*laughs* nonsense i say!



I don't know if this is a repost or anything but I HAVE to comment:

The barf smiley that AD has, is NASTY. Everytime I look at it, I feel like I'm going to do the very same thing. Does this happen to everyone? Do I need to give it time and it'll pass? ;) But dammit its sick =X
:lol: It doesn't really bother me because it's just a picture. :lol: If I see a real person throwing up, then I throw up for sure! :lol:
Originally posted by ChelEler
:lol: It doesn't really bother me because it's just a picture. :lol: If I see a real person throwing up, then I throw up for sure! :lol:

Just don't watch the movie Jackass...or be guranateed to vomit.
Ugh, dont remind me about that movie.. :barf: oops, sorry Pinkster :x

Pinkster, the smiley doesnt bother me, its only a picture.. eh ;)
Originally posted by SilenceGold
Just don't watch the movie Jackass...or be guranateed to vomit.

Ah, too late. I saw that movie and I find it stupid. :ugh:
Originally posted by ChelEler
Ah, too late. I saw that movie and I find it stupid. :ugh:

Yeah, it was stupid but some parts was funny.. some of them wasnt :ugh:
The only time I cringled was when they were cutting their own toe with paper...lol...damn them papercuts...thank god for shoes.
Originally posted by SilenceGold
The only time I cringled was when they were cutting their own toe with paper...lol...damn them papercuts...thank god for shoes.

Definitely :werd: I hate that!
Originally posted by SilenceGold
The only time I cringled was when they were cutting their own toe with paper...lol...damn them papercuts...thank god for shoes.

eeeek. I hate papercuts, so when they were going to go doing that to themselves, I left the room and wouldn't watch it til they went off doing something else..ugh!
Originally posted by Teekie
eeeek. I hate papercuts, so when they were going to go doing that to themselves, I left the room and wouldn't watch it til they went off doing something else..ugh!

Lisa did that too after she started laughing and crying at the same time..lol.

I kept on saying *wave* come here! *wave* look! *wave* don't ignore me *wave* *wave* *wave* why are you crying *wave* *wave* wave* *wave* it's finished *wave* *wave* I am honest look....
Originally posted by SilenceGold
Lisa did that too after she started laughing and crying at the same time..lol.

I kept on saying *wave* come here! *wave* look! *wave* don't ignore me *wave* *wave* *wave* why are you crying *wave* *wave* wave* *wave* it's finished *wave* *wave* I am honest look....

:laugh2: my hubby tried doing that to me but i refused.. I could tell he wasn't telling the truth that it was over because he was smiling :lol:
Originally posted by Teekie
:laugh2: my hubby tried doing that to me but i refused.. I could tell he wasn't telling the truth that it was over because he was smiling :lol:

I'll bet your husband and I would be buddies...being pranksters! :D
Originally posted by SilenceGold
I'll bet your husband and I would be buddies...being pranksters! :D

:lol: I'm sure he'd like that.. he loves teasing and pulling pranks on people.. :lol: ;)
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It don't bother me. If it wasn't Pinkster, I would go to a web site and find like tons of barfing photos and post them up. But I luv Jams too much :cuddle:
lmao.. i saw Jackass - BEST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN! Granted - i hated the barfing part.. but oh my god - i liked... ok remember im a girl, ok? I thought it was hilarious when they used the shock pads or whatever (i saw it without cc so i dunno what they called it) shit, when that guy put that on his dick.. my god i was laughing my freakin ass off.

ty matty :) you know i'd kick your butt, or worse if you did that to me =X :cuddle:
my brother told me it was a funny movie (jackass) i watched ..i was like wtf...i just continued to watch it to see what other idiotic stuff those guys did...after the movie was over my brother came into my room said did you think it was funny? im like no..you guys think its funny cuz you guys do crazy shit like that...
the barf smiley doesn't bother me and 2nd of all jackass the movie sucks I don't bother watchin scary or gross movies anymore since I was little cuz if i do I wud be scared and never able to sleep til few nights later :P
the barf smiley doesnt bother me -- as for the movie JACKASS im so far behind and i generally dont pay attention to those type movies cuz i can sense which ones are the STUPID ones LOL

Purrs -- if u make it thru a horror flick with me -- ill guarantee u ill be RIGHT there with u to help u :zzz: after a lil "diversion" :twisted: :naughty: :rofl: :laugh2:
Originally posted by Fly Free
the barf smiley doesnt bother me -- as for the movie JACKASS im so far behind and i generally dont pay attention to those type movies cuz i can sense which ones are the STUPID ones LOL

Purrs -- if u make it thru a horror flick with me -- ill guarantee u ill be RIGHT there with u to help u :zzz: after a lil "diversion" :twisted: :naughty: :rofl: :laugh2:

:rofl: I'm sure of that :naughty: