My damaged car (accident)

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Don't drive it too like a grandpa or something...
Don't drive it too like a grandpa or something...

it would be ironic if some asshole driving too fast rear-crashed him :lol:
I have the car, she's sitting nicely right in front of my bedroom window. Pictures will be out tomorrow morning.
huh? why wait to go cruising in your car until after vacation?
You finally got it!

I understand but not solve the problem for everyone who know how to fix thing like lawyer, doctor, IT, blah blah and they pick brand new car over used car due warranty. :dunno:

OFC, I don't mind to buy the broke old truck and replace the new engine in future when I have enough time and money in future since I learned a lot about vehicle. I am happy that I taked auto class. :D I admit that any vehicle with PCM is pretty easy to me for find troubleshooting thru OBD-II and rebuild but problem is costly.

Oh you are so lucky that you took the auto class to learn how to fix a car. That's smart thing to do...
He said that he will shoot pics of it this morning (Austraila time). Be patient!
:rofl2: Jiro, you got good idea!
I have the photos in my camera, unfortunately, I discovered that I have the incorrect cord to plug the camera to the computer. So the photos may have to wait a little longer. I must apologize.
i have the photos in my camera, unfortunately, i discovered that i have the incorrect cord to plug the camera to the computer. So the photos may have to wait a little longer. I must apologize.

I have the photos in my camera, unfortunately, I discovered that I have the incorrect cord to plug the camera to the computer. So the photos may have to wait a little longer. I must apologize.

more excuses? I'm thinking you don't have a car at all :hmm:
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