pain from sounds?

I think the noise is what you could call the "Electromagnetic Field". I get the same sensations and sounds when I am anywhere that power is being generated and my T-Coil is going. Sometimes my HA's will give feedback depending on the type of electromagnetic field or device causing it.

When I first got my new hearing aids I could also hear this loud noise all day long call "White Noise". I had no idea that existed until I got these hearing aids. There were alot of noises in the world that I had never heard and it was quite tiring getting my brain used to hearing them. Once I assimilated then wearing both my hearing aids were magical. I love wearing mine because I can hear so much more. I get worried if I can't hear everything.

You might be/probably are right about the "electromagnetic field". I am glad that you were able to assimilate to your hearing aids and that you can experience and appreciate all the sounds that they provide for you. They can definitely be a wonderful gift for some people. I also understand your worry if you weren't able to hear everything.

Unfortunately for me, I have experienced many different hearing aids over about 25 years and had plenty of time with each to hopefully get used to them and the sounds they introduced to my ears, but I never seemed to assimilate or block out those noises and they are so distracting and give me headaches after a short exposure. One of the devices that gives that feedback (I think a motion sensor for the room's light/security system) is in every office at my place of work and so I have to deal with it day in and day out and there is no way that my work will get rid of them/change to a different system that may not have that same effect just for me. So I end up choosing to not wear hearing aids at work. I think in the month or so that I decided to stop wearing hearing aids, I have felt a lot better, less tense, less annoyed, etc. So being deaf has been working well for me.