New Writers or Writers Not Poll

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:ty: Thank you. You read the whole thing one night?? You must be a fast reader. Elwood read it too. I know about that part where it was too much, I just save that part so I remember and figure out the good way to smooth out those long paragraphs. It was the first draft I wrote. I wrote this true story in three weeks flat and I never went back to edit my work yet. I know it needs to smooth it out. I just type and type nonstop till the end. And the story is not complete yet. I was going to work on it real soon. I want to finish it first, then go back to edit each chapters at a time. It was really hard for me to go back and finish the story.

An agent only saw my first work. They haven't seen my other work and the memoir yet. So was an agent right that my weakness was the POV (point of view) and structures?

Just send me email and I will let you know what I think. Thank you!! Talk to you soon.

I read the story in one night, yes but assumably I was awake until 630am in the next morning as I was chatting to a new american dude on ooVoo (Video call/MSN like) and it was awesome I have been learning ASL lately, LOL.. and yes, I sent you a email with the attachment.
I read the story in one night, yes but assumably I was awake until 630am in the next morning as I was chatting to a new american dude on ooVoo (Video call/MSN like) and it was awesome I have been learning ASL lately, LOL.. and yes, I sent you a email with the attachment.

Thank you I got the email. It was the right way-how to break those paragraphs. I was going to do that. I wrote nonstop...hold and type...hold and type...hold and type till the end. So that way some I may need or not, and was going to change around a little to make it shorter or whatever, if you know what I mean...
I laughed because it wasn't just me who made the grammers. It was my uncle's as well. He really did wrote that letter and made pry about 1,000 copies since over 600 came to his veiwing and received that letter. I copied excaltly the way he wrote it. I don't know if I can photocopy it and put in a novel, but I typed the whole thing instead. As for mine, I overlooked...:mrgreen: Thank you anyways.

I am going to try put an avatior under my name. I did had trouble.
just let you know, writers.
i'm free by tmw (Sunday of 22nd) and after 1pm on monday of 23rd.

So, we able to discuss more. :)

I'd rather to pick an AIM chatroom.
How about you guys?

I have to leave AllDeaf in around 30 to 45 minutes left. I have to do things for tonight... Oh, well.
just let you know, writers.
i'm free by tmw (Sunday of 22nd) and after 1pm on monday of 23rd.

So, we able to discuss more. :)

I'd rather to pick an AIM chatroom.
How about you guys?

I have to leave AllDeaf in around 30 to 45 minutes left. I have to do things for tonight... Oh, well.

Ok sounds good :) Let me know. It is easier that way than to go off topic, lol...I pulled a muscle at work :mad: and my boss let me leave early :)
Ok sounds good :) Let me know. It is easier that way than to go off topic, lol...I pulled a muscle at work :mad: and my boss let me leave early :)

Aw, I'm sorry about that.. :[
Do you think you will make it to be there on 22nd at 3pm (your time), for being there at chatroom? I'll be on around 11ish in morning in my time.

Anyway -
What do you like to talk about writing, talent, or etc? I like to share with. :)
Aw, I'm sorry about that.. :[
Do you think you will make it to be there on 22nd at 3pm (your time), for being there at chatroom? I'll be on around 11ish in morning in my time.

Anyway -
What do you like to talk about writing, talent, or etc? I like to share with. :)

Sunday is 22nd? Mon is 23rd, trying to remember today's date, soon as I can I will no later than 5 pm in my time.

He found my grammers :squint: I was like uh oh, lol. But so far mostly my uncle's. I wonder if that is all, just breaking paragraphs and grammers. So I can tell an agent to kiss my you know where...
Sunday is 22nd? Mon is 23rd, trying to remember today's date, soon as I can I will no later than 5 pm in my time.

He found my grammers :squint: I was like uh oh, lol. But so far mostly my uncle's. I wonder if that is all, just breaking paragraphs and grammers. So I can tell an agent to kiss my you know where...

Sunday is 22nd? Mon is 23rd, trying to remember today's date, soon as I can I will no later than 5 pm in my time.

Ok, sure. I'll try remind you if I can remember, heh.

He found my grammers :squint: I was like uh oh, lol. But so far mostly my uncle's. I wonder if that is all, just breaking paragraphs and grammers. So I can tell an agent to kiss my you know where...

lol, he's very good at editing, much better than mine. lol =P
I am sure he has great eyes. :giggle:

Aha, okay. ^_^
Last edited:

Ok, sure. I'll try remind you if I can remember, heh.

lol, he's very good at edditing, much better than mine. lol =P
I am sure he has great eyes. :giggle:

Aha, okay. ^_^

We will always need other set of eyes. We can miss it easily because we read it too man times and our eyes swift fast to miss our mistakes.
*off topic*

Is there a picture limit you can get picture from your computer file for the avaitor? Or it has to be alldeaf's avaitors? If the pic is too large, how to make it smaller?
*off topic*

Is there a picture limit you can get picture from your computer file for the avaitor? Or it has to be alldeaf's avaitors? If the pic is too large, how to make it smaller?

Click on "PC User"

Click on "Edit Avatar" at the left side on your view.

Scoll down.

To see the note: "Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 120 by 120 pixels or 48.8 KB (whichever is smaller)."

To click on "Browse" if you have some icons, to select any thing you want.

You can select one of avatar icons that you can see those pictures.


And, I rely on "browse" a lot cos I made many icons as my own so.. I also made more signature banners. :)


Click on "PC User"

Click on "Edit Avatar" at the left side on your view.

Scoll down.

To see the note: "Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 120 by 120 pixels or 48.8 KB (whichever is smaller)."

To click on "Browse" if you have some icons, to select any thing you want.

You can select one of avatar icons that you can see those pictures.

160 X 133 :whistle: that is too big...I got to shrink it.
lol I always check the pixels before I update an icon. ^_^

Maybe it was the reason why I had trouble coming back in or maybe it was a technical on the website. We did three somputers, all won't go in at all. I came in just fine today.
I wanna see his!!! Lol...he is pry sleeping yet and sleep in late since it is a Saturday. Did he say where he took the English classes? College?


Did he say where he took the English classes? College?

I don't remember if he did mention it.. Just wait until he reads ur post and rely to you. :)