Questions, questions..


New Member
Sep 14, 2007
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Good morning :dance2: everyone!!

I have a question: Can you tell me what is one thing you would like to tell hearing people about being a person who is deaf? Is there anything you want them to know? Thank you so much for sharing!!! :ty:
One thing I want to tell hearing people is that exposing deaf children ASL wont in any way interfere with their abilities to develop speech skills.
Tell them that we are very proud of being deaf and never been unhappy with it so we don't need some of pity. :)
One thing i want hearing people to know that we arn't freaks and just because some of us are oral it doesn't mean we don't have hearing loss and that they don't need to tell us who we are and arn't we know who we are.
Just because many of us may have unintelligible speech, it does not mean we are unintelligent mentally. I hate it when they assume we are dumb based on our speech or using sign language. :pissed:


P.S. Also tell them not to react with an "Oh I am sorry" if I tell them I am deaf. :giggle:
the famous quote is... We can do anything except hear! it sums all up! :D
Tell hearin' people not to mess w/ deaf people. Deaf people aren't that stupid. :)
I'm not "deaf and dumb," I'm just deaf and being dumb has nothing to do with being deaf.

Secondly, I have a hearing dog with me at almost all times. We are not a circus act, so quit pointing your fingers at us and grabbing your little kids by the elbow to see us. We're not going to do a trick for you.

Third, no, you may not pet my dog. Would you like it if I petted you?

By the way, I have not said the third item, as I don't have the nerve to ask someone if they want to be petted. :giggle:
I forgot to mention a big one when it comes to church and Christians wanting to lay hands on me or other deafs for healing of deafness. I've allowed this in the past, but never felt comfortable when people did it. Any ideas how to handle this in the future?
Tell them that we are very proud of being deaf and never been unhappy with it so we don't need some of pity. :)

Speaking of pity, I don't like being pitied by these hearing people, like one of my friend was pitied by a friend's ex - girlfriend. Her friend was not happy about his ex-girlfriend. pitfullness, is not a good thing to show the deaf people.
Good morning :dance2: everyone!!

I have a question: Can you tell me what is one thing you would like to tell hearing people about being a person who is deaf? Is there anything you want them to know? Thank you so much for sharing!!! :ty:

Yea that deaf people don't bite. I hate the fact when I informed a hearing person that I'm deaf, they take off. It gets tiresome after a while.
Speaking of pity, I don't like being pitied by these hearing people

I feel the same way as you do, I don't like hearing people saying "Oh I'm sorry that You're deaf" It's like what is it to be sorry about?
I do not need to add anything here because I agree with everyone here.
I feel the same way as you do, I don't like hearing people saying "Oh I'm sorry that You're deaf" It's like what is it to be sorry about?

Yeah, we are just normal people, only small execption is hearing, that's it. Remember, deaf people can do anything.
Just because many of us may have unintelligible speech, it does not mean we are unintelligent mentally. I hate it when they assume we are dumb based on our speech or using sign language. :pissed:

Right. Sometimes, nasal accent can be hard to understand for some hearing people.
I forgot to mention a big one when it comes to church and Christians wanting to lay hands on me or other deafs for healing of deafness. I've allowed this in the past, but never felt comfortable when people did it. Any ideas how to handle this in the future?

Long time ago, when my mom and i rode on the bus that was driven toward to stadium that where the church was having a revival. And my mom heard the loudspeaker said that if anyone who needs healing. My mom and i walked down the step and walked toward to the platform and one of the pastor did laying his hands on my ears to heal my deafness into hearing. What a bogus and was a laughable!!! It does not work that way stupid Pastor! Lmao!!!!
I forgot to mention a big one when it comes to church and Christians wanting to lay hands on me or other deafs for healing of deafness. I've allowed this in the past, but never felt comfortable when people did it. Any ideas how to handle this in the future?

Uh, don't know if this will help or not, but we had a fundamentalist Christian tell my son one time if he prayed hard enough , God would "heal" him. He replied that he wasn't sick.
Want to add this in relation to another thread.

CIs are not the cure for deafness.