Phone with hearingt aids

What about using VP or text messaging instead?

Can you tell your job to make the accodomations?

Not possible.

I would rather go for an aid that get along with phones.
Not possible.

I would rather go for an aid that get along with phones.

That's too bad because if we can get most workplaces to make these accodomations, more deaf people wouldnt have to face discrimination with phones. Oh well.
It varies on the individual. There are some hard-of-hearing people who can use the phone well and others who can't.
depends on what?
It depends on a lot of things. There are some hard-of-hearing people who can hear better than other hard-of-hearing people, but there are some hard-of-hearing people who can understand sounds better than other hard-of-hearing people.
Yeah, it varies. For me, I have crappy hearing, but I could use the phone if I really concentrated enough. Of course, depending on the accents involved, I either cannot understand at all, or my brain turns into mush by the end of the day from concentrating so much.

Ever since switching to use VP at work, my brain has thanked me. My VP interpreters are probably cursing me now. lol
I have the Phonak Versata aids - and my main reason for getting them is that I cannot hear my phone in my photo studio business.

I added the iCom and I use Bluetooth with my Verizon cell phone (my business phone rolls over to my cell).

The iCom is FANTASTIC !!!!!! I can hear my cell phone in a noisy studio - and I have one touch phone answering on the road when I drive.

Take a look at iCom - and give it a try. It has made my life sooooo much better.

I have the Phonak Versata aids - and my main reason for getting them is that I cannot hear my phone in my photo studio business.

I added the iCom and I use Bluetooth with my Verizon cell phone (my business phone rolls over to my cell).

The iCom is FANTASTIC !!!!!! I can hear my cell phone in a noisy studio - and I have one touch phone answering on the road when I drive.

Take a look at iCom - and give it a try. It has made my life sooooo much better.


The hearing aid companies are making so much money out of these.

Can't they merge everything in the aid itself?
iCom and my cell phone

The hearing aid companies are making so much money out of these.

Can't they merge everything in the aid itself?

Every once and a while there is something that is actually worth its cost to purchase.

If you need this, buy it. If you don't, then don't.

For me, it has been my best investment this year.
I H-A-T-E using the phone. :) There is only one phone in the house that I can hear in and it's still a struggle for me to hear. The other two phones are way too low and I can't adjust the volume, so it is very very difficult for me to understand the person on the other end of the line and I usually have to tell them to hold while I switch phones. My parents never knew this until I told them, so my mom wants to go to the hearing center hear in town and get me a specialized loud phone for people with HAs.

When I do use the phone, however, I just switch my aids to the telephone feature. It works better than not using it.

Also, I cannot use the cell phone with my HAs. The telephone feature does not work because it gets really staticky. I always have to use the "loudspeaker" option in order to hear. I think that when I get my own cell phone, I will primarily use it for texting unless I can find a specialized phone for HOH people. I don't need a cell phone right now anyways.
On phone you get the words directly to your ears. There is no background noise.

It is like you ask someon to come closer so you understand better.

I am just surprised that hearing aids don't help with using phone. Maybe that is only with digital aids not analog.


That's not true. I have worn both analog and digital hearing aids. I never had any problem using the phones. I don't use the telelphone mode switch either.
That's not true. I have worn both analog and digital hearing aids. I never had any problem using the phones. I don't use the telelphone mode switch either.

It depends on your loss, I guess, and also what frequencies you can hear. I wear digital aids and as I said before, I often have a lot of difficulty understanding someone over the phone, even with the telephone feature.
It depends on your loss, I guess, and also what frequencies you can hear. I wear digital aids and as I said before, I often have a lot of difficulty understanding someone over the phone, even with the telephone feature.

I just bought a cellphone I can use with my TT switch and it's so much better for me. I also bought new phones (not for deaf) that have made hearing much easier for me with my TT switch.

I have a home loop system also that can be connected to a phone so that you can use your TT switch to hear in both ears. However, I haven't tried it on the phones I just use it for television.

I have so many probs with hearing on phones and yes I often get some static but I am able to hear so much better with my TT switch.

My mother has a phone made for the hard of hearing and it's amazingly loud. I have to turn it down. The phone nearly sends you through the roof with fright wihen it rings too plus she has lights on it and can get more lights in other rooms if she needs it.

The Jitterbug cellphone is supposed to be good for this too I have read. has lots of different things you can use to help with hearing as well. I need to look into more stuff for myself as I haven't kept up with it all lately. My biggest interest is the bluetooth wireles for computer, I think that would be good.