It Doesn't Seem Fun Anymore...Why?....


♥"Concrete Angel"♥
Premium Member
Nov 28, 2003
Reaction score
For the last month or so, things really seem to be ridiculous and not fun as it used to be here in AD....When I realize and see the good members are leaving or thinking of leaving and it makes me very sad and it's upsetting me!!

Why is this?.....

It seem like a couple members here always think that they have a ' way ' with words and how things are SUPPOSE to be like they act as if they are holding the reins which clearly shows control on their part with the way they post by jumping/attacking on innocent posters and even towards those that they dislike in here....It's obvious by how they come across with their own opinions like how they actually conduct themselves in another forum where they do partake in running....And bringing that sort of attitude and demeanor in here is really getting very disgusting and immature-like.....

The days of AllDeaf used to be alot of fun and members would get along sharing and telling things that were fun to hear and opinions that were respected and ideas that were helpful to use....It's hard enough for some of us to be in here when a couple members is putting down how we may feel or think as if we aren't human or good enough or can't quite use words to such an extent with the bottom line indicating that a couple of members act like they are too good or smarter for how they think or feel IS the only way or acting like they know it all when responding to the other good members who simply posting away without being inconsiderate or in a mean way as this couple of members who does so in wickedly way which they thrive on!!...

Another thing I would like to add is if there is someone you dislike, use common sense by taking it in ' PM ' , Don't humiliate them and making them look bad or feeling ' small ' ...It's distasteful and disrespectful when everyone can ' read ' it and also, it's a very unkind gesture on their part which fits quite well in a kindergarten setting/class instead of in here in AllDeaf!!!

It's not going to bother me if I am attacked with this thread I'm posting, but, honestly, it's how I do feel and I've been very patience and keeping my peace....although, I just HAD to say my piece and with uttermost desire from my heart IS hopefully some goodness will come out of this and put an end to these ridiculous acts shown on behalf of a couple of members here...let's just remember that AllDeaf was created for all of us and NOT just for a 'few' and NOT a place where a 'few' who can push the good members off...AND most definitely NOT a place where ' control ' seem to be the norm with little respect or regard for the other members!!

Let's put an END to this crazy madness once for all and bring back the fun and joy in AllDeaf!!! :thumb:
Well said, Angel.

I am fairly new here and have been trying to get to know other members but I find many cliques here and it is hard for an outsider to fit in. I was hoping that this forum would be a progressive one that allows everyone to fit in without worrying about "high school cliques". I find a very few members imposing their opinions on the majority of users and it is disturbing because we do not need to handle that.

Therefore many new members leave and never get to know anyone else. And there are a few members who coldly leave others out - that is sad because we are all more alike, than different.

Thank you Angel for being strong enough to post that.

Sometimes it would be nice if someone practices what they preach and instead of hiding behind of the "Oh so sugar & spice" veneer they portray to others. The "oh so sugar & spice" veneer they portray to others isn't really appreciated because some other people do see through the veneer and know the person for who they are. It'd be nice if people wouldn't have their co-horts tag along in the arguments as well. It's so annoying, it makes my teeth itch.
I have been a member of this forum for over a year, and ^angel^, you are right. It WAS a peaceful forum where everyone basically enjoyed posting in here. I won't lie and say that AD has had its share of problems in the past, but ever since the arrival of certain new members in the past few months, it has been nothing but impossible lately. These new members do not know how to let it go. These new members seem to have a chronic problem of constant misunderstandings and taking things too personal, then go crying to their friends for support. This makes my teeth and bones itch too!
i agree with Angel abt that.. some people need STOP jump on other people like that.. this ALLDEAF are DISCUSS AND ASK QUESTIONS, so the people ask other people QUESTIONS! nothing wrong with that!!!! HELLO!!! i am tired of that some people who are not respect other people on POSTS!!! ALSO STOP BEING :gossip: or stabbing other people's back period!


i am sowwy abt that but i need out of my chest and tell everyone how my feeling... PLS DONT DO THAT!!! be FRIENDLY AND FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ily:
kuifje75 said:
I have been a member of this forum for over a year, and ^angel^, you are right. It WAS a peaceful forum where everyone basically enjoyed posting in here. I won't lie and say that AD has had its share of problems in the past, but ever since the arrival of certain new members in the past few months, it has been nothing but impossible lately. These new members do not know how to let it go. These new members seem to have a chronic problem of constant misunderstandings and taking things too personal, then go crying to their friends for support. This makes my teeth and bones itch too!

100% Agreed.

It does get onto my nerves, especially when the threads get locked, I continue to get private messages about how they think of me and that and that.

Some people are so blatantly rude and cannot get a grip on reality, especially when they resort to private-messaging after a thread get locked up.
^Angel^ said:
For the last month or so, things really seem to be ridiculous and not fun as it used to be here in AD....When I realize and see the good members are leaving or thinking of leaving and it makes me very sad and it's upsetting me!!

Why is this?.....

It seem like a couple members here always think that they have a ' way ' with words and how things are SUPPOSE to be like they act as if they are holding the reins which clearly shows control on their part with the way they post by jumping/attacking on innocent posters and even towards those that they dislike in here....It's obvious by how they come across with their own opinions like how they actually conduct themselves in another forum where they do partake in running....And bringing that sort of attitude and demeanor in here is really getting very disgusting and immature-like.....

The days of AllDeaf used to be alot of fun and members would get along sharing and telling things that were fun to hear and opinions that were respected and ideas that were helpful to use....It's hard enough for some of us to be in here when a couple members is putting down how we may feel or think as if we aren't human or good enough or can't quite use words to such an extent with the bottom line indicating that a couple of members act like they are too good or smarter for how they think or feel IS the only way or acting like they know it all when responding to the other good members who simply posting away without being inconsiderate or in a mean way as this couple of members who does so in wickedly way which they thrive on!!...

Another thing I would like to add is if there is someone you dislike, use common sense by taking it in ' PM ' , Don't humiliate them and making them look bad or feeling ' small ' ...It's distasteful and disrespectful when everyone can ' read ' it and also, it's a very unkind gesture on their part which fits quite well in a kindergarten setting/class instead of in here in AllDeaf!!!

It's not going to bother me if I am attacked with this thread I'm posting, but, honestly, it's how I do feel and I've been very patience and keeping my peace....although, I just HAD to say my piece and with uttermost desire from my heart IS hopefully some goodness will come out of this and put an end to these ridiculous acts shown on behalf of a couple of members here...let's just remember that AllDeaf was created for all of us and NOT just for a 'few' and NOT a place where a 'few' who can push the good members off...AND most definitely NOT a place where ' control ' seem to be the norm with little respect or regard for the other members!!

Let's put an END to this crazy madness once for all and bring back the fun and joy in AllDeaf!!! :thumb:

I often feel offended but I kept it to myself and that's not good because it can lead me into depression, just like right now.
TweetyBird said:
i agree with Angel abt that.. some people need STOP jump on other people like that.. this ALLDEAF are DISCUSS AND ASK QUESTIONS, so the people ask other people QUESTIONS! nothing wrong with that!!!! HELLO!!! i am tired of that some people who are not respect other people on POSTS!!! ALSO STOP BEING :gossip: or stabbing other people's back period!


i am sowwy abt that but i need out of my chest and tell everyone how my feeling... PLS DONT DO THAT!!! be FRIENDLY AND FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ily:

You know you can't set the rules for them. Only a way is to ignore the others if they cause the problem(s) in here. Either you can inform moderator(s) about the problem which they can take a handle it. If they stab the people's back that is their problem because they do not know ignore them and enjoy their time.
Banjo said:
100% Agreed.

It does get onto my nerves, especially when the threads get locked, I continue to get private messages about how they think of me and that and that.

Some people are so blatantly rude and cannot get a grip on reality, especially when they resort to private-messaging after a thread get locked up.

Banjo, that's known as bullying. You have rights to report the member to the administrator and the administrator has to take action to intervene. Bullying is unacceptable in any way or form.
eternity said:
You know you can't set the rules for them. Only a way is to ignore the others if they cause the problem(s) in here. Either you can inform moderator(s) about the problem which they can take a handle it. If they stab the people's back that is their problem because they do not know ignore them and enjoy their time.
i dont have plms with alldeaf here but i just tell people what i talk abt it... i am tired of see the people cause the plms or blame or or jump on other people whatever on other people.. not me... i talk abt other people thats all.. u are right abt ingore people for stabbing or gossip.. yea u are right.. that what i tried tell the people to stop stabbing or whatever.. thats all what i tried help the people to stop but i guess not work.. ugh...
Socrates said:
Sometimes it would be nice if someone practices what they preach and instead of hiding behind of the "Oh so sugar & spice" veneer they portray to others. The "oh so sugar & spice" veneer they portray to others isn't really appreciated because some other people do see through the veneer and know the person for who they are. It'd be nice if people wouldn't have their co-horts tag along in the arguments as well. It's so annoying, it makes my teeth itch.

Talk is cheap when one goes around contradicting what they do over and over and there's NO end to it...I'm sorry, but I have seen it countless of times when for example; one day 'acting' in this manner and put down another kind of 'act' as terrible or like what you've stated in here, practice what you preach, apparently could YOU be lacking the practice?...each time there is something disliked about someone here or have to HAVE a certain 'SAY' about how something OUGHT to be, it is obvious they DO bring their so-called co-horts right alongside! Now, that's darn annoying and makes my skin quiver....

Lo and behold, let's all quit the belittling and bringing the past in here, there are countless of members who have been indeed hurt emotionally, when they simply come here for fun and to exchange ideas, opinions, etc. with others alike...this is what ^Angel^ is trying to point out here, to stop this crazy madness as she put it, and put aside such rudeness or harshness towards certain members when they are simply posting in a good way, there's no need to 'TELL' other members WHAT THEY MUST DO, HOW TO DO SOMETHING, etc.,...for us, I mean all of us as members, we are not moderators or the owner of this forum...therefore, let's put aside the rudeness or sharply being criticial no matter what any member posts.... :smash:

Btw ^Angeldearie^, good thread, I do feel for you for the things you've encountered and have held your peace for soooo long and now trying to put an end to this once for all.... :cuddle:
some ppl just dont really care since this is the internet we are using dont really know other people online as in real life so if they try to get you pissed off or whatever, they are only doing this as their own part of entertainment so dont get this get to you anyway