My new HA's! (With a pic, I hope)

I just recently found out that the government is allowing Medicare to cover 1 hearing aid, but only in the state of PA. My friend first told me that her grandmother needed hearing aids and that they were going to pay for one, and I told her that I didn't think Medicare paid for it because I have Medicare and they wouldn't help me. Then I went to my audie and he told me that PA is a trial state for trying out Medicare paying for hearing aids. Hmmmm . . . Interesting, I hope they expand the coverage. 1 is better than none, I suppose, like when I first started out with my donated one. :) I don't know why I mentioned it, but it was on my mind.
yeah, that would be nice if the gov't got their heads on right and started at least some kind of hearing aid assistance for hearing aids. I know it is frustrating to a lot of people in the country who aren't able to pay for them.
Hi Helen,

I am new to this group but just wanted to also congratulate you on your awsome looking earmoulds! The glitter looks really fun.

I just got new earmoulds myself, they are bright purple, hard acrylic, carved full shell. My audi wants me to try the newer open fit design, but I really like the way the purple full shell looks. It stands out and I like that. It goes with my personality.

How do you find your new earmoulds in comparison to the new open fit design? Reason I ask is that I am starting to think that the open fits are the way ha's seem to be going these days and the full earmoulds are possibly becoming old fashioned but I really wanted to persist with the full shells for just a bit longer cause they're so cute. Mind you, I don't want to look uncool either.
Its my understanding that "open" fitting earmolds aren't an option for more severe losses, at least my audi told me when I asked. Who knows though with technology advance if it changed or will.