It is the Random Question Game.... :):):):)

^^^ Never has done

Which soda do u like to drink?
Oi! You didn't answer MY question......

oops? :dunno: i just quickly reply to ask any random questions, therefore; somebody probably did answered to some questions before me..... btw, what is spirits drink? if so, i'd say sobe or arizona teas.

now answer my question, doggone it! :lol:
oops? :dunno: i just quickly reply to ask any random questions, therefore; somebody probably did answered to some questions before me..... btw, what is spirits drink? if so, i'd say sobe or arizona teas.

now answer my question, doggone it! :lol:

Now, you have answered the question, maybe you replied too quick, today...

hmm, talking about sex in one week... I would say 1 million times and everyone would have given up listening! Naw, to be honest, 2 or 3 times a weelk, I idk, really.
Good one, RR!

Favourite disney character would be slyvester the cat!

The higest purchase you have ever spent on what?

OFF TOPIC----Sylvester the Cat from Warner Bros, not Disney :lol:

Who is ur favorite WWE wrestler? :lol:

:giggle: Well i do not watch WWE wrestler now! but long time ago I was in love with 4 Brothers Kevin?? of Von Erich family but I am sure that they re all dead! :(:(:( :dunno:

what color of your underwear?
^^^ Hmm, gotta check Von Erich's info on wikipedia soon, I know only one person is still alive and one of their daughter is currently contract signed with WWE...

Blue with polar bears from AE :lol:

What are u doing right now? :lol:
? doin right now

^^^ Hmm, gotta check Von Erich's info on wikipedia soon, I know only one person is still alive and one of their daughter is currently contract signed with WWE...

Blue with polar bears from AE :lol:

What are u doing right now? :lol:

Drinking coffee checking my e-mails,waiting for my son to get out of school, and believing God for some financial provision, (Mulit- Tasking) Ha Ha!

God to me is ultimately the basis for everything on Earth. My extistance before this life, my guidance and maker for this life, and the leader of the kingdom of Heaven after this life.

What IS your worst Phobia???

what brand is your car ? ( if you have any )
^^^ Full time, Staff Resident Asst at Clerc Hall in Gallaudet University

u dodo tonight?
^^^ Full time, Staff Resident Asst at Clerc Hall in Gallaudet University

u dodo tonight?

Nope and it is 9 am in the morning here!

When was the last time you saw a freak storm in your area?
^^ The freaky weather, hmm. I guess that'd be in January 2000 when a tornado had done it's job destroying places, etc. Maybe the tornado is not so freaky but it was unusual during the winter time though.

Supposedly you're in a long distance relationship and it's been going on for a while, Do you stay where you are or move closer to that significant other?