no idea whats going on and that scares me. :Ohno:

I called my sister's home and her husband answered... he said hes gonna divorce her then hung up on me:wtf:
I called my grandparents... they were so cheerful at first then blurted out that my sister is in hospital,:wtf: :wtf: but they wont tell me why or which hospital. Being stubborn I am and cuz I care so much about my sister I called ALL of hospitals including mental hospital, and rehab, anything that has to do with "hospital" It means a place where people helps other people and most likely to have a place for those people who needs help. So I called every single of them and all of them said no... theres no name of my sister staying there. :dunno:

Today I tried again.. my grandparents.. no answer... sister's home phone.. no answer... sister's cell phone... answered but hang up so tried 2nd time no answer. Tried 3rd time... again no answer. :squint:

VERY FRUSTRATING. Im worried out of my mind and I have no idea what to do since I dont have a car and I have a job tomorrow which I dont want to lose at all... and no money to go up north to check on my sister.

I feel very helpless cuz I want to know whats up and I want to be there for my sister if she needs help but HOW CAN I HELP HER IF I CANT REACH HER AT ALL AND NO ONE WILL TELL ME WHATS GOING ON?! :cry: :mad2:


Thank you... I just need to vent a bit thats all. :pissed:
I'm sorry to hear about ur sister, I hope she is all right and in one piece. :hug:
i suggest calling the local police where ur sister lives and explain that you tried to reach her but no answer and that her husband hung up on you. that you need an officer to go to the house and check on her and have her contact you. I have done this before when a member of my family didnt contact me for two weeks. the police will do that for you and sometimes they will call you back and let you know other times u have to call them back and find out what happened if you still dont hear from them. just a suggestion. best of luck and i hope she's alright.
sorry to hear about your frustration.. :(

yea.. selena is right.. the police will go and check it out for you...

my sister did that to me one boiling and hot summer :squint: cuz i didn't return her calls/emails during final week... so she called the police.. and ofc they broke into my apt while i was ASLEEP and BARE-SKINNED to let me know that she wanted me to return her call!?!?! :squint: BOY... i called her in the middle of the night and BLEW MY TOP at her for calling the fookin' cops on me cuz it scared the hell out of me! sheesh!!!

sorry for going :topic: but what i am saying is.. the cops will check her out for you :)

keep us posted!!! think positive girl!!! :hug:
I am sorry to hear about that, but I hope everything will be ok. Just try to think positive. I will pray for you.

If I was you, I would call the police to check it out.
calling police is my last resort ... i wouldnt call police on my sister unless i have to. rightnow im just gonna wait and call every day till i get a word from either my grandparents or her hubby or hopefully from my own sister... if nothing for like 3 days from all 3 of them then yea ill call cops. (my grandparents are ALWAYS home so if they refuse to talk to me for next couple days something definitely is up.)
Best resort for you call police and to see what happened... Important you need to know details what going on etc...
SpiceHD said:
calling police is my last resort ... i wouldnt call police on my sister unless i have to. . .
I think this might be the time for "last resort" action. You are not calling to get your sister in trouble. You are calling to make sure she is OK. That is a big difference.

Hospitals are not legally allowed to give out patient information. They cannot tell you if someone is a patient there. So you might not be able to find out by calling hospitals.

Do you have any other relatives that can help?
oh man!!! sigh.. what abt ur parents??? i am very sowwy to hear abt that.. :hug:

I understand you are feeling very frustrating, I would be too, But I don't think that would ever happen to me because my family are very open with communicate. Which I don't understand why your grandparent did not tell you why your sister is in the hospital or what hospital she is in? Is there a reason why she wouldn't communicate with you? And what about your mother and father? Have you contact them already?

If there is no other Solution how to get a hold of your sister or knowing where your sister is at, I would call the police where your sister lives, and tell them you worried about your sister and was told she was in the hospital and would like to know if she is all right... and have someone to call you with updated information. :thumb:
SpiceHD said:
calling police is my last resort ... i wouldnt call police on my sister unless i have to. rightnow im just gonna wait and call every day till i get a word from either my grandparents or her hubby or hopefully from my own sister... if nothing for like 3 days from all 3 of them then yea ill call cops. (my grandparents are ALWAYS home so if they refuse to talk to me for next couple days something definitely is up.)

last resort??? if it were my sister.. i would call the police IMMEDIATELY.. sheesh... cuz anything is possible.. i am not trying to scare you anymore than you are already... but.. anything could have gone wrong... ya know since no one is telling you anything???
Reba said:
I think this might be the time for "last resort" action. You are not calling to get your sister in trouble. You are calling to make sure she is OK. That is a big difference.

Hospitals are not legally allowed to give out patient information. They cannot tell you if someone is a patient there. So you might not be able to find out by calling hospitals.

Do you have any other relatives that can help?

heed reba's advice.. cuz she is right too... ;)
I would have to agree with calling the police....... though I know how you feel......

Kinda reminds me of something in the past...
Reba said:
I think this might be the time for "last resort" action. You are not calling to get your sister in trouble. You are calling to make sure she is OK. That is a big difference.

Hospitals are not legally allowed to give out patient information. They cannot tell you if someone is a patient there. So you might not be able to find out by calling hospitals.

Do you have any other relatives that can help?

actually they do give patient's information out to family members ONLY which spice fell in the catergory sicne she is the sister unless her sister or family told them not to give out any to no one but themselves.

hope you find out soon as possible spice
Shiva said:
actually they do give patient's information out to family members ONLY which spice fell in the catergory sicne she is the sister unless her sister or family told them not to give out any to no one but themselves.

hope you find out soon as possible spice

You are correct, It did work for me when I called in for my sisters update on their deliveries of their baby. Or when my father was in the hospital one time too. ;)
well my mother is dead and my sister's father is not same as my father so my father and my sister doesnt keep in touch. so only relatives that actually keeps in touch with her is my grandparents and her husband.

the only reason why i would have it as last restort cuz if my sister were to call cops on me and the reason why i didnt keep in touch is cuz i want to be leave alone so obviously i would be truly pissed off. PLus she knows all of my emenergy nbrs.. just like i do for her and i did use those emenergy nbrs... Also... she have secrets that she doesnt want grandparents to know and i dont want police to go to grandparent's place to search for her because i dont want to risk anything to get her in trouble with her grandparents.

(my grandparents are very very very christian and i dont get along with them well cuz i didnt keep any secrets from them so i ended up being rejected from them more than 5 times and they "disowned" me so only time i contact them is if i have news or if i think my sister is there so if my sister wants to keep her relationship with her grandparents then she would have to keep some stuff secret even if its just smoking habit... they would have a fit and thinks its a demon who went into her :rolls my eyes: So i really cant risk much with police and grandparents/my sister)

i do not want to make her life worse than it already is. I will call again tomorrow to see whats up.. grandparents should be home all day tomorrow (no bible study or anything) and if i remember correctly.. her husband would be working tomorrow on 3rd shift so most likely my sister would put her kids at grandparents so ill be calling at specific time tomorrow ( 1 pm ) by then I SHOULD have something and if i dont then i will call cops yes.

sometime calling cops right away is not wise because it could really piss some people off or screw something up. believe me.. i know.
SpiceHD said:
sometime calling cops right away is not wise because it could really piss some people off or screw something up. believe me.. i know.

Yup * :whistle: innocently*
*shuts up*

Anyways, I really hope you can find out what's going on, tomorrow. IM me or something.
You've made quite a very good point for your reasons to wait a little while longer before getting the police involved SpiceHd....

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister and hoping eventually things will work out nicely and smoothly...otherwise, I know you'll be there for your sister if she is indeed going through a difficult time now--...hang in there!! :)
First I wanted to say I'm really sorry you are unable to get ahold of your sister and don't know what is really going on, I hate to be the last to know too so I understand where you're coming from on this, I would be really frustrate not knowing what is going on too....I also can understand the reason why you wouldn't want to call the police, it could be anything really and you do have a good point too Spicy...

I do hope you hear from your sister soon, cause I don't know what I would do if I haven't heard from my sister for days or a week...I would be worried my buns off not knowing if she is alright....

I also happen to agree with Shiva, you can get information as whether the patient is staying at that hospital, if you are a family member, and They would had given Spicy that information if her sister was a patient at that hospital....I've done it many times myself and I had no problem at all...

I also agree with Roadrunner as well too.....

Please keep us post Spicy on the update on your sister's whereabout and if she is alright....I'll keep her in my prayer :hug: