Pissed off at older sister!

Although I can't relate because well honestly my little brother is at times more like my son (he's 14 yrs younger) and moved to Ky to be closer to me and Adam... I do hate that your sister did that to you!!!! You have every right to be hurt. Sadly sometimes family are the ones who let us down the most-- :( :hug:
I am sorry that your sister did that. I would feel the same.

I have 5 brothers but the one I am the closest is my deaf brother. The rest of them are all hearing and at least 16 years younger than me so that doesnt help.
Oh boy! Talk about opening up a "can of worms" here...3 sisters, 2 brothers....I'm the only deafie in the family. Oldest brother ignores me, won't take VP or TTD calls, doesn't like "talking to a machine"...I "excuse that", he's a Vietnam veteran and a "recluse"...I plan to go see him very soon as he never leaves his apartment in another state... Youngest brother...haven't seen him in 50 years!...Long story there.....as for my 3 sisters, the oldest one "has to be the center of everything"...the next one, we hardly ever talk, because she has the attitude.."I know what's better for you"...and the youngest one, we are closer and chat a lot via email....

It used to bother the heck out of me!...But realized that life is short, so I overlook any and all flaws with my family and just try to "get along".

But, whatdoyousay....I would feel "hurt" if this happened to me also!...Hoping things can be better for both of you later on down the line....Next time, make it clear that you want to spend some "quality" time with her, just the 2 of you! with no outside interference.

I had told my sister that I would like to spend time with her, and she told
"sisters ARE NOT FRIENDS! My older sister is the same too she has to be the center of attention . The first time she meet my boyfriend she asked him "who has a better figure me or my sister!" I was ripped shit! The bitch is been married for years and I never been married. There is a lot off bad blood between us. Your family sound like my family! My younger sister hate to talk on the phone and would never email me . She does email sometimenot alot
It would have been worse if your sister blew you off and didn't visit with you. Maybe her friends invited themselves or she felt obligated to invite them. Write her a note letting her know how you feel and see what she says.

I did send my sister an email , my sister can be standoffish at time , my family is a classiest dysfunctional family ,our dad was an abusive drunk , so there was a lot of name calling and bullying in our family . I got most of it for being HOH . And my sister will try to get away with doing this now. We end up having big fights, we do make up but it take awhile .
Lucky as an only child I escape all this. But I am sorry your sister caused you all this dissappointment, whatdidyousay? .

Thanks Bottesini, my daughter is an only child too and she did not have to go through all this , she it very together and does not have a lot bad feelings to carry around. There is nothing wrong with being an only child.
Thank you everyone for all your support! I feel better now,. I agree it hard getting along with your family at time , wish it was not this way. Your family should be one place you always feel safe with. Speaking of family , I better take my 4 legged kid out.
Well then, it is nice of you to pity me. Perhaps you can adopt me and then provide me with siblings so I can enjoy all this camaraderie.


I was strolling through this thread when I saw this comment of Bott's. I started to belly laugh! The first time I go on the site in at least a week (I think) and Botti's got me laughing. I needed that!
True. I would feel same thing. Worst thing is I dated a girl in London, and she brought her best friend (girl) with her at restaurant, it turned me off.

well - she brought one for support and/or as a test to see if you're cool or not. you obviously failed her test :giggle:

or if she did bring one cuz you were dull, well that doesn't make any sense on her part.
My sister and I had seen one another in over a year, we lost our mother in 2008 ,so I do not see my famliy a lot any more. My sister emailed me on Friday that she was coming to see me today and not to call her at she would be in Boston on Saturday. My sister got here today and she was late , and she told me that a friend of her and her daughter are coming to too that they were waiting in the car! I was really disappointed as I thought it was going only be me and my sister going out to eat, And I have a hard.time keeping with the converation as people do not talk loud enough for me. I felt really insulted that my sister brought her friend and daughter so she would have some company at dinner. This was my sister way of saying I really do not want to spend time with you along! The woman was one of her best friend and my sister once told me that sisters are not friends! I am not going out with my sister again if she can't stand spending time with me along!

just a question - why did you want the dinner only with your sister?
whatdidyousay! I think you need to move on if they don't treat you any better.. and about emails just don't tell them what email address you have and you can always change your last name if you wanted to if they keep bugging you ;) that's my suggestion but I do well with my bro and sis i sometimes text them or email them but they know they can't mess around with me cuz I'm the oldest.. ;) but I feel your pain.. but just keep your head up and high and be strong don't let them walk all over you :)
no 3's

True. I would feel same thing. Worst thing is I dated a girl in London, and she brought her best friend (girl) with her at restaurant, it turned me off.

oh my god!! a threesome and you turned it down??????? the deaf culture pride suffers yet another blow:shock:
well - she brought one for support and/or as a test to see if you're cool or not. you obviously failed her test :giggle:

or if she did bring one cuz you were dull, well that doesn't make any sense on her part.

Jiro, you are right. I do remembered the dating rule as just a precaution as feeling uncomfortable and not sure of meeting the right man for the first time. Yes, I do remembered that having a friend coming along for the dinner is to support her to help her be at ease with him. After she get to know him and feeling comfortable with him, then they will go out together without her friend and able to communicate with each other at ease. Only on first date is just to be caution.

But we were talking about family members, not dating. So that is entirely different story. :cool2:
just a question - why did you want the dinner only with your sister?

I always end up getting left when I am with more than one person. and I wanted to talk to my sister about some things and was not able to as she brought her friend and her friend daughter with her. My sister did spend more time talking to her friend than me . I find when I am more than one hearing person they talk softer , I will ask them to talk louder and they will forawhile than go back to talking so soft Ihave truble hearing them. when
I am with only one person they will talk louder the whole time . This why I wanted to eat alone with my sister. Like I said my sister rather would hang out with her friend than me and I knew she would want to talk he friend more than me and I was right.
I always end up getting left when I am with more than one person. and I wanted to talk to my sister about some things and was not able to as she brought her friend and her friend daughter with her. My sister did spend more time talking to her friend than me . I find when I am more than one hearing person they talk softer , I will ask them to talk louder and they will forawhile than go back to talking so soft Ihave truble hearing them. when
I am with only one person they will talk louder the whole time . This why I wanted to eat alone with my sister. Like I said my sister rather would hang out with her friend than me and I knew she would want to talk he friend more than me and I was right.

so did you tell her to come alone? did you explain to her about it?
oh my god!! a threesome and you turned it down??????? the deaf culture pride suffers yet another blow:shock:

I did not turn it down , I when out to eat with them . I do not have deaf pride , I never been proud of being HOH , it only brought me pain and I mean real pain , as my dad woud hit me for not coming when he called me and this happen all the time.
so did you tell her to come alone? did you explain to her about it?

I did not know my sister was bringing her friend until she came to my house to pick me up. I was surprised as my sister did not say any thing in her emails about bring her friends , I would said something if I had known. I am only able to wear one one HA now and this made it harder to hear another reason I rather be one person at a time. My sister and worked things out , she said she was sorry for surprising me by bringing he friend. She does not say she sorry to me very often.

im so sorry about your sister have problems as "sister to sister"

many million sisters have problems or not they trust each since parents's deaths

i have 2 step-sisters who lives in KS never problems but sometimes argue and can talk her own parents about problems of their own but both got married and have kids on their own..And also i have 2 step-brothers

but im older i have younger brother but i can handle everythings if my parents's death i can sell my parents's house and everythings somedays i told my mom about that in future but not now..

im so sorry about your sister have problems as "sister to sister"

many million sisters have problems or not they trust each since parents's deaths

i have 2 step-sisters who lives in KS never problems but sometimes argue and can talk her own parents about problems of their own but both got married and have kids on their own..And also i have 2 step-brothers

but im older i have younger brother but i can handle everythings if my parents's death i can sell my parents's house and everythings somedays i told my mom about that in future but not now..

Thanks sara. My family was very dyfunctional growning up , and it does made it hard to get along at time either when we're all grown up. I moved 3,000 miles to Ca. to get away from my family. My older sister moved out there a few years later. And I moved moved to Northern CA. for awhile , my sister did not . And this worked better for me. I love my sister ,we just can't spend a lot of time together or we'll end up fighting.
sorry hear about to your sister situation your sister seems diffiuclt., also my sister is very resist to my family hard ! not easy!!! that is not good!
Thank you for reminding me. I need to beat the heck out of my sister. Just bc I wuv her. As kids, we fought like "normal" sisters all the times, but grew to like each other as we got older. We have become very close over the years and I am so happy to have her in my life. We are like the best friends. :)