Motivational Quotes~Life, Love and Happiness

Np, personally I'm not all gung-ho about the whole law of attraction thing is going to manifest stuff in your life. Obviously bad stuff is going to happen to at some point etc. but that's not really the point. You thoughts control your emotions. Yes at some point bad shit happens you get sad, upset etc. But if you sit around thinking about how horrible everything is and throw a long extended pity party for yourself nothing will ever get better. All you do is make yourself MORE sad, MORE upset. It's all in your hands. And yes attitudes like that can and will effect your success in life. Whether or nt you're going to try new things, go back to school, get a different job, new friends and so on and so forth.

But the point of the thread isn't that you should sunshine shooting out your ass at times :) just try to keep things in perspective. Appreciate the things you do have etcetera
And the occasional... ;)

When I was little, I watched an Independent film from Canada about a priest that founded a school called Notre Dame College, which was a college prep. The motto that he wrote on the blackboard and made the children repeat every day was what got me through very difficult times: Luctor et Emergo (struggle and emerge). The school is still active too....and motto is shown right at the top of the page.

Athol Murray College of Notre Dame
