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New Member
Nov 3, 2003
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Hello! I am a Hearing girl age 27 from Texas in the US. Ever since I was about 11 years old, I have always known at least one Deaf person. I am Hard-of-Hearing (I hear well enough to use a regular phone). I do not sign very well. I lived in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for two years and knew LOTS of Deaf people.

I did not speak until I was four years old but I was raised orally. I am quite a talker!

I like Deaf people very much and sometimes I think them better than Hearing folks because the Deaf never give me any problems.

I would also like to meet Deaf people from around the world. The only foreign Deaf person I ever met was a guy from Jamaica.

Many greetings to you and have a good day/night! I hope you don't mind the presence of a Hearing girl.
I know how you feel. I grew up with a hearing family and worked with hearing people. The only time I was with deaf people was during class or at church.


Welcome to AllDeaf! Enjoy your stay! :thumb:
About the only time when I am really Deaf is when I am in a noisy crowd, then I can't really hear at all. I also have difficulties tolerating excessively loud noises, such as stereos. I can lipread, but I don't like to have to rely on it if I don't have to. I would also prefer to be treated as Hearing. But I still like Deaf people!
Hi Historyfreak, Welcome to Alldeaf. There are already some Hearing members here like Prostock and Sydlie (^_^) We wont bite! Everyone is welcome here.
Hey there, welcome to the Alldeaf forum, I know you will enjoy your time here, it is a cool place :)
Historyfreak said:
Hello! I am a Hearing girl age 27 from Texas in the US. Ever since I was about 11 years old, I have always known at least one Deaf person. I am Hard-of-Hearing (I hear well enough to use a regular phone). I do not sign very well. I lived in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for two years and knew LOTS of Deaf people.

I did not speak until I was four years old but I was raised orally. I am quite a talker!

I like Deaf people very much and sometimes I think them better than Hearing folks because the Deaf never give me any problems.

I would also like to meet Deaf people from around the world. The only foreign Deaf person I ever met was a guy from Jamaica.

Many greetings to you and have a good day/night! I hope you don't mind the presence of a Hearing girl.

Welcome to AD, Historyfreak! Surely hope you'll find this site an interesting and educational place! :wave:
Hey Historyfreak,
Greetings from Houston. I'm not deaf. I'm not hard of hearing either. Once in college though I lost my glasses for a week. I discovered I had a hard time understanding people. That's when I realized I read lips. Why? Who knows. Nice to hear (can I say that?) from you.