Parent Of Deaf Child, Newbie Intro


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Jan 8, 2005
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My name is Caroline, I am hearing and I have 4 Children the oldest three are all hearing, and Henry has unilateral hearing loss in his left ear and slightly reduced loss in his right ear.

Henry was born on the 27th March 2000, at the Royal Sussex Hospital in Brighton, East Sussex. He was born at 26 weeks and remained in the Trevor Mann Baby Unit at the hospital for 6 weeks, before being transferred the SCBU at our local hospital in Eastbourne. While in hospital he was treated with gentamicin and vancamicin, and it is the gentamicin that is believed (by me and some of his health professionals to be the cause of his hearing problems). In September 2000 he had his first hearing test .

He has finally managed to get into the 25th centile on his weight chart, and isn’t far off on his height. I can actually but him boy’s clothes now and not just toddlers clothes. Not surprising when you see the amount he eats, more than his 7-year-old sister.

His health is improving, in the last year he has had his adenoids taken out, and grommets put in. Neither seems to have helped much, but at least the last anaesthetist to see him said she couldn’t believe he had ever had chronic lung disease, which is great to hear. He does still get breathless if you walk him to fast, and he also suddenly gets very tired.

I first became aware of his potential hearing loss when he was about 9 months, and Henry also failed 5 health visitor routine hearing tests, despite this I was told I was imagining his hearing loss. Eventually a health visitor did refer him to audiology who tested him twice, but could never get a good result from his left ear (they still struggle).

We moved to Yorkshire in September 2002, and after I battled with GP and HV, I managed to get Henry referred to Audiology again. Various things were tried to persuade me that there was nothing wrong, and that I was imagining it, despite Henry failing hearing tests constantly, in July this year he was given grommets, they actually seem to have made his hearing worse. Until in October this year when we saw a different consultant who announced that Henry was deaf in one ear and must have been since birth.

Henry has now had more tests done, and on Wednesday ((8th December) he had a mould done for his hearing aid, I don’t know what type he is getting, I forgot to ask.

Henry was fitted with a Hearing Aid on the 6th January, the day after he starts school full time. We have had a meeting with the lovely teacher from the local service for deaf and hearing-impaired children. He is Bilingual in as much as he can sign as well as he can speak. He also uses Makaton and can lip-read a little.

The good news is Henry has been discharged from The Paediatric consultant and the Ophthalmologist. He is still under the occupational therapist, the physiotherapist and speech therapy. And apart from two routine admissions to hospital Henry has only had one other emergency admission, when he had tonsillitis 2 years ago.

Sorry to ramble on.
Hello and welcome Caroline. May I ask what grommets are? And Makaton? Is that the name brand of a hearing aid?
Welcome to our forum where I am sure you will find tons of support and resources.

I am wondering if your son's doctors ever brought up cochlear implant to you for him? I am glad that you opted for bilingualism - it is so important to have all tools available for Henry to assess while growing up.

By the way - love your name - my youngest daughter's name is Caroline :)

Enjoy posting away!
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Come and share your interesting posts here with us. :mrgreen:
*wow* Very impressive that there are parents who are being encouraged to let their mildly hoh kids sign! :D I am very impressed and it can only help him. Especially if he has a progressive loss or whatever. I know so many people who didn't get offered that type of help b/c it was automaticly assumed they didn't need that sort of stuff. Sounds like Henry will have a great childhood! That's also great that you got him a hearing aid. I know aiding in unilateral cases is controversial, but I do know again that it can only help and not hurt! Does he have a typical aid or does he have one of those Bi-Cros aids?
May I ask what grommets are? And Makaton?
Grommets are ear tubes and Makaton is simplified Sign language.
I am wondering if your son's doctors ever brought up cochlear implant to you for him?
Meg, CIs are only for BILTAERAL cases. Besides, Caroline is in the UK where being qualified for an implant is a lot harder then here in the US ( they have national health service and LONG waiting lists and things like that)
Welcome to AllDeaf! You'll like it here, may you have many happy postings :wave:

Meg, CIs are only for BILTAERAL cases. Besides, Caroline is in the UK where being qualified for an implant is a lot harder then here in the US ( they have national health service and LONG waiting lists and things like that)

Yes you are right about that Deafdyke. Im not sure how long waiting lists are in the USA, but I applied to have a CI and there was a six month waiting list.

Then some weeks later I got given digital aids as a trial, really liked it and it was then that I backed out of having the CI
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Welcome to AD and enjoy your stay here ;)
G'day Caroline,

Welcome to AD! :wave:

Hope you'll find it welcoming here. It's great you're giving Henry all access to everything. He'l be a well-rounded boy because of it. :)
He's a very lucky little boy to have a supportive mother such as you.
Raging Quiet said:
Welcome to AllDeaf! You'll like it here, may you have many happy postings :wave:

Yes you are right about that Deafdyke. Im not sure how long waiting lists are in the USA, but I applied to have a CI and there was a six month waiting list.

Then some weeks later I got given digital aids as a trial, really liked it and it was then that I backed out of having the CI
Welcome to ALLDEAF enjoy your stay and learn new things...

here in USA isn't that long can have it as soon as 2 weeks after u're canidiate.. and after everythings approved with insurance... mostly insurance approve quickly.. some insurance won't approve and need to be appealed and that takes even longer.