My niece had her hearing tested at school


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Sep 25, 2005
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my sister got a letter in the mail saying that her daughter ashley which is my niece has a hearing loss and in the right ear, they tested her hearing at school.
Could that be the reason why for her behavior problems and also could it mean something?
She was diagnosed last year with mild mental handicap so it makes me wonder how long that this hearing loss been there and if she been having trouble with learning in school like following directions and stuff. She is at grade level for reading and only is behind in math, she has trouble with math.
My sister thinks maybe ashley has build-up of ear wax. I don't know. Makes me wander what and she will be going to doctor on monday.
my sister got a letter in the mail saying that her daughter ashley which is my niece has a hearing loss and in the right ear, they tested her hearing at school.
Could that be the reason why for her behavior problems and also could it mean something?
She was diagnosed last year with mild mental handicap so it makes me wonder how long that this hearing loss been there and if she been having trouble with learning in school like following directions and stuff. She is at grade level for reading and only is behind in math, she has trouble with math.
My sister thinks maybe ashley has build-up of ear wax. I don't know. Makes me wander what and she will be going to doctor on monday.

Difficulty folowing directions could definately be related to not understanding the directions given verbally.
When my brother went to my school (oral and mainstreamed) in kindergarten, he had constant temper tantrums and was unable to sit in one place so he was labeled as having ADDHD. Hoever, when the IEP team suggested that he transfer to the Deaf school, that behavior eventually faded away as my brother acquired language (ASL). He was acting out of frustration due to not being able to communicate with the majority of the staff at my school. Eventually, the label ADDHD was removed when it was apparent that it was communication barriers that were the root of his problems.

Maybe that could be the root of your niece's problems?
Your sister need to find out if her daughter is having trouble following directions in school before she can know what the problem is. If she's at the grade level in reading then she does not have a learning disability, she just might need a tutor for Math to help her improve.

Is this the first time she had build-up of ear waxes? or the mother doesn't know?
Actually correct that Cheri. If she's at grade level for reading, but not for math, then she doesn't have a mild mental handicap. She just has your garden variety LD. And a hearing loss could be the answer as to why she isn't up to par in some things. Back in the '70's they thought that a lot of kids who had mild hearing loss, were MR. When the kids were given HAs, it was discovered that they were just hoh.
I was diagnosed as being autistic, I didn't speak, I cried a lot, startled by loud noises, very withdrawn, until the school gave me a hearing test. Got my hearing aids started talking and hearing more. Even though at the age of 5 I would flush my hearing aids down the toilet. Mom went out got me another set of hearing aids and I started learning and acting like a "normal" child would in school.
Actually correct that Cheri. If she's at grade level for reading, but not for math, then she doesn't have a mild mental handicap. She just has your garden variety LD. And a hearing loss could be the answer as to why she isn't up to par in some things. Back in the '70's they thought that a lot of kids who had mild hearing loss, were MR. When the kids were given HAs, it was discovered that they were just hoh.

Just because the test shows that she has some hearing loss in her right ear, The ear canal may be blocked by wax, Wax blockage is one of the most common causes of hearing loss. hearing test can fail if the child has too much waxes in their ears, it had happened to my younger son.
Just because the test shows that she has some hearing loss in her right ear, The ear canal may be blocked by wax, Wax blockage is one of the most common causes of hearing loss. hearing test can fail if the child has too much waxes in their ears, it had happened to my younger son.

It sounds like that is what's happening in this case.
Yeah I know about earwax blockage but, it's also possible that it might be a progressive/late onset loss.
Yea my son got his ear wax in his ears and it was flushed out. The first time was waxed then the second time found a small bug. :eek3:
The test given at school is just a tiny sample machine that does not do the best in identifing hearing loss. Most notes say it is a suggestion to have the child's hearing tested by an audiologist. It can be anything, like they are saying from ear wax to a 'bug"(Yuck). It is best to just get the testing done and working with the audies results.

On the other side, my daughter came up not passing the vision screening at school. I took her for our routine eye check and she did need glasses.

Behavior problems talk to the teacher, it could be anything from being bored to frustruation over the material.
The test given at school is just a tiny sample machine that does not do the best in identifing hearing loss. Most notes say it is a suggestion to have the child's hearing tested by an audiologist. It can be anything, like they are saying from ear wax to a 'bug"(Yuck). It is best to just get the testing done and working with the audies results.

On the other side, my daughter came up not passing the vision screening at school. I took her for our routine eye check and she did need glasses.

Behavior problems talk to the teacher, it could be anything from being bored to frustruation over the material.

Agreed. The test done in the schools is meant to be nothing more than a screening. Many deaf children restricted to an oral only environment have been mistakenly daignosed with everything from ADHD to conduct disorder, to learning disability when the only problem was break down in communication and inability to comprehend what was going on around them without sufficient linguistic input. It is not uncommon in the least.
Agreed. The test done in the schools is meant to be nothing more than a screening. Many deaf children restricted to an oral only environment have been mistakenly daignosed with everything from ADHD to conduct disorder, to learning disability when the only problem was break down in communication and inability to comprehend what was going on around them without sufficient linguistic input. It is not uncommon in the least.

Those poor kids paid a huge price, didn't they?
They should have looked at hearing toddlers having tantrums because they couldn't say what they wanted and compare it to deaf kids behaving and reach the same conclusion.
Those poor kids paid a huge price, didn't they?
They should have looked at hearing toddlers having tantrums because they couldn't say what they wanted and compare it to deaf kids behaving and reach the same conclusion.

**nodding agreement**
update: On the 28th she will be getting her hearing tested and She has had her ears checked and has no wax and there is nothing in her ears so her ears are good. But they will check her hearing January 28th.
The little 3 year old that lives at my house he has fluid in his ears and talks very loud and they said he has a hearing loss. But It could be a temporary loss or permanent but we will have his ears checked also the 28th of January. He talks very loud and has to have the volume loud on tv.
update: On the 28th she will be getting her hearing tested and She has had her ears checked and has no wax and there is nothing in her ears so her ears are good. But they will check her hearing January 28th.
The little 3 year old that lives at my house he has fluid in his ears and talks very loud and they said he has a hearing loss. But It could be a temporary loss or permanent but we will have his ears checked also the 28th of January. He talks very loud and has to have the volume loud on tv.

Thanks for the update. Keep is informed.
Actually correct that Cheri. If she's at grade level for reading, but not for math, then she doesn't have a mild mental handicap. She just has your garden variety LD. And a hearing loss could be the answer as to why she isn't up to par in some things. Back in the '70's they thought that a lot of kids who had mild hearing loss, were MR. When the kids were given HAs, it was discovered that they were just hoh.

I was diagnosed as being MR, but my hearing was tested every year and the audiologists wouldn't pay attention to it (perhaps they had ADD) until my teachers in fourth grade insisted on it. Psychologist had to verbally apologize to my parents for calling me MR. If it were to happen today, that psychologist would be out of a job.

Only exception to the above, deafdyke, is that I have a severe bilateral hearing loss, not a mild one.