Jamaca or Mexico

Where should i go for a misson trip to the deaf?

  • Jamaca

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Mexico

    Votes: 6 66.7%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jul 17, 2003
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i am going on a mission trip next year for the deaf:deal: and have a chance to go to both places, but i don't know which on to go on. :ugh::dunno: both isn't an option, and they both sound like fun. could ya'll help me decide?:confused: :dunno:
i've alway swanted to go there, but i am going not alone, but with a group. to one of those places. i would be great to go ther though.
Originally posted by ASLnikki
i am going on a mission trip next year for the deaf:deal: and have a chance to go to both places, but i don't know which on to go on. :ugh::dunno: both isn't an option, and they both sound like fun. could ya'll help me decide?:confused: :dunno:

I think both are great places to go on a mission trip! :) But perhaps Jamaica as it's an entirely different country to Mexico...sure Mexico's a country but it's so close to the US. I think Jamaica would give more opportunities for you to spread the word and help the deaf community there.
On the other hand, Mexican deaf community may need help as well in order to break out of the poverty chain Mexico's experiencing as I'm sure you're aware of.

Really, it's your decision on which one would benefit the most from the mission trip you're taking.

Could you explain more on what sort of mission trip it is you're making? What is its purpose? Maybe that'll help narrow the decision on which country to go to.

Meixco is plenty where you could find hearing impaired.

Jamaica is quite small island, hardly to notice deaf fellows...
Sam, why do you call these "Hearing Impaired?" What's wrong with "Deaf" or "Hard of Hearing?"
the purpose is to spread the word of Christ. It is church related. I think both places would be a great oppportunity. Jamaca has a Christian Carribean Center for the Deaf(CCCD). It does seem like more peole go to Mexico, just for the fact that it is closer.
Originally posted by ChelEler
Sam, why do you call these "Hearing Impaired?" What's wrong with "Deaf" or "Hard of Hearing?"

What's your first name, lady?
i choose mexico, cuz there's plenty of things to do there than in jams. I enjoy drinking in mexico. :naughty:

But i heard in jams, nice people (some not many) most jams are getting sick seeing americans comming in their country.
Mexico near the gulf of mexico is beautiful place to be.

I heard about the CCCD and their nice work to help create a deaf village....I had to give a presentation on Jamaica for my advanced ASL class a while back......if you go to Jamaica - try getting a book on Jamaican sign because it s not really established and it is difficult finding one that is why there is a workshop there to teach it and it is vey expensive even for students like almost 2 grand if I remember correctly. But Mexico has MORE Deaf and they are religious hehehehe and more fun :) They definitely need more help, I hope you are going to do something useful like help build a playground, establish a center for deaf, or something..........not just preach ya know????
Originally posted by DeafSCUBA98
i choose mexico, cuz there's plenty of things to do there than in jams. I enjoy drinking in mexico. :naughty:

But i heard in jams, nice people (some not many) most jams are getting sick seeing americans comming in their country.
Mexico near the gulf of mexico is beautiful place to be.

Heh....I do have some fond and funny memories of when I went down to Tijuana, Mexico which is just over the border between California and Mexico. I went there in February 1996 while visiting with a good mate of mine who lives in San Diego. He decided to take me and his roommate down to Tijuana for a night of dancing and drinking.
I remember thinking that Tijuana was such a dingy and dirty place -- roads were mostly dirt, not sealed yet with tar...heaps of mexicans roaming the road, either begging for money or just seeking thrills.
I did have a great time dancing at a dance club until about 3am in the morning...all of us were a bit drunk and decided it was time to leave...what's more the borders were closed and didn't open til 6am! We ended up getting pulled over by mexican cops twice! My mate, Shane, had turned into a one way street and was going the wrong way! We managed to get away by bribing the cops with $20, then again got stopped when Shane went through a stop sign without stopping...grrr.! Even worse, at that pull over, we had stopped right in front of Mexico's FBI building! People were looking out of the windows, curious of what was happening with us. :o Eventually, we got away by paying $20 again and left...phew!
At the border, we had to wait until 6am for the borders to open up....grrr!

Anyway, I think Mexico's full of interesting places to visit and holiday, etc. For instance, Puerto Vallerta (my Mum holidayed there once for a few days with her friend years ago and she loved it)
i can't preach, i am a lady! ne way, i am not going to build ne thin, i am only 14. if i go to jamacia, i will go with New Holland, if i go to Mexico, i will go with a couple different church youths. both will be fun!
Originally posted by WaterRats13
Heh....I do have some fond and funny memories of when I went down to Tijuana, Mexico which is just over the border between California and Mexico. I went there in February 1996 while visiting with a good mate of mine who lives in San Diego. He decided to take me and his roommate down to Tijuana for a night of dancing and drinking.
I remember thinking that Tijuana was such a dingy and dirty place -- roads were mostly dirt, not sealed yet with tar...heaps of mexicans roaming the road, either begging for money or just seeking thrills.

that is not true- I went to TJ and it was hella fun - just take the subway/train from SD to TJ and there was lots of shopping and cool restaraunts...a lot of american people was there doing tequilla shots - the bartender will go around and whoever wants to do it, well the bartender will go to that person and put a towel around their neck and blow a whistle while the person drinks the tequilla but get this, the person has to tilt their head back and the bartender pours it to their mouth!!!!! anyways, I didnt do that :( but there was lots of club and fun things......lots of stuff to buy........and when I went to San Felipe, Baja - it was SOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!! whooo hooo, I wanna go back soon....