Need some help here...


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Mar 20, 2005
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I have been trying to find some web sites to help me at home with my daughter's sign language. The best one I could find so far has the alphabet, which I know already, and only offered one sentence, which was "Help me please" although that is a good sentence for her to learn...I would like to start getting use to some other sentences for myself to be ready when she can do more with this. I am working on the alphabet with her now, and she knows some of her colors...Yellow, red, orange, brown...that is about it so far. I do not know where to find the other colors and maybe her shapes. I have found info on buying stuff for her, but right now that is not an option for me :( as much as I want to. I would greatly appreciate any help with this. Thank you. Have a great day!! :)
Hang in there bud!

You have come to the right place to find resources! I have I.M.'d an interpreter and a Moderator your request. They and others will make your head swim with resources available to you, most at no cost. I am late deafened/Hard of Hearing and these folks have helped me greatly. CHeck back often and see what they offer you!

signer16 said:
How old is your daughter? Is she deaf? How much sign do you know? Why are you teaching her?

The best way for you to teach your daughter sign language is by taking classes at local community center or community college. But, if you are looking for some signs:
Yeah, he's right. It's not exactly something you can go online and learn. It's easier to learn another language in person because there's more interaction.
As the previous posters have stated, we need a little more information in order to give you the appropriate help that you request.

Is your daughter deaf or hearing?

How old is she?

Does she have any learning disabilities?

Are you learning sign language in order to communicate with each other?

Do you want to use local community resources in addition on on-line resources?

With additional info we can tailor the help specifically to your needs. :)
Have you tried "silent dinners" or www.**********.com where you can meet some people that is willing to learn signs/deafies there too. I bring my boys so they can interact with deafs, coda, and hearing people who is learning how to sign. that is another idea to look up at.
why is the url with asteriks???? here it go again w w w . d e a f c o f f e e . c o m (remove spaces)
Yeah...if you're interested in pursuing Sign, and your daughter has a legitimate medical need,you might be eligable for Deaf specific Early intervention programs that some chapters of NAD offer! Give us more details! (crossing fingers that this is a parent of a dhh kid, and that this means that there are some parents with brains out there!)
Did some detective work.....C_dragon's daughter has a speech disabilty (apraxia I'm guessing) I have to say I am VERY impressed that you're seeking out Sign for your daughter! How old is your daughter? What state are you in? We could help hook you up with appropreaite services...Maybe if your daughter's old enough she could go to a Deaf classroom or something. I know of a handful of hearing kids who have speech issues(but no cognitive issues) who use Sign as their main mode of commuication. I remember a post by a mother a year or so ago whose daughter with apraxia, was going to St. Rita's.
C_Dragon2005 said:
I have been trying to find some web sites to help me at home with my daughter's sign language. The best one I could find so far has the alphabet, which I know already, and only offered one sentence, which was "Help me please" although that is a good sentence for her to learn...I would like to start getting use to some other sentences for myself to be ready when she can do more with this. I am working on the alphabet with her now, and she knows some of her colors...Yellow, red, orange, brown...that is about it so far. I do not know where to find the other colors and maybe her shapes. I have found info on buying stuff for her, but right now that is not an option for me :( as much as I want to. I would greatly appreciate any help with this. Thank you. Have a great day!! :)

To answer questions etc...

Thank you all for your replies, I am going to attempt to answer the questions you asked...if I miss one I am sorry and will go back after I send this in to see if I did...if not then I will post another LOL (Don't want to leave out anything).

Ok, my daughter is not deaf, she has severe speech problems, myself and only few other people can understand her, and that is only because we are use to her speech. She has learned some digning in school, very limited, just a few colors, but I tried for several months and up til current day to get her to remember her colors, shapes, etc. She cannot or will not remember them, but the colors she learned the sign for, she remembers them perfectly, no problem. So I thaught maybe if that is what it will take for her to learn, then I am going to do it. She is 5 years old. She is VERY smart, it is just trying to figure out a way for her to "get it out" of her mind, so that others can understand her. I like the teachers she has and for their efforts with her, but I feel they should be teaching her more signing since she has shown more improvement with that. So, I am going to try it at home, since they are not doing there as much as I feel they should. I am a firm believer, if you find a way for a child to learn, go with it, even if it is a little unethical. So that is my reason for wanting to teach her signing.
Now, I do know very limited signing, I use to have a friend in church when I was a kid who was deaf, I was the only one in the class who learned the alphabet to communicate with him, I do remember the alphabet, after brushing up on it recently I know it again with no problems, until then there were just a couple of letters I had forgotten, but I know them now. I have learned one sentence "Help me, please" Other than that, I know the 4 colors my daughter knows, I have learned a couple of I guess they would be called rough signing from when I worked with the mentallly/physically handicapped for two years and a few of my individuals I cared for had very limited rough signing, I am not sure if they are actual signs, but I know what they meant by it. I actually learn things VERY easily, especially if it is for my kids, I am always up for a challenge, and if this is what it takes, I will rise to it, I want the best for my daughter and will do anything for her to be able to communicate with me and those she needs to.
She may out grow her speech problem, but she shows faster and more immediate results from the signing she knows. So to me that is more important to get her to atleast be considered up to her age level requirements, and the main reason why she is not is because she does not vocalize when they want her to. Like I said she is very bright, I work with her at home, if she does not have to pronounce anything and is able to just point things out etc. she gets it right everytime, but when she has to put it to words, then she struggles, and they expect her to do that. When she uses her signs for her colors, she also says the word, and she can show you what color she is speaking of.
Right now, I am VERY limited on money, I was mainly looking to see if there were some sights to get me started for now, that were free, I am on a very tight budget, in the next month or so I will be caught up, god willing, and will be able to get the DVDs and the books I have seen that would be great for her. But for now I am in a bind and even if there was limited information online, it is better than nothing, and will give me a stepping stone until I can get the items I need at home.
I have never heard of the deaf diners you have also mentioned, I would not even know where one is around here. I live in central Illinois, about 30 miles south of Springfield, I work in Springfield, IL and in Taylorville, IL. I will try the ones mentioned here and if anyone can find anything else I greatly appreciate all the help you can offer. And I sincerely appreciate you all taking your time to reply to this and helping me.
I hope i answered all the questions..oh and by the way, I am not deaf myself, although I have been told if I don't change my ways I will be LOL I am just a mom trying to do all she can for her child. And if it gives her more culture in her life, GREAT :) even if she grows out of her speech issues, I hope she will still use the signing in her life, I actually think it is a beautiful way of communicating myself. But that is just me. Have a great day!!! :)
((((((hugs to you all for your help))))
Thanks for all the information. Now I have a clearer understanding.

I am not a teacher so I do not have a background in elementary education. I defer to those who do.

You mentioned that her teachers use some signing. As far as learning sign language, in your situation I believe signed English may be the way to go. Since your child is hearing, I think the initializing and English sentence word order of signed English will be more useful to her than ASL. It will also be easier for you to learn.

Have you checked your public library for books and tapes on signing?

Have you established an IEP with your daughter's teachers? If it is determined that signing is beneficial to her learning, then the teaching staff will be required to make more effort at signing with her, or she might be able to get tutoring in sign language. If that is the case, maybe you could participate in the tutoring sessions with her and learn together.

Here are some sign language websites. They are mostly ASL but I think they will be useful to you.

As other ADers have mentioned, learning from books, tapes, and websites are not the best way to learn sign language, but they are useful for reference and practice.

In South Carolina (my state), the state will provide free of charge the large Signed English dictionary/textbook that is used by students in the state school system. It is given to anyone who requests it. I don't know if your state may have a similar program. Have you contacted your state's special ed director?

I applaud your efforts to help your daughter get what she needs. I am sure many of our friends here at AD will be happy to help you with additional suggestions.