roommate drama... ugh

I have friends that had to kick out their roomate (and friend) out of their place because he didn't pay rent for a few months. THEN he "borrowed" money from all the people that would still speak with him (he "borowed" from me and my fiance, too). He continued to "borrow" from whoever would give him money, then stop speaking to them. Anyway, he eventually DID get kicked out, but in the process, his roomates lost their house because they couldn't afford it. AND, their credit was destroyed.

I suggest letting your roomate know that if he does the same thing next month, you will evict him. People like that just drain on all your resources. Especially if you have a child. Since I saw this same thing happen to my friends and how much was lost (money AND friendships), I suggest evicting him. Good luck, and sorry this had to happen to you. :(
one advice i am goin to give all of you aders, DO NOT EVER LIVE WITH YOUR EXS.. it never works out.. I have a girlfriend who had big problems living with her exboyfriend. including harrassments, and possible abuse. It is hurting her self esteem, mental health, physical health and emotional health.. So never move in with an ex girlfriend or boyfriend.. its not worth the shit..
Good advice and :gpost: darkangel8603! :)

Yeah...better not live with ex-roomates.
Another similiar advice is DO NOT live with your ex boy/girlfriends right after the break up just so you have a roommate to pay the bills right at that moment. Also if you're living together and happened to break up in the middle of the lease period, its best either one of you move out if can afford it or have a place to go to. Otherwise tough it out to the end of the lease. The emotional turmoil of the breakup can cause problems.

I have had a cousin live with me and boyfriend and later on, he stopped paying rent so had to kick him out. I refused to talk to him for 2 years at family events. Now we don't talk much--its not the sucks when it happens to be a family relative who is a deadbeat :ugh:
I understand how frustrated to have roommates who live off of you and only getting a free ride just having a roof over their head without paying a dime on rent, or other bills. I was generously enough to allow my ex who is the father of my son to move in with us because he had no place to go was struggling on getting a job etc. and I told him that he could move in but needed to pay his half share on rent, electric, phone, and get a job. I helped him get a job, and then he was good at paying his half of share for just a very short period of time, Then he goes off telling me that he had to pay this other bill that he hasn't took care of, So, I gave him a free month to catch up whatever he had an issue with, then within the next following month later, same issue came up, He again claim that he had another issue that he had to take care of, I thought to myself, how can I be so blind? He used all his paychecks on drinking and drugs and I should have known that, I was his ex. The issue with me is that I trust people, I trust people with all I have, and I hate when people out there that loves to take advantage of my kindness when it comes to offer to help one out when someone is struggling. He knew that would work on me and he did used it on me.

Not all he've done, He had damage my property, when he was drunk and on drugs. Let me tell you what he've done. When I wasn't home he lost his key, so he decide to break the window from the outside to enter in the house. He had threw my remote control across the wall just because I wouldn't allowing him to drive my car. We have fought about bills about his drinking and drugs. I thought this was enough, So I asked him to move out, and then he went to my son trying to tell him that I'm throwing him out on the street. I thought to myself, Do I wanna live like this, and having my son seeing his own dad being drunk and being on drugs? This is not what I want my son to see.

Sometimes you gotta step on the plate and say when enough is enough and do everything you can to kick that roommate out, because they're keep doing what they've been doing to you from the start. ;)
My ex girlfriend was a deadbeat and physically abusive. She never paid any of the rent. She never paid any of the bills. And she sit on her ass all day while I go to work for 12+ hours a day breaking my back to pay the rent and the bills.

I couldn't take it anymore and moved away. Landlord kicked her out of my house so I could pack up all of my stuff and put in storage then I went to live with a friend until I found another place to live.

To this day we do not speak anymore. (this was about 6 or 7 years ago).
Cheri said:
I understand how frustrated to have roommates who live off of you and only getting a free ride just having a roof over their head without paying a dime on rent, or other bills. I was generously enough to allow my ex who is the father of my son to move in with us because he had no place to go was struggling on getting a job etc. and I told him that he could move in but needed to pay his half share on rent, electric, phone, and get a job. I helped him get a job, and then he was good at paying his half of share for just a very short period of time, Then he goes off telling me that he had to pay this other bill that he hasn't took care of, So, I gave him a free month to catch up whatever he had an issue with, then within the next following month later, same issue came up, He again claim that he had another issue that he had to take care of, I thought to myself, how can I be so blind? He used all his paychecks on drinking and drugs and I should have known that, I was his ex. The issue with me is that I trust people, I trust people with all I have, and I hate when people out there that loves to take advantage of my kindness when it comes to offer to help one out when someone is struggling. He knew that would work on me and he did used it on me.

Not all he've done, He had damage my property, when he was drunk and on drugs. Let me tell you what he've done. When I wasn't home he lost his key, so he decide to break the window from the outside to enter in the house. He had threw my remote control across the wall just because I wouldn't allowing him to drive my car. We have fought about bills about his drinking and drugs. I thought this was enough, So I asked him to move out, and then he went to my son trying to tell him that I'm throwing him out on the street. I thought to myself, Do I wanna live like this, and having my son seeing his own dad being drunk and being on drugs? This is not what I want my son to see.

Sometimes you gotta step on the plate and say when enough is enough and do everything you can to kick that roommate out, because they're keep doing what they've been doing to you from the start. ;)

cheri, that's horrible! it makes me angry that he took advantage of you. breaking personal property is NEVER okay.
oh oy about the horrible stories you all have share about roommates sheesh

i don't have worse stories but still so so story but we do get along

the roommate's nowhere to be seen- he hasn't been home since july the 3rd. and nope, he hasn't dropped off money for his rent. i text messaged him TWICE asking him for rent nicely, but he didn't reply. i also texted him and said that he could hide, but that doesn't change the fact that he still owes money for rent.

the landlord's supposed to come over any minute to pick up the check and i am SO nervous and worried. i dread being the one to tell him "umm... he didn't pay for his share of rent". i plan on telling the landlord the truth AND showing him the roommate's bedroom (trust me, it's FILTHY).
suicidegirl said:

the roommate's nowhere to be seen- he hasn't been home since july the 3rd. and nope, he hasn't dropped off money for his rent. i text messaged him TWICE asking him for rent nicely, but he didn't reply. i also texted him and said that he could hide, but that doesn't change the fact that he still owes money for rent.

the landlord's supposed to come over any minute to pick up the check and i am SO nervous and worried. i dread being the one to tell him "umm... he didn't pay for his share of rent". i plan on telling the landlord the truth AND showing him the roommate's bedroom (trust me, it's FILTHY).

To hell with your roommate! Show the landlord his room!!! Then he will be sure to evict him! And, if you are worried about yourself getting kicked out, you could cover his part of the rent for now just to ensure that YOU have a place to live...and kick him out.
suicidegirl said:

the roommate's nowhere to be seen- he hasn't been home since july the 3rd. and nope, he hasn't dropped off money for his rent. i text messaged him TWICE asking him for rent nicely, but he didn't reply. i also texted him and said that he could hide, but that doesn't change the fact that he still owes money for rent.

the landlord's supposed to come over any minute to pick up the check and i am SO nervous and worried. i dread being the one to tell him "umm... he didn't pay for his share of rent". i plan on telling the landlord the truth AND showing him the roommate's bedroom (trust me, it's FILTHY).

ahh, i hate that happens.. but can you find the other 1/2 of rent to pay come up? otherwise landlord will kick you out for that too..

wish you the best.. :/
suicidegirl said:

the roommate's nowhere to be seen- he hasn't been home since july the 3rd. and nope, he hasn't dropped off money for his rent. i text messaged him TWICE asking him for rent nicely, but he didn't reply. i also texted him and said that he could hide, but that doesn't change the fact that he still owes money for rent.

the landlord's supposed to come over any minute to pick up the check and i am SO nervous and worried. i dread being the one to tell him "umm... he didn't pay for his share of rent". i plan on telling the landlord the truth AND showing him the roommate's bedroom (trust me, it's FILTHY).


good luck
LuciaDisturbed said:
To hell with your roommate! Show the landlord his room!!! Then he will be sure to evict him! And, if you are worried about yourself getting kicked out, you could cover his part of the rent for now just to ensure that YOU have a place to live...and kick him out.

unfortunately, i only have $50 to my name right now so covering his part of rent is IMPOSSIBLE.
sorry to hear that you are in a desperate situation. Can your parents help you out?? :dunno: You dont have to say anything about that here if its a personal thing with you.
Wow I'm really sorry to hear about that ...
thats why I don't have roomates unless Im married or whatsoever.....

Thats it PERIOD! (no roomate)

Again I hope things will be better for you.... Have you thought about getting your little place, something that you can afford? It doesn't have to be big and fancy! Something simple and keeps a roof over your head... I personally think you will be happy that way.. But I hope you get this strighten out with this person :scatter:
sillycat said:
sorry to hear that you are in a desperate situation. Can your parents help you out?? :dunno: You dont have to say anything about that here if its a personal thing with you.

that's a good suggestion, actually. and no, that's not personal (nothing is too personal for me, I'm an open book). I don't really have parents, because I grew up in and out of foster care. I could ask my former foster parents for help, but they're on a tight budget and out of town so that seems very unlikely.

the landlord never showed up last night and I'm hoping that nothing bad happened to him. maybe he'll come over today.

thank you, everyone, for your advice and support. I really apprecicate it.