Saudis tie gas prices to election


New Member
Oct 22, 2003
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I almost pissed in my pants when I heard this. Not sure if entirely true, but if it is, its the most blatant and disgusting manipulation of the economy for political gain I have ever seen.
Effectively, the Saudis have said they will wait until closer to the election to lower gas prices, in an effort to favor Bush.
That's true. I have heard of it from my mother. She knows more about it. You will be surprised this one - Saudis makes vote box machines and sell them to America this year.
i think its very true... bush's family are strongly friends with the Saudi's people. been friends for a little more than a decade.

what scares me if kerry wins... the gas price will go up big time since the saudi aren't friends with kerry. and it might cost us $3 or $4 per gal of gas :o
oh brother... I may never will drive if prices keeps goin up :evil: psst i never drive cuz i never had my driver license but hey I do get to places by buses and trains and it's all good :rofl:
Eh? This is crazy! :crazy: I think it's bullshit. That's not gonna make me want to vote for Bush. It's like Bush buying our votes!
I am trying to avoid Mobil gas stations. I am trying to convince myself to stop at Pride, Shell, etc. and they purchase oil supplies in South America and some other countries - I do not remember the list. Mobil is near my area. That's the problem.

I was told that if we go other gas stations, Saduis business will lose its business with Mobil. Gee, is that spell correct - Mobil or Mobile? I don't pay attention to the sign.
They just announced that the Saudis will not do anything with oil to help Bush.