Oregon man says he's pregnant?

:ugh3: Oh my god! That's impossible for this man get a pregnant?! :eek3:
I don't believe in a man getting a pregnant, huh?

ADDED AS UPDATED: I never seen FTM using with pregnant!
Oh yeah, Absolutely, they just get their attention in the media and make millionare dollars when they sell their stories. Otherwise, I am cherish my body what god made me for who I am. Why should we sell our bodies into the media to make millionare ? :eek:

Yes, they already did it, so now it's now publicity for anyone can
read that how readers/viewers would reacting about it. :lol:
Curious....could they get themselves pregnant if they have both parts?
Not likely, according to this:

"...So, what are we dealing with when we discuss human hermaphrodites? Actually they are more properly called pseudohermaphrodites (which is the term used by biologists) or "Intersexuals" (which is the term that seems to be preferred in the politically correct circles...). If we examine the course of human embryological development we can see that we are all originally equipped with the potential to form both the male and female genitalia ... but we have only one set of gonads. During normal male development, the gonads form into testis, the male based genitalia enlarge and the female based genitalia regress. In female development, the opposite happens, gonads become ovaries, male genitalia regress and female genitalia enlarge. Sexually ambiguous individuals develop in a way that both sets of genitalia enlarge. Notice, that these individuals still only have one set of gonads. These gonads will either be testis or ovaries and that will truly identify the sex of the individual. In some cases, the gonad will itself be ambiguous and share histological characteristics of both testis and ovaries, but in this case it will be able to function as neither. So the individual that develops is not a true hermaphrodite since they lack any functional reproductive organ...."
Re: Can a Human be born a true hermaphrodite?
It's a girl!

Must be nice to have a birthday where everybody celebrates with a cook-out and fireworks!

'Pregnant man' gives birth to baby girl -- Newsday.com
4:04 PM EDT, July 3, 2008

A transgender man who made national news earlier this year when he revealed he was pregnant has given birth to a girl, ABC News reported.

Thomas Beatie, 34. who became pregnant through artificial insemination, gave birth Sunday to a healthy baby. The Oregon man was resting and healthy, according to ABC. The birth was natural.

Beatie, who was born a woman, kept his female sex organs.

"I actually opted not to do anything to my reproductive organs because I wanted to have a child one day," he told Oprah Winfrey earlier this year. "I see pregnancy as a process and it doesn't define who I am."

According to ABC, he was inseminated with a donor's sperm at his home by his wife. The device was described as similar to a syringe without the needle.