Restaurant to Screaming Kids' Parents: We Won't Put Up With It

I wonder if a good solution would be if those couples who want a romantic dinner, dont go to places where they have kid friendly menus?

That's an interesting point. There's plenty of restaurants around here that are definitely pricey and adult menus (with wine or other liquor), no kid selections, etc.

Yea, that was what I was thinking of. It depends on the couple if they can afford those prices.

Exactly Shel & Alley, But most restaurants have a kid-friendly menu. If they don't it's horribly expensive. If a chain restaurant made an adult only there could be a market out there.
We have the Alamo Drafthouse (Movie and Dinner kind of thing) that only allows ages 18 and up. :)

Not captioned, though. :(
Go to a private club that admits those aged 21 or older. There are two here that are set up this way, but I have no partner thus no reason to go to these places, although an adult night out occasionally would be nice.