Malaysian aircraft goes down in Ukraine; 295 dead

Where's the decency and respect for this tragedy? If you wish to discuss something else, go on to another thread or pmland. I will be cleaning this thread later.


EDIT: Posts removed... let's stick to the topic and have some respect in this thread. Thanks.
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Obama: At Least One American Citizen Was Killed In Malaysia Airlines Crash

There is only 1 American dead, down from overestimate at 23 yesterday.

The crisis between Ukraine and pro-Russian separatists aren't going resolved anytime soon. :(
"Russia, pro-Russian separatists and Ukraine must adhere to an immediate cease-fire. Evidence must not be tampered with," Obama continued.
That's what I was talking about.

So if the black box is missing, obviously Russia and pro-Russian rebels tampered it.

I don't care where the victims came from, they were innocent people.
That's what I was talking about.

So if the black box is missing, obviously Russia and pro-Russian rebels tampered it.

I don't care where the victims came from, they were innocent people.

Yes, I agree with you and they want to blame on Ukraine.
Permission from the rebels for Ukraine goverment to investigate the incident in Ukraine? That's fu*ked up!

I think Ukraine should let the Screaming Eagles secure the site and then hand it over to Ukraine military to guard it.
hmmm...apart from the wrong plane shot down, we can all see that Putlin's plan to take over Ukraine is pretty much stuffed now....more to the point...if they refuse to give the black box...there's no trusting to them (Russians /rebels) is there?

its a stupid , bad mistake, but then , all wars sux...wars are plain dumb and senseless
Who should investigate MH17 crash? NTSB should go to investigate it. They need black box recorders. Why did Pro-russian separates give them to Moscow?
chevy57 , hate to break this, but Pro Russia supporters (rebels against Ukraine shot the plane down) and they are hell bent to cover it up, or at least lie about the location of the black box (which is why they 'guarded' it....)....

Pultin doesn't want to go to World Court (or whatever it is the authority or tribunal or such is) im not with it,... i only know the basic stuff

same time though I disliked the way Obama handles this, i mean like, who the f*ck he thinks he is? Earth's boss? some attitude he has. urghh

its a scramble to save their plan to over take Ukraine, which is pretty much stuffed now....
Air traffic control authorities banned all aircraft from flying through eastern Ukrainian airspace. Airlines companies increase flight costs and more hours than regular hours.
So the rebels and the leader must be arrested for murdering innocent civilians but how does that work? :hmm:
was told one of the relative had someone die in other malysiann distaster and this awful
There's a couple threads on reddit asking what the Russian redditors are getting information wise. They are all saying that they are just getting propaganda from the state, a lot of misleading information. Why else would Russia do that if they weren't at fault? One of the people also said that the separatists have a lot of trained military there without patches, provided by Russia of course. And now that seriously bad shit happened, Putin is backpedaling.
Permission from the rebels for Ukraine goverment to investigate the incident in Ukraine? That's fu*ked up!

I heard the rebels are destroying the evidence and I believe they have a lot the passports too . The crash site has not been roped off to keep people from walking on the evidence , there has been a lot lack of respect to the whole tragic incident . All crime scenes are roped off and that was not done here.