Long distance relationship

Geez sorry about this images.. Forgive me I am clumsy :-x
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
THANK YOU!!! I like my independence, I dont like a clingy guy so I am cool that I cant see them everyday :D

:werd: im the same way i just cannot stand clingy women :roll: and i LOVEEEEEE my independence
mmm-mmm :| of course... Local relationship is the bestest thing that ever happen in their lives :roll: "as if" love will last long as u want to last it longer... :|
if you are in a LD relationship with this special someone, you'd make it work, worth your time and love! Most of my friends here tell me LD is a better option than local.

I have been divorced twice, the guys in MN aren't my type and immatures.. Somehow I met my man, our relationship used to be LD, he was from WVA and I am in MN... we worked out where our lives lead to.. we discussed and He decided to moved in, and I helped him to find job and supported him being apart from his hometown/family.. we worked out good but I know it wasnt easy.. it does cost costly.. ie: visit his family, trips, friends etc. the important to keep communication open, trust, love also supporting. Before, I had few ex LD, didnt work out..

:dance: (have faith) hehe
Notice about my past relationships were most LD than local. Survived with them thru. Yes, thru bad and good times. In my opinion, local and LD are similiar but only difference is mileage.
Not mind to have LD relationship cuz I do cherish my independence time. As long as LD lovers keep contact with me by e-mails and different ways.
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My current relationship, I've been seeing since Sept 2005. It's been LD almost the whole relationship. At first it was cuz he was in NC and I was in Maine.. then I moved to NC to be with him. Now it's LD again.. he's overseas for the army and I'm in NC. We make it work by trying to talk at least every day. We are honest with each other and if we have problems, we talk about them. our whole relationship has been discussion and solve problems. But we've never had an argument because we discuss everything in detail. IF one of us going through a bad time, the other is always there to listen or offer advice.
some are lucky and some are not work out.. it depend on.. good thing my bf live in ala so we found each other hehe.. now he live with me since and i helped him found job.. he love job already, workt here 1 month now.. hehe..
yes it take time and patience to have a long distance relationship. sometimes it can make your loved ones more deeply in love and especially spaces. sometimes it can lead to problems. it is always good for a couple. but not always. grr..

Respect, Communication, Trust, Honesty, Understanding and more are most important part of the relationship. It take two to tango and work.

Yes alot of works to keep relationship healthy and happy!
8 friends of mine who were on long-distance and they end got married or live together.
I've been in two, first didn't work out and the second has had MANY struggles and problems to overcome :-/ I don't really suggest them, when you like someone you want to be NEAR them!
If we re living in the past, yes i agree with you that LD sucks. However, with better technology especially with VP and webcam - you can talk to your gf/bf face to face. I think the reason why LD sucks because you can't see him/her but with VP, you can see him/her everyday.

Of course, LD takes more work than local realtionship. But LD can work if one person commits to other person and one willing to move to be with him/her. IMO LD is only good if you re just in boy/girlfriend phase but in marriage? no way. I believe LD realtionship should eventually lead to marriage. IF not, then you re better off having local realtionship and fool around :cool:
If we re living in the past, yes i agree with you that LD sucks. However, with better technology especially with VP and webcam - you can talk to your gf/bf face to face. I think the reason why LD sucks because you can't see him/her but with VP, you can see him/her everyday.

Sometimes just seeing them isn't enough when you really really really want to give them a hug! :hug:
Sometimes just seeing them isn't enough when you really really really want to give them a hug! :hug:

You can always fly down and see them, just like Roadrunner and I after chatting on line for 8 months, then I flew down to see him for the first time...

Sometimes good things comes out of this like someone you've been waiting for all your life...True love aren't hard to find only if you don't give up and keep trying :)
My long distance romance turned into 4 1/2 yrs of wonderful marriage so far:kiss: ........I believe in some things being meant to be by way of God's plan though. I never would do long distance relationships before.
I don’t think I’d be interested in a long-distance relationship… I’d want someone to hold, not have them be too far away to even do that.