pain from sounds?

Does or did anyone ever have pain in the ears from some sounds?
Ya know those sounds that make you cringe and want to curl into the fetal position lol

You know when people make noises with their tongue and mouth..I don't know how to explain it ..but like my mom makes this noise and it sort of sounds like a dolphin and my lil cousin loves making "fart" noises and they make me cringe..It hurts my ears to listen to these noises or things that sound similar..does that or did that ever happen to anyone else?

this happens with my hearing aids on or w/o but obvs it isn't as bad with them out...but it makes me yank them out as soon as I hear these types of noises
you can always program your HA to filter it out :)
Does or did anyone ever have pain in the ears from some sounds?
Ya know those sounds that make you cringe and want to curl into the fetal position lol

You know when people make noises with their tongue and mouth..I don't know how to explain it ..but like my mom makes this noise and it sort of sounds like a dolphin and my lil cousin loves making "fart" noises and they make me cringe..It hurts my ears to listen to these noises or things that sound similar..does that or did that ever happen to anyone else?

this happens with my hearing aids on or w/o but obvs it isn't as bad with them out...but it makes me yank them out as soon as I hear these types of noises

Lots. Different noises bother me. Certain pitches. Mostly being around loud sounds for too long sends my ears into a painful state where I constantly have to rub them to soothe them.
:slap: You bad, Babyblue!

Nails on a chalkboard is a horrific sound to hear. I was hesitant about replying in the thread, but, that is one sound I hate. Also, the birds chirping all at once. We have finches and parrolets. When they get going, it can get quite loud.

I also am sound sensitive, so there are many (random) sounds that will just get to me. Moreso, when I'm ill or under stress, but still.... Usually, the TV bothers me when I'm feeling sensitive.

My Dad may also be HoH, so he listens to the TV extra loud and sometimes, I just wanna hit the ceiling. I've gently tried to get him to see an ENT, but he won't. I have discussed this in another thread as well. We've seen his GP and wax and allergies have been ruled out for his hearing difficulties. An ENT consult would be next up, but he refuses to pursue it. *sigh*

Anyway, that was slightly off topic. My apologies.

When I am stressing or tired... I am also super sensative to sounds. That is why I take my hearing aids out in the afternoon.... to get the noise level DOWN!!
Wirelessly posted (droid)

I can't hear the birds but I still gotta dodge their poop. Ick!
Wirelessly posted (droid)

I can't hear the birds but I still gotta dodge their poop. Ick!

I just cleaned my bike last nite and guess what? This morning, that f'ing bird shat on my windshield :mad2:
Wirelessly posted (droid)

We have a lot of trees. Birds and squirrels can be a nuisance. I was cooking on the patio and a bird pooped about a foot away from my food. Ugh!
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Alice, I'm so glad you posted this... I've never heard of recruitment before (thank you deafskeptic for posting the link and saving me from having to ask)--now I don't feel like such a freak! I have tried to explain to my hearing friends how I can not hear them talking to me, or sometimes my kidlet screeching, but if they stir a bowl with a metal spoon I lose my flipping mind. There's certain pitches my kid reaches that drive me insane (and it turns out he is actually louder than other kids, i didn't believe it until I got new ha's and can kind of hear him)... I can't stand the radio or tv being on a lot of the times because to me it just sounds like noise, annoying painful noise, overwhelming. I think my brain just gets tired sometimes, especially if I'm having a seizure-y day.

Also, my HA's seem to react to certain sounds badly. Trumpets (or so I'm told... I don't actually hear the sound as a trumpet, it's like... I don't know how to describe it, but it makes my HA's vibrate and I have to shut them off). Sometimes being near electrical things make them go wonky (walked through one of the theft detector things at the library and I couldn't HEAR anything, but my skull vibrated and my ears hurt like hell).

Seemed to me to be a contradiction... I can't hear, but boyoboy sounds hurt sometimes. *shrug*
Wirelessly posted

alicia! long time no talk have your hearing dropped any further or it stayed in severe range? I only had painful experience in sound was electrode number 8 it felt like knife stabbing my ears so its switchd off since day it was mapped and when I was hoh I didnt have any painful sound with ha
I have a heard a lot of annoying sounds, but was unable to locate the source of the sound or determine what was making it. The only annoying sounds that I have noticed ("ah, that's what's annoying me") has been when I wear my HAs. The noise of nailclippers drive me through the roof. I want to take them from the person and throw'em out the window.

Also, I get some sort of annoying feedback from my hearing aids (I can't even describe how it sounds) when I am in a room that has a motion-sensing device to automatically turn on the lights when someone enters a room. It is a constant noise, not just when the motion sensor is triggered. If for some reason, a person didn't know where that device was in a room and was trying to find it, I could find it for them as it is like a doppler effect when I approach. I have told my audiologists (it's been the same with all my HAs that I can remember), but they never were able to fix it.
I have a heard a lot of annoying sounds, but was unable to locate the source of the sound or determine what was making it. The only annoying sounds that I have noticed ("ah, that's what's annoying me") has been when I wear my HAs. The noise of nailclippers drive me through the roof. I want to take them from the person and throw'em out the window.

Also, I get some sort of annoying feedback from my hearing aids (I can't even describe how it sounds) when I am in a room that has a motion-sensing device to automatically turn on the lights when someone enters a room. It is a constant noise, not just when the motion sensor is triggered. If for some reason, a person didn't know where that device was in a room and was trying to find it, I could find it for them as it is like a doppler effect when I approach. I have told my audiologists (it's been the same with all my HAs that I can remember), but they never were able to fix it.

That's really strange!

If I have my HAs set on T-coil mode, I can tell whenever I pass an electronic security gate (like in a store that uses those bulky anti-theft tags on clothes). I get a loud HUMMMMMMMMM in my aids as I pass the gate.

We have motion sensor lights outside our house. I've never noticed any reaction at all from my aids, but I'll try walking around there with T-coil mode on and see if there's a reaction. Very interesting that it happens to you.
Alice, I'm so glad you posted this... I've never heard of recruitment before (thank you deafskeptic for posting the link and saving me from having to ask)--now I don't feel like such a freak! I have tried to explain to my hearing friends how I can not hear them talking to me, or sometimes my kidlet screeching, but if they stir a bowl with a metal spoon I lose my flipping mind. There's certain pitches my kid reaches that drive me insane (and it turns out he is actually louder than other kids, i didn't believe it until I got new ha's and can kind of hear him)... I can't stand the radio or tv being on a lot of the times because to me it just sounds like noise, annoying painful noise, overwhelming. I think my brain just gets tired sometimes, especially if I'm having a seizure-y day.

Also, my HA's seem to react to certain sounds badly. Trumpets (or so I'm told... I don't actually hear the sound as a trumpet, it's like... I don't know how to describe it, but it makes my HA's vibrate and I have to shut them off). Sometimes being near electrical things make them go wonky (walked through one of the theft detector things at the library and I couldn't HEAR anything, but my skull vibrated and my ears hurt like hell).

Seemed to me to be a contradiction... I can't hear, but boyoboy sounds hurt sometimes. *shrug*

Oh "good" you get it I'm really nott crazy:p lol I don't get how sounds can be so hurtful but we are weird. And are loudddd...I have my cousins bday party this weekend...the hearing aids are not coming out:) lol they are staying in their pocket in my purse. Until the children go to bed or get tired out..between the kids and my cousin who I can hear from the other room without hearing aids on...i'd rather not get a headache:)
Wirelessly posted

alicia! long time no talk have your hearing dropped any further or it stayed in severe range? I only had painful experience in sound was electrode number 8 it felt like knife stabbing my ears so its switchd off since day it was mapped and when I was hoh I didnt have any painful sound with ha

Amy! I saw your thread..i'm sorry about you and your fiance. Hope it all works out *hugs*

It's dropped further I am in the profound range in some frequencies I am going again in the fall I think for a re-eval for CI and I am getting an ASSR
That's really strange!

If I have my HAs set on T-coil mode, I can tell whenever I pass an electronic security gate (like in a store that uses those bulky anti-theft tags on clothes). I get a loud HUMMMMMMMMM in my aids as I pass the gate.

We have motion sensor lights outside our house. I've never noticed any reaction at all from my aids, but I'll try walking around there with T-coil mode on and see if there's a reaction. Very interesting that it happens to you.

I don't get feedback..but when I pass through the library things before you leave after getting books and sometimes at stores my hearing aids literally switch programs on they are possessed lol it's very weird and annoying to have to swich back programs. I also get a buzzing sound sometimes.
Nope. I don't think there's any sounds that would make me cringe or anything... yet. :dunno:
I don't get feedback..but when I pass through the library things before you leave after getting books and sometimes at stores my hearing aids literally switch programs on they are possessed lol it's very weird and annoying to have to swich back programs. I also get a buzzing sound sometimes.

Sounds like they are automatically going into T-coil mode.
usually it's sounds that are high-pitched that bother/hurt my ear. Whistling and such.