My Pee Is Clear!

guess what.. What I see toilet.. YAY.. i'm white urine.. woOOOoo
Nice impressive..

:squint: no....
Know what, my urine color is purple because I drank a grape juice. :squint:
Kalista said:
Know what, my urine color is purple because I drank a grape juice. :squint:
How much did you drank grape juice?

I do not think so, purple urine will works ? '
nah..~ :wiggle:

I was googled.. and found awful lot info about purple urine..
google (Purple urine)

Oceanbreeze said:
Probably, but the thing is, you should drink that over a period of HOURS. NOT all at once. Drinking that amount of any liquid all at once puts stress on the kidneys. They have to work harder to filter the fluid out of your system. It's not a good thing. Also, like I said, drinking that amount of water all at once flushes out nutrients like potassium and sodium. It's actually called water loading, and it's dangerous.

i dont drink the 2 liters all at once. i drink it through out the day.
GalaxyAngel said:
How much did you drank grape juice?

I do not think so, purple urine will works ? '
nah..~ :wiggle:

I was googled.. and found awful lot info about purple urine..
google (Purple urine)


Kalista ====> :slap: <====== GalaxyAngel

I was just joking around. Yikes ! at that website !
big deal!

I pee alot of bright yellow urine than anyone else... :o
ButterflyGirl said:
Awww sorry about that.....umm how about a cherry snow cone then? :D

ummmm......cherry? now that makes me lose my apetite even more :barf: LOL
RedWolf said:
ummmm......cherry? now that makes me lose my apetite even more :barf: LOL
LOL You were lucky not to take it from me because AJ just informed me that it was actually his bloody urine in that snow cone.
AJ is really :crazy:, isn't he? :(
Kalista said:
Aren't you shy to show me your little dick?

he doesn't have a strong enough magnifying glass to show it to you
Hahaha, EyesBlue; it must be snowing in your neck of the woods!