lose a body function

which one to lose? why?

  • Vision & eyes

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • Touch / feeling

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Taste / Smelling

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • Thinking / deeper brain functions (laughing, crying, angry, etc)

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Your legs

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Your arms

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Your teeth

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • Hair on your head or other area

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • Your private parts

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Your personality (street smarts, skills, smooth talker, etc)

    Votes: 1 3.3%

  • Total voters
Body functions are:
physiological:breath, see, hear, smell, reproduce, blink, poop etc...
psychological : think

Excellent distiction. I would choose to lose the ability to reproduce.

No wait... I did that! :cheers::dance2::dj::rockon::thumb:
Hair. I could be bald and deaf and still be OK.
I voted for brain/deeper thinking because if you lose the function of your brain you become a "vegetable" (there are many in the hospitals/nursing homes) and with this you lose the function of all other choices.
I voted for hair - It's a bother anyway, always getting it cut, always getting it messed up, would be nice to not worry about washing/combing/styling anymore.

But of the things I would not want to loose? I would grieve if I lost even one of them.

I love my hands and my hands know how to make love.

I love my legs and all that's good about running.

I love my privates because well lets just say it's private. :giggle:

I love to taste food, come on, Chocolate anyone?!?!?! :D

I love my teeth and fretted when I had to get one filled.

Vision/eyes. simply to say I love seeing the beauty in the world and people around me.

I love the sensation of touching someone or something. It doesn't even have to be sexual, just run a hand along a wall or a railing and feel the imperfections in the world. Or holding the hand of a new born baby. Priceless!

My personality is who I am, the person that my family and friends have come to know and love. Take that away and I might as well just run off and start a new life. Not too keen on leaving AD just yet!

Could I lose my mind? Such a delicate thing. It pains me so often. It torments me with bad dreams. It makes me recall bad experiences. But it can also pull me out of a lull. It can give me new insights. It can invent something new. It can write poetry. It can tell a story. It can grieve and rejoice at the same time (how does it do that???). It conveniently forgets the trauma of growing up and reminds me of the love I have around me. No, this one most of all I wish to keep.
I'll keep all my parts, thanks. You know, it's interesting how sometimes people come up to me and tell me it's better to be deaf than blind(none of whom are blind themselves). They mean well, but it's really not the right thing to say to someone.
I actually ignored hair because that was just too easy of a choice, ESPECIALLY for guys who already shave their heads or are bald....

So... while ignoring hair, I voted for teeth. Taste was a close 2nd.

I thought if I lost taste/smell, I wouldn't be as consumed with food as I am now. Therefore it probably would be easier for me to lose weight or maintain it.

However.......I LOVE FOOD TOO MUCH. So I vote for teeth. I have friends who have false teeth and I don't really care.

As for the worst to lose, I would say deeper brain functions, but, to me, that ties in somewhat too close to personality. There's really no point in having a great appearance or having all of your senses if you can't even process.
Hair on head OR other areas.... well since it says OR, I pick to lose hair on other areas lol. :giggle::naughty:
I wouldn't want to lose any body function or body part! However, teeth can be replaced with fake ones, and once it's done it's done and the function is returned to me. Plus there are many options be it dentures or permanent, or whathaveyou. So I'd go with that.
I had a stroke that paralyzed my left side. It took me quite a lot of work to regain back nearly 70% of the use of my left arm & hand, and about 60% of my left leg & foot. So I can tell you from personal experience that losing function in another part of your body is certainly a game changer. And totally reveals the fighter in you!
4 me, I already lost my vision due to myopia (fancy way of saying I'm nearsighted) so I wear cute lil purple glasses.
teeth? it looks like it's already shifting back 2 the way it looked before I got braces (I'm cool with that)
i think losing private parts would be good for half the world population, we got TOOO MANY PEOPLE< AND HALF OF THEM ARE USELESS, this INCLUDES THIS RICH AND POWRFUL, i WANT them to dwindle away....then teach the remaining half about sharing....and bring back the community spirit into 'culture', not consumption....
i think losing private parts would be good for half the world population, we got TOOO MANY PEOPLE< AND HALF OF THEM ARE USELESS, this INCLUDES THIS RICH AND POWRFUL, i WANT them to dwindle away....then teach the remaining half about sharing....and bring back the community spirit into 'culture', not consumption....

Well, you do make a valid point. :lol:
Grum's got some gems on this thread. :lol:

Obviously hair is what I would prefer to lose (I'm already losing it anyway. Hah), but as DD7 points out, that's just too easy. So of the remaining functions, I'd go with teeth. I'd probably prefer to lose a limb before I lost my sense of taste and smell. Food is just too important to me; if I lost my ability to appreciate it, that would be devastating.

The option to choose between two neurological/cognitive processes (deeper thinking/personality) is interesting. At face value, either of them seem to be the worst to lose IMO, but there's a lot of variables. Like, if I lost my deeper thinking abilities, would I understand what I was missing out on? Would I wish for the ability to laugh and cry and empathize but be unable to attain that? If so, that would obviously be the worst. But if it turned out that I were not aware of what I were missing, then the old adage, ignorance is bliss would hold true.
I voted personality as I might lose my identity of getting Alzheimer's disease someday. I hope I don't have it. My sister worry about that, too. It is important to know who I am and what I remembered all those precious memories of my past to the present. That would be very scary. This is very important to me. My husband is starting to have one but he might be just senile, not Alzheimer's disease yet.

I also might be nearly blind. I wear glasses to read books, newspaper and computer writing.
Hmm, it's between hair or teeth. Maybe teeth as I could get fake teeth put in or something(not dentures). A friend of mine had most of her teeth removed due to an accident and fake teeth put in and you can't really tell.

Of course it would be teeth for you. Those aren't important in the United Kingdom.


I just had to say it! Zing opportunities like that are few and far between! Sorry.