

Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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IMO, this is an advantage for the Deafies, at least it is for me. I've noticed how hearing people try to pronounce certain words, like Baghdad for instance, and they just fail at it. For us Deafies, it's easier because all we gotta do is memorize how to spell the word out. ;)

What's your opinion?
lol, agreed!! My friend who hears says on tests she always focus so much on how to pronounce a word to write it down while all I do is just think of how to spell it and then write down. That's one advantage of being deaf!! :mrgreen:
well, technically no.......... it is not pronounced the way it is spelled. people kept saying I - RAN when it is more like Eron it is hard to explain...but hearings have the benefit of hearing that word so they can know how to pronounce it. I always make the mistake of pronouncing how it is spelled. Like you are not supposed to say the B in Climbing or something like that and I always say the B.......
wanna know what's funny... sometime like some hard words to say it, for ex. i'll say something then ummm bad.... like i'm not sure or something than my friend would say it and i'm like yeaaa.. lol
Sometimes I don't know how to pronounce a word so I'll just spell it out. I know someone who is hearing pronounced 'league' wrong, he actually did say it as it was spelled, which it isnt supposed to. I could read his lips saying it as it was spelled :lol:
John: I know what you mean, buddy! I've pronounce "Baghdad" BAG-DAD when it is supposed to be more like BAAG DAADH :sheep: :laugh2:
sure we do have good memorize with our eyes reading which it comes into our mind quickly while hearies hears it first thawn read it first.. :o 258... :| mmm-mmm
Yeah, I often have problems with pronuncation of words. I live with my family, and they are hearing. So I am used to speaking with my voice with them. Sometimes I would say something wrong because of what I thought it seems like, and my parents are like ehhhhh? So I spell it out and they go ohhhhhhh! and showed me the right way to say it. When I was working at store, I always said receipt the wrong way and always had problems with customers understanding me when I said receipt (resehpt). Finally, my sister realised I said it wrong and showed me the right way to say it (reseet). After that, it was great with customers, no problem.
There are a lot of things that hearing people can't do. One word that a lot of hearing people confuse on saying is DEAF. They usually reply with DEATH when talking about DEAF.
Originally posted by VamPyroX
There are a lot of things that hearing people can't do. One word that a lot of hearing people confuse on saying is DEAF. They usually reply with DEATH when talking about DEAF.

:shock: :eek: yeahh i agree - heh they do that sometimes
Originally posted by Alex
John: I know what you mean, buddy! I've pronounce "Baghdad" BAG-DAD when it is supposed to be more like BAAG DAADH :sheep: :laugh2:

Oh really? I think I pronounced it wrong. I always said, "BANG-HAD" :o

I've always had problems with pronunciation myself. These are few examples I have problems with:

Reciept (reseet) not (res sept)
Debt (det) not (deb-t)
Consumation (kon sah may shun) not (kon sue may shun)
Xena (zee nah) not (aks zee nah)

I have a long list of pronunciation problems. :Oops:
Originally posted by *~Rayden Wins~*
:shock: :eek: yeahh i agree - heh they do that sometimes

yeah it happend to me too from people say that I keep tell them dont say DEATH.. just say DEAF..... they thought it sound like DEATH almost like DEAF but it is not. ha ha ha ha oh well.....:D
Me either. :lol:

When I say stupid - Dtupid and shut up (dhut up). A friend of mine thought it was so cute when I say.. and asked me to say it again n again. I swore not to use my voice ever again except for my daughter.
hey it's not just us that would have some plm pronouncing, i'm sure every hearing people would have some words pronoucing the wrong way and they might not even know it :laugh2:
You are right... There are some people who are having some problems with proounce. Once my teacher said they need to work on their speech and sound. I raised my hand and told my teacher.. If we practice on our speech and how can I hear the sound, eh? Then he gave me a question.. I was like umm umm and i have to give him an answer quickly. :o
Originally posted by ChelEler

I've always had problems with pronunciation myself. These are few examples I have problems with:

Reciept (reseet) not (res sept)
Debt (det) not (deb-t)
Consumation (kon sah may shun) not (kon sue may shun)
Xena (zee nah) not (aks zee nah)

I have a long list of pronunciation problems. :Oops:

Me too!
I cannot even say "X"... I always say "ks" so if I tried to say "example" it would be "eksample," or "ax" = "aks" etc...
Also, the sound "R" I sometimes say "w" instead! :ugh:

English is a hell of a language to speak! :laugh2:

The river where my town lies on, Maurice.... for all of my life, I always said "maw-rees" until my sister corrected me recently.. "mor ris!"

My hearing friends say that I often add more sounds to my words at the endings. For example, work is supposed to be one sound, but I always said "wor-k" which makes two sounds... I have tried to make it into one sound but it is impossible for me... wow... anyone have same problem as this one?
Ah, I know what you mean about two sounds. :laugh2: No one have ever told me that I make these kind of "funny" comments. :dunno: but I understand where you're standing, because I have seen some people saying these kind of words (I lipread well). So anyway, I don't have that kind of problem myself.