McCain's a racist, I have proof.

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ye reckon byrdie:eek3: it's brought it to a complete stop as of late:giggle:

That it has of late.....

And yet one has money--they could buy themselves anything their little heart desires--no matter what the economy is doing.
yep, assuming the moths aint got to yer purse first, scary old world these days eh, but I know what ye mean
I learned something new about John McCain this week.

I knew that he and his wife had an adopted daughter and that Cindy McCain had brought her home as an infant after visiting Mother Teresa in India.

What I did not know was that when they brought their little girl back to care for her and save her life, they brought back another little girl as well. She was adopted by one of McCain's aides. The story in the Jerusalem Post reads:

Also little-known is the story of McCain's youngest child. As a result of a 1991 Cindy McCain visit to Mother Teresa's orphanage in Bangladesh, the McCains adopted an infant daughter dying from a host of health issues.

The orphanage could not provide the medical care needed to save the little girl's life, so the McCains, already the parents of six children, brought the child home to America, and paid for desperately needed surgeries and years of rehabilitation.

That child is their teenage daughter Bridget. In fact, there was a second infant girl brought back from the orphanage that the McCains saved. She ended up being adopted by one of McCain's aides, Wes Gullett, and his wife. "We were called at midnight by Cindy," Gullett has stated, and "five days later we met our new daughter Nicki at the LA airport."

This fall, Nicki will be a high school junior. Even after years of expensive medical treatment for the child, Gullett says, "I never saw a hospital bill" for her care. It is an extraordinary man who commits himself to such generous and heroic acts; it is an extraordinary politician who won't utter a word about such acts for political aggrandizement.
We in the pro-life movement want to see our politicians really mean it when they say they are pro-life. How many candidates would adopt a severely ill child, bring home another very ill child, pay for the care of both and not blow their own horn about it? I can think of very few.

The pro-life movement has butted heads with John McCain in a number of areas such as embryonic stem cell research and campaign finance reform but John McCain has a very long record that consistently attests to his pro-life credentials. I believe that he will appoint justices in the mold of Roberts, Thomas, Scalia and Alito. I believe that he will continue to promote pro-life policies firmly established under Presidents Reagan and Bush (41) and continued under our current president. I believe that John McCain will do what we in the pro-life movement hope to do: advance the pro-life cause.

I also firmly believe that John McCain will pick a running mate who will work with him on these issues and fit comfortably with the pro-life movement.

Some pro-lifers will choose to sit out this race and not vote, but if they do, their non-vote will allow Barack Obama a greater chance of taking office.

Obama clearly is even more pro-abortion than Bill Clinton which, I'm sure, most of us didn't think was possible. When he was in the state legislature, Barack Obama voted against the Illinois version of the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act and spoke out against it. Contrast this with John and Cindy McCain who were willing to bring home two severely ill infants, adopt one and pay for the care of both.

John McCain won't blow his own horn, but I will. What more can the pro-life movement need for proof than to find a candidate who puts his words into action and doesn't use those actions for political gain?

Living the Pro-Life Message: John McCain's Adoption Makes His Views Real

America has more serious problems to worry about than the pro-life issue. That may sound cruel, but it's the truth. No one is thinking about pro-life; they're thinking about their job security, availability of jobs, 401(k)s and the extremely poor state of the economy.

Just because the McCain's adopted their daughter from Bangladesh doesn't mean their views are more important than Obama's.

As has already been mentioned in an earlier post, why didn't the McCain's adopt a child with disabilities who lives in the United States?
Hear again: Carol Macain had her accident while John Macain was a prisoner of war. So he could hardly pay her hospital bills as he wasn't there. He didn't leave her after discovering she was disabled. He just got the hots for Cindy Macain. According to Wilkopedia they are still friends. Carol McCain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ah well. Don't know what to make of him to be honest. I don't like what he did but you have to remember he was routinely tortured during his time in Vietnam. He's a man who's been through a lot. Of course it would have been much nicer if he had stuck with Carol, but that's his personal life really. Since Carol has obviously forgiven him we should too.
To me, nothing is more important then the lives of those who cannot speak for themselves.
Hear again: Carol Macain had her accident while John Macain was a prisoner of war. So he could hardly pay her hospital bills as he wasn't there. He didn't leave her after discovering she was disabled. He just got the hots for Cindy Macain. According to Wilkopedia they are still friends. Carol McCain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ah well. Don't know what to make of him to be honest. I don't like what he did but you have to remember he was routinely tortured during his time in Vietnam. He's a man who's been through a lot. Of course it would have been much nicer if he had stuck with Carol, but that's his personal life really. Since Carol has obviously forgiven him we should too.

I'm sorry, but being a POW does not give one the right to leave someone who is disabled (or not disabled as the case may be). When you marry someone, you marry and love them for life.

Carol may have forgiven John (which is very noble of her), but I don't know if I could do the same. If Obama were guilty of doing this, I'd feel exactly the same way.

It's hard enough living as a person with a disability without being deserted by people who are supposed to love you.
Money without love is a life full of emptiness.

Yes, money is not everything but the worst is he broke her heart because of that wealthy beautiful model.

McCain admitted his selfish for treat Carol like dirt because of her disabilty.
America has more serious problems to worry about than the pro-life issue. That may sound cruel, but it's the truth. No one is thinking about pro-life...
That isn't true; many people are concerned with pro-life issues. Not everyone puts money first in their priorities.

As has already been mentioned in an earlier post, why didn't the McCain's adopt a child with disabilities who lives in the United States?
At the time, Cindy McCain wasn't looking for a child to adopt. She happened across the baby while visiting an orphanage. She saw two babies who needed help, and she helped them.
That isn't true; many people are concerned with pro-life issues. Not everyone puts money first in their priorities.

If that's true, then how come the national polls indicate that voters see the economy as their number one concern? So far, I've heard absolutely nothing from either Obama or McCain in regards to pro-life issues. Therefore, it must not be as significant an issue as the economy, war in Iraq or job/401(k) security.
It was almost an emergency situation. Would you prefer that Cindy just left the two babies behind?

It's possible that a husband and wife know each other enough to know how each other would react in a given situation. The baby Bridget touched Cindy's heart in a way that she knew would also touch John's heart. Her intuition proved right. Cindy said that "... the maverick senator immediately accepted his new daughter."

Media Matters - NY Daily News : "[M]averick" McCain "immediately accepted" adopted daughter

I have no problem for her to help both babies with surgery but brought baby home without talk John first...

But why can´t she adopt both babies instead of one baby?

It's interesting that when wealthy Angelina Jolie adopts third-world babies everyone praises her. But when a conservative wealthy woman adopts a third-world baby with a birth defect she gets all kinds of criticism.

I do not see anything that anyone criticism her decision for adopt baby from third country. I really has no idea why you assume it.

I only remind you that it´s her who brought the baby home without talk John first, that´s all.

Remind you that it´s not just wealthy people like Jolie and Cindy adopt the babies from third countries but a lot of middle class people adopt babies as well.

I praise them for adopt babies because they need loving home.

The arrangement worked out well for them so why be shocked? Just because you or I might do things differently than the McCains doesn't mean we're "right" and they're "wrong."

How do you know? I doubt because of his temper history including left his crippled wife for wealthy beautiful model. Adopt disabled child? That´s why I beleive it´s Cindy who want to adopt disabled baby from third country in first place...
If that's true, then how come the national polls indicate that voters see the economy as their number one concern? So far, I've heard absolutely nothing from either Obama or McCain in regards to pro-life issues. Therefore, it must not be as significant an issue as the economy, war in Iraq or job/401(k) security.
That's not the same as saying no one is interested in pro-life issues. Polls just show that a majority of people are materialistic but that doesn't mean everyone is.
I have no problem for her to help both babies with surgery but brought baby home without talk John first...

But why can´t she adopt both babies instead of one baby?
Huh? Before you criticized Cindy for adopting one baby, now you criticize her for not adopting two?

But if you're truly just asking a question, then how would I know the answer? Only the McCains and the other couple can answer that question.

I do not see anything that anyone criticism her decision for adopt baby from third country. I really has no idea why you assume it.

I only remind you that it´s her who brought the baby home without talk John first, that´s all.
I didn't need "reminding", thank you.

Remind you that it´s not just wealthy people like Jolie and Cindy adopt the babies from third countries but a lot of middle class people adopt babies as well.

I praise them for adopt babies because they need loving home.
Yes, I know non-wealthy people adopt third-world country babies. I know families who have done that. I don't need reminding, thank you.

I'm glad to know that you praise Cindy for adopting Bridget.

How do you know? I doubt because of his temper history including left his crippled wife for wealthy beautiful model. Adopt disabled child? That´s why I beleive it´s Cindy who want to adopt disabled baby from third country in first place...
Is that what the McCains told you?
That's not the same as saying no one is interested in pro-life issues. Polls just show that a majority of people are materialistic but that doesn't mean everyone is.

So you think just because someone is concerned with the economy (or job/401(k) security) that makes them materialistic? What if they're a family of 4 struggling to make ends meet? Does that make them materialistic? I don't think so.

I'm sure there are plenty of pro-lifers who are materialistic, so don't place the blame soley on those concerned with the economy.
So you think just because someone is concerned with the economy (or job/401(k) security) that makes them materialistic? What if they're a family of 4 struggling to make ends meet? Does that make them materialistic? I don't think so.

I'm sure there are plenty of pro-lifers who are materialistic, so don't place the blame soley on those concerned with the economy.
I'm not "blaming" anyone for anything. I'm simply pointing out the fact that some people focus on the material, and some don't.
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