It Doesn't Seem Fun Anymore...Why?....

I totally understand how you all feel.. I am new here too.. hey we all are learning. I would not stab ppl's back. I just simple give advices or tell stories like I did about my proposal!! :-D and that why I added that comments in advices that I don't care what ppl thinks cuz i know that we all have different opinions just don't say it outloud anyways (pm is best way) and I knew my proposal was something I KNOW ppl would enjoy... some people just dont have brain whatsoever... ofc i simply ignore some offends.. they all have different opinions in one way or another.. as long as they don't gossip or stab their back that's a :nono: :dunno: they may be crazy after all.. :rofl: heck we all are not perfect here and there...;) if they offends me I just ignore it and go to different threads...simple as that. There are some NICE ppl... just ignore the ones that offends you.. that what I do.
Deaf258 said:
That's so true, Steel! I think people who stay home and be depressed would use this as a form of entertainment to cause problems between people online, all because they were bored with their own lives and had nothing else better to do! :ugh:
I know afew who are like that :D But I think it's inapporiate to shout out their names but good thing some of them aren't here anymore though
Thank you for those who agreed on this and you know who you are! :)

In my opinion, there seems to be a grey area when it comes to ' whinning ' which falls along the lines of being negative or literally complaining but when it comes to ' feeling ' uncomfortable and needing to explain in details of a particular thing, way, etc. isn't neccessarily considered whinning...

Overall, the general assumption here by how others have been perceiving it as whinning when it is NOT....I know it's hard to see whether a person is or isn't whinning over the internet, but when I see someone complain about something related to life or things that are going around here or just getting something off their chest, I don't see it like if they are ' whinning '....

By this thread that I created, I had no intention of coming across in the manner such as ' whinny '....I honestly hoped by doing this thread would make or help get AllDeaf back to the way it was before....

Thank you and Have a Great Weekend! :)
Kudos to u angel for this recent posting i can understand yr perspective and have nothing against you. i do hope some members will see it ands relize its better off to let the sleeping dogs lie, than to g et into heated arguements where u will regret what ur saying. its not fair and not right in every way. So best suggestion u see a thread u don t like and don't agree with then leave it alone u see a thread that looks lame then don't waste ur time posting, u see something u want to debate fine but control the debate before it gets out of control cuz that type can get locked. AND laste but not the least u see a member and u feel its offensive to other member PM the member ask for clarification before u jump AND if its still something u find offensive ask that member to refrain from it OR if it gets to a point where u don't like it THEN PM the moderator they will attempt to do something or be aware of it and keep a close eye on the situation. its real simple! :)
javapride said:
u don't like it THEN PM the moderator they will attempt to do something or be aware of it and keep a close eye on the situation. its real simple! :)

It's rather hard when a moderator here has been pussywhupped.
TweetyBird said:
i agree with Angel abt that.. some people need STOP jump on other people like that.. this ALLDEAF are DISCUSS AND ASK QUESTIONS, so the people ask other people QUESTIONS! nothing wrong with that!!!! HELLO!!! i am tired of that some people who are not respect other people on POSTS!!! ALSO STOP BEING :gossip: or stabbing other people's back period!


i am sowwy abt that but i need out of my chest and tell everyone how my feeling... PLS DONT DO THAT!!! be FRIENDLY AND FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ily:

You're not the only one who feels that way.

It's not the same as before but I'm pretty sure we all can work it all out and make it good again.
Socrates said:
It's rather hard when a moderator here has been pussywhupped.

Don't you have any respect at all????

Now I know why you were kicked out before!!!!

*Wishful thinking*
Red~Rum said:
Don't you have any respect at all????

Now I know why you were kicked out before!!!!

*Wishful thinking*

:rofl: Tsk ! But, I know how you feel. Vampy is really nice fellow. ;)
Red~Rum said:
Don't you have any respect at all????

Now I know why you were kicked out before!!!!

*Wishful thinking*

Ahh, shoot. You took the words right out of my hands!
im bowing out of this thread i have said my piece and im leavingh this alone from here on out. ( will read ofc but leaving this alone)
Everyone's entitled to their own piece just as much as I am. I'm simply saying it as I see it. :P

Psstt, try to solve my secret sentence under the signature! :naughty:
Sure we can learn from mistakes, and that's really cool... sometimes it's a bit sore to see some people going and going about the same thing, not letting go of some things. I don't know. I won't tiptoe around on cracked eggshells. Some people seem to be biased about taking sides, and thinks a person is a good person if the right side is taken. Well, who decides ultimately who is right and who is wrong? It's just our opinions that are different, but we are the same as a people - the human race. Let's not forget that and show the love. That's the big picture I am seeing here. Be responsible about what we post, because no matter what - we CANT and it's not ethical to make others wrong. Let's just have fun even when we disagree - don't make it a battle of will. You'll be disappointed and feeling drained - you are giving away your power to others efficiently.

Oh my god... I want so much to let all of you that all of you are so loved no matter what! Treat others as you would want to be treated is a good golden rule to live by, according to a very dear friend. Ignore a malicious and snide post like a lady or gentleman, or report it to a mod that you trust. Not worth it fighting that malicious person or bully. Just report it to the mod or admin instantly. Its their job to handle these things, and no stress for us. :D Admin does have the final decision, and if it doesnt work out with the mod - just go to the next level, the super mod. If that doesnt work, then go to the admin directly. Or you can just start a new thread like this one or the one Socrates started. Fine. :)
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I'm not surprising....
Just I got back home today and reading.................*Pretty interesting this topic turns into whining*

In my mind, Obvouisly sounded alike "whining and complain about issues so many different... What making you feel upset and why turns into sour and uglier more?
I've seen, everyones who againist you or else.. probably you might againist me.. I don't even care what you really doesn't like me.. "Not even met me b4 in RL" What make a difference? *hmmmmm* Wha..ever as long you saying.. "Name it".

Isn't my type.. I'd rather being enjoy reading AD forum and posting netural for everyone.. as for me isn't ready to get know you more 100% and also become more than 100% friend as my typical favoursuim. I'm only since Sept '03 from now.

Just I got home recent while I was away up the north at Grand Bend, Ontario.Canada for our nice family vacation camping long wknd.
BTW.. Peace and :thumb:
Dont be ridiculous. We only come in here to discuss and post. If they do not like it and they should refrain from say something in here.

"whining and complain about issues so many different... What making you feel upset and why turns into sour and uglier more?
I've seen, everyones who againist you or else.. probably you might againist me.. I don't even care what you really doesn't like me..

That was funny comment. We do not ask them to dislike us or not. This forum is messageboard where people can post anything they want. Remember this is internet. We only come here to enjoy ourselves. If we see some harsh comments and we can ignore their harsh comment or challenge (debate).
AquaMaiden said:
You're not the only one who feels that way.

It's not the same as before but I'm pretty sure we all can work it all out and make it good again.
yea me too... sigh.. :wiggle:
This forum should be considered as a road. We all share the road, even pedestrian, cyclist and oddities that we see in everyday lives. That shouldn’t mean that we should be angry with them either. In defensive driving course they teach that we should let the fool go. For an idiot is always an idiot, therefore, let them be, an idiot. It is better to ignore them and to continue with our lives, that way we will not get so stressed out with what people think or have to say about you. We have our own uniqueness, so forget them if they think otherwise. Just nod and go on with our lives.