Public Schools Lunches


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
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Free and reduced-price meals are available to students who qualify. (eligibility for free and reduced price meals or free milk. These guidelines are used by schools). What do you think about that program? :)

:::: Please no off topic in this thread.::::::: :ty:
Honestly, it sounds good but here in Germany, we don´t have like this.

I made sandwiches, fruits and bottle plastic of any juices or water (add lemon, apple or orange) for my boys´s school lunch. They have canteen in the school. The prices are not expensive. Sometimes I give my boys money to buy something to eat.

I forget to add:

The school rule:
We must use any box or tupperware box etc to use for sandwiches, etc. instead of plastic bag or foil paper.
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I remember when I was at public school -- they'd provide hot lunches and my parents only had to pay a small amount for the year for hot lunches. It wasn't too bad. :P
I remembered that I went with free (most of the times) and reduced lunches growing up... it was wonderful... most of the times the foods was good... it also gave me some nice variety compared to what I get at home. My last two years at high school... the foods tasted as if it was homemade! Aw, I miss eating there already! The lunch ladies at that high school were really sweet and awesome! So, I think that the program is good because look at me... some days I wouldn't be able to eat much at home and only to get some good meal at lunches. So, I believe that program is a good idea and I like the guideline that allows which child would have free or reduced lunches. It helped very much. :)
i stayed dorm and went cafe all the time.. breakfast, lunch and supper i was 8 and 9 grades then i was 10 th to 12 grades i stayed INDEPENDENCE house.. so i do myself cook and wake up , clean n free myself so i dont have depend on houseparent.. i loved there!!!! :)
The best part of growing up with school lunches was that pizza was always on Tuesday! Hooray!
I think these programs are good for some families who are struggling with finances. It is important for the children to eat their food. It would be stupid to deny them food because their parents cannot give the money.

And off topic here... I always brought lunchbox to school just because I loved the fact that my parents would put in Tastykakes for me. Tastykakes were a prime trading thing with my best friend; she too would get Tastykakes from her parents and we would eat one piece each variety. Ahhh, good old day when it was ok to trade lunches.

From middle school onwards, it was fairly inexpensive to purchase lunch, only 5 bucks a week, though my parents sometimes gave me more. I was a fat kid in grades 6 and 7. LOL...
My daughters bring their own lunches to school in Australia, like sandwiches, fruit, juice drinks and some left over dinners/pie to heat up at school microwave's, and they can order school canteen for a bag of chips, hot dogs, ice cream etc as it is rather expensive compared with supermarket's prices!!

In England, school lunches is very cheap and it is popular for British schoolchildren to have hot meals every day!!!
I think that program is great idea for people who has low incoming, it helps children to be able to eat their lunch at school everyday without the parents worry whether they have the money to buy their children lunch or having enough food to pack their lunch everyday. I do know how hard it is for people who has low incoming and with this program that the schools are offering is a wonderful idea, and it shows that they willing to work with the parents on it....


Cheri asked what you think of this program, she didn't ask if you buy or pack your child lunch....
I think this is a great program because it allows these children from low income families to eat nutrititous meals, allowing them to focus better in school. Most of these children go to school without eating breakfast so imagine them having no food until they get home from school? They surely cannot focus on anything if there are hunger pangs in their stomachs.

Does this program offer breakfasts too???
Does this program offer breakfasts too???

Yes they do, If the children comes to school half hour early they would get breakfast.:)
Oh I didn't know that, wow that's great!!!

Two years ago our school here had started with the breakfast program and how some parents or children are running late for school and didn't have the time to feed their children breakfast and now that the school has this breakfast they offering for those who didn't eat any.. I thought it was awesome idea!!! since breakfast is the most important meal !!!!
My son Markus is eligibility for free meals/breakfasts at his school because of one family income. But, My son doesn't always eat breakfasts there at school He eats it at home before he goes to school:)

I think it is a great program too;)
^Angel^ said:
I think that program is great idea for people who has low incoming, it helps children to be able to eat their lunch at school everyday without the parents worry whether they have the money to buy their children lunch or having enough food to pack their lunch everyday. I do know how hard it is for people who has low incoming and with this program that the schools are offering is a wonderful idea, and it shows that they willing to work with the parents on it....


Cheri asked what you think of this program, she didn't ask if you buy or pack your child lunch....

In Australia lots of children go to Before School and After School Programme because more and more parents go to work, and they drop their kids to school early at 7 and pick them up at 6pm, (Normally school hour is at 9 till 3.30pm) and they provided fun activities and foods (Breakfast and supper), if I want to enrol my daughters to this Programme, I will pay about $20 for each child, but single Mothers and low earner couple pay $2 for each child!!
It has been introduced here long before I started my family.

Australia Government look after them very well and in many other things like medical bills too.
My daughter gets the free lunches because of our income. I really appreciate the program. I could afford to pack a lunch everday, but it would probably not be as hearty as the meals at school. She likes to have hot lunches especially in the colder months.

If we had to buy her lunches everyday, we would have less to afford dinners. When money is tight, we can't afford any meats and have to eat soup, potatoes and grilled cheese for dinners.

Plus, if the schools have a lot of children who qualify for the free lunch, the school will get more governement money. My daughter's school has 45% of students who qualify and the school gets gov't money for computers, reading specialists, field trips, etc.
When we first moved to South Carolina our daughter went to public school for two years. She got reduced lunch price because we were low income. (My hubby was low-ranking Navy enlisted man, and I was a college student.) The next year she attended private Christian school. The funny thing is, our income was still low, but of course there is no government subsidised lunch program in private schools.
Reba said:
The funny thing is, our income was still low, but of course there is no government subsidised lunch program in private schools.

Awww Sorry about that Reba. I wish they would do that in private schools too.
Cheri said:
Awww Sorry about that Reba. I wish they would do that in private schools too.
Thanks, but we survived. :) We ate lots of rice and spaghetti back then; very simple meals.