pain from sounds?


Active Member
May 26, 2006
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Does or did anyone ever have pain in the ears from some sounds?
Ya know those sounds that make you cringe and want to curl into the fetal position lol

You know when people make noises with their tongue and mouth..I don't know how to explain it ..but like my mom makes this noise and it sort of sounds like a dolphin and my lil cousin loves making "fart" noises and they make me cringe..It hurts my ears to listen to these noises or things that sound similar..does that or did that ever happen to anyone else?

this happens with my hearing aids on or w/o but obvs it isn't as bad with them out...but it makes me yank them out as soon as I hear these types of noises
I've only had that experience with poorly-adjusted aids, and it was immediate, the second I put them on. The audi had to readjust right then and there.

Other than that, no.

Do you generally like your Naidas, by the way?
Ook..I asked someone else actually JennyB as we are friends outside of AD and she said its recruitment...i don't like it lol

As for my naidas we have a love hate relationship..I needed loaners not long ago and they were the UP's not the SP's and they sounded LOADS better...dunno why but my audi is going to see if we can just get a switch from phonak but the newer naidas the spice versions. I have had some probs with the naidas but overall I can't complain much bout them they are loads better than my last pair of ha's and better than some power aids that I've had as loaners
Are the UPs stronger than the SPs?

Don't mean to be grilling you here; I've got Phonaks myself, sort of old (Savia Arts) and I'm kinda sorta searching for newer/better aids. Sounds like people generally like the Naidas but they seem to have reliability issues.

Re: recruitment - years ago, an audi talked about that when she was adjusting my aids. It was so long ago that I don't remember all the details now. There was one aid where it seemed like I was constantly going for adjustments and she mentioned that recruitment might have been the problem.

I don't remember now what brand or anything. This was maybe 25 years ago when I was still relatively new to HAs.
Yes the UP's are ultra powered and the SP's super powered the UP's are stronger...apparently the new naida spice SP/UP's are a lot better than the regular should ask your audi about it:) and grill away :p
Does or did anyone ever have pain in the ears from some sounds?
Ya know those sounds that make you cringe and want to curl into the fetal position lol

You know when people make noises with their tongue and mouth..I don't know how to explain it ..but like my mom makes this noise and it sort of sounds like a dolphin and my lil cousin loves making "fart" noises and they make me cringe..It hurts my ears to listen to these noises or things that sound similar..does that or did that ever happen to anyone else?

this happens with my hearing aids on or w/o but obvs it isn't as bad with them out...but it makes me yank them out as soon as I hear these types of noises
I had severe recruitment with my HA. It made hearing sounds painful for me because it didn't take long for my ears to start ringing from the noise.
One time, I was listening to this Hindi movie and it felt as if at the top of my brain was being poked at with a toothpick.
One time, I was listening to this Hindi movie and it felt as if at the top of my brain was being poked at with a toothpick.

oh my god.... don't get me started with that....
high pitch sounds sometimes...I usually can not hear them but when they are super loud. It hurts my ears, making me cringe and scream out in pain.
high pitch sounds sometimes...I usually can not hear them but when they are super loud. It hurts my ears, making me cringe and scream out in pain.

I can't hear the scratching on blackboards unless I put my ear close to it and and I usually regret it when I do that. :P I can't stand the high pitched sound if I can hear it.
I can't hear the scratching on blackboards unless I put my ear close to it and and I usually regret it when I do that. :P I can't stand the high pitched sound if I can hear it.

Nails on the chalkboard doesn't bother me..... I was the kid that did it!! :laugh2: Since I could not hear it..
I have recruitment, too, and it sucks. It's why I've been labeled "noncompliant." :naughty::laugh2:
When I was health aide we had go a meeting to learn how test Lifeline for clients that used them. When the machine made a sound to tell you it was working , I almost fell my off my chair! The pain was horrible! I had to leave the room! This was the first time my company had a meeting for Lifeline and my boss said they'll have to be careful as they had other health aides that wore HA too.
please scream for many years, it will warm enough to make coffee :D
Nails on the chalkboard doesn't bother me..... I was the kid that did it!! :laugh2: Since I could not hear it..
Our deaf ASL teacher was making that sound unbeknownst to her...but the students could hear it...ouch.
Nails on the chalkboard doesn't bother me..... I was the kid that did it!! :laugh2: Since I could not hear it..

:slap: You bad, Babyblue!

Nails on a chalkboard is a horrific sound to hear. I was hesitant about replying in the thread, but, that is one sound I hate. Also, the birds chirping all at once. We have finches and parrolets. When they get going, it can get quite loud.

I also am sound sensitive, so there are many (random) sounds that will just get to me. Moreso, when I'm ill or under stress, but still.... Usually, the TV bothers me when I'm feeling sensitive.

My Dad may also be HoH, so he listens to the TV extra loud and sometimes, I just wanna hit the ceiling. I've gently tried to get him to see an ENT, but he won't. I have discussed this in another thread as well. We've seen his GP and wax and allergies have been ruled out for his hearing difficulties. An ENT consult would be next up, but he refuses to pursue it. *sigh*

Anyway, that was slightly off topic. My apologies.
Ok well I'm glad I'm not the only one and that I'm not mom does it on purpose sometimes cuz she knows I don't like it and it makes me wanna punch her in the face lol it's so bad to say but whatever..i don't actually punch her so its ok :p