My 360 Is In Rip!!!!

Why is it that I own a PS2 and have about 20 games for it?
Steel X said:
I never said I hate Sony...get your head straight. :roll:

stop lie... you're doing stuff to against on PS3 then shut up.
Fine, dont believe me.

I admire the PS3 in every way, in both techical and software ways, but not the price.
I think a lot of people feel like Steel does. I know I do. I want a PS3 and cool games, but the price has me backing off. I would get a PS3 when it is a lot cheaper, or the time comes and I cannot resist having a PS3 because of a few games, namely Ridge Racer 7 and Metal Gear Solid 4. Same goes for the XBOX360 for me. Chances are that I will get a 360 before a PS3 because of price points. I still am getting a Wii first, because that excites and interests me the most.
Steel X said:
Fine, dont believe me.

I admire the PS3 in every way, in both techical and software ways, but not the price.

then you can wait until prices are dropping in 2008? or after 24th Birthday?

Kohl is good job but you can afford it?
Now that I think about it, I would not expect Sony to drop the price of the PS3 util 2008 at the earliest. They would alienate people who paid $600 on or shortly after lauch day by dropping the price 1 year later. A price drop in 2007 or 2008 would be a good stragety, since November 17 is just in time for Xmas shopping season.

Does anyone think the 360 will drop some in price when PS3 comes out? I am thinking it might drop in price $20 to $50 dollars.
TrippLA said:
There's Sony haters are sjones4dad, Steel X and XBGMER, but both of them except XBGMER are worst, that make so sick and they bashing on PS3 too.

Sony is expensive, not many are cheap like laptop, HDTV, Blu-Ray players, PS3 and PSP are expensive because of good that can keep for long time, unlike many brands that got black out (mostly TV and Walkman CD Player) and Samsung is great for TV, same as Sony. I had Sanyo right now and it almost get black out, alot of problem.

I don't like top layer, it looks cheap stuff and I think that if PS2 (thick version) is vertical then CD would be scratch and reading error would occur. I had one problem with GTA San Andreas and tried on PS2 then got reading error and I checked back layer of CD so it full of scratch, then bought new one at Best Buy. I had another problem with Bad Boys 2 because back layer of DVD are full of scratch, don't blame on PS2, that CD issues and make sure check back layer of CD if ok or not.
You could say that I am SONY HATER! Because I dont want to buy jap's merchants and imports PERIOD!
XBGMER said:
You could say that I am SONY HATER! Because I dont want to buy jap's merchants and imports PERIOD!

Gosh, that your personal but Nintendo from Japan then you hate Nintendo?
XBGMER said:
SX..Yeah, Here my picture from below:





Looking great!

Glad you got intercooler!

See you soon on xbox live!

If compare with Premium Pack X-Box 360... then...
X-box 360 (including 20GB HDD and wireless controller)- $399.99
X-Box 360 Network Adaptor- $99.99
X-Box 360 HD-DVD add-on- $99.99 (or up to $199.99)
All total is $600, that expensive as Complete PS3* does...

*Including 60GB hard drive, WiFi built-in, HDMI and wireless controller (motion sensor)

Honestly, I'm not interesting with rumble, that nothing to do.
TrippLA said:
Gosh, that your personal but Nintendo from Japan then you hate Nintendo?
LOL, can you see my BLACK GBA SP ON top of DVD PLAYER. anyway GBA SP sit there on DVD PLAYER collect DUSTS... :P I will get lite DS soon.
XBGMER said:
LOL, can you see my BLACK GBA SP ON top of DVD PLAYER. anyway GBA SP sit there on DVD PLAYER collect DUSTS... :P I will get lite DS soon.

You says that you wouldn't buy any Japanese import but Nintendo is from Japan then that not make sense. :dunno:
TrippLA said:
You says that you wouldn't buy any Japanese import but Nintendo is from Japan then that not make sense. :dunno:
thats not make sense to you what I told you I wont buy imports from japanese? I dont think that I am so confuse about it. of course I aint rather buy their merchants from a to z.. I dislike sony or other on and on..

especially Nintendo is more mainly games only than stupid sony games.. I bought 1. SNE, the second: SUPERNE, third: N64, the fourth: GBA SP before XBOX released. Then five: GAMECUBE, I gave those away to my kids to play it.. :)
Oh my god... Nintendo is alright but I hate xbox and microsoft products... I don't buy any Nintendo products anymore for good reason.

I'm gonna pre-order PS3 in Sept... gotta it... love it... enjoy it...
TrippLA said:
Oh my god... Nintendo is alright but I hate xbox and microsoft products... I don't buy any Nintendo products anymore for good reason.

I'm gonna pre-order PS3 in Sept... gotta it... love it... enjoy it...

That is ENOUGH. Move on. End of this discussion. PLEASE!
aye, it aint about nintendo. its about XBOX360, I mean, c'mon...
sjones4dad said:
Sheesh!!! Come on.. I say end of this discussion. Wow. You ain't give up. LOL

Nah, You don't need tell me to do then again... shut the fuck up and you are just sarcastic about PS2, PSP and PS3... That's sounds act like stupid.
TrippLA said:
Nah, You don't need tell me to do then again... shut the fuck up and you are just sarcastic about PS2, PSP and PS3... That's sounds act like stupid.

Go ahead and make your day! I don't care. Why are you in xbox 360 thread. HUH?
TrippLA said:
Nah, You don't need tell me to do then again... shut the fuck up and you are just sarcastic about PS2, PSP and PS3... That's sounds act like stupid.
no need to show disrespect to other members or otherwise, you'll start finding trouble yourself.