Is Ted Kennedy's Senate seat falling into Republician hands?

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I do declare. I feel a bit consternashun that nobudy gav mu suth'n post the least of a chuckle
:lol: Now close this day with a Fuddism and I'll have seen a lil of everything.
I f'ing love Fuddruckers
:lol: Now close this day with a Fuddism and I'll have seen a lil of everything.

The new Geico commercial stars Elmer Fudd, Pretty funny,,,,the director keeps yelling "Cut it's Rabbit with an R"
so did anything happen? any violence? any assault?

Suppose? what do you mean suppose? KKK did far worse. by lynching. cross burning. vandalizing. assaulting.

The intent was intimidation. Had they stood there without the batons then I'd be less agreeable. But to carry a baton in such an intimidating fashion at a polling station isn't an intent on intimidation? Please.

Not much for imagination. If a KKK member dressed in a similar garb as the Panthers and carry a baton at a polling station, what would that look like? Not an attempt at intimidation?
The intent was intimidation. Had they stood there without the batons then I'd be less agreeable. But to carry a baton in such an intimidating fashion at a polling station isn't an intent on intimidation? Please.

Not much for imagination. If a KKK member dressed in a similar garb as the Panthers and carry a baton at a polling station, what would that look like? Not an attempt at intimidation?

so was there a Voter Intimidation charge?
Yes a charge was brought but Holder decided to drop the charge

ah... looks like a case of overreaction. like an armed Republican supporter at the rally.

all perfectly legal. no violence had happen.
ah... looks like a case of overreaction. like an armed Republican supporter at the rally.

all perfectly legal. no violence had happen.

The strange part is that the charges were dropped after a default judgement was already entered. Never heard of the Prosecution dropping charges in a case they had already won. Especially without an appeal being filed.
The strange part is that the charges were dropped after a default judgement was already entered. Never heard of the Prosecution dropping charges in a case they had already won. Especially without an appeal being filed.

29 members of the Democrat-controlled House Judiciary Committee voted on Wednesday 15-14, sharply along party lines, against a resolution to compel the Justice Department to provide answers as to why it dropped the case, thus exhausting legal recourse.

My, my. Hmmm....
Justice spokesman Alejandro Miyar says the dismissal was "based on a careful assessment of the facts and the law." But Rep. Frank Wolf (R., Va.), has been asking for more information. Assistant Attorney General Ronald Welch, for example, claims in a July 13 letter to Mr. Wolf that charges against the New Black Panther Party itself were dropped because there wasn't "evidentiary support" to prove they "directed" the intimidation.

my my.... :hmm:
Supreme injustice - Across the country, the Republican Party continues to intimidate African-American and Latino voters -- an ugly legacy of Chief Justice William Rehnquist.


Well I agree with this. It's impossible to prove the BPP was behind it. These guys mite have been members of the BPP but acting on their own. But their is plenty of evidence as to what these three were doing.
Congrats to Brown. I believe he is retired from 30 years of the United States Army National Guard as an officer, Lieutenant Colonel and he hasn't seen any actions in the desert.

I'd rather to vote for the politicians with the military backgrounds than no military background like Obama......
It's unfortunately true. Though he's putting just a nice touch of spin on the ball.

It was an isolated incident, and nobody was harassed or prevented from voting. Their presence was still intimidating though.

Yup, he is so and many of his post is bunches of right wing garbage.
It's nice when Obama (Holder) and a very liberal Southern Poverty Law Center on your team and get the charges dropped.

Black Panthers off the hook for voter intimidation

That's reason because I don't like Southern Poverty Law Center is they labeled confederate flag as racist since I'm hardcore southerner and love confederate flag, it is defined as southern heritage or southern pride and I was born in south too.
btw - I see that you're :applause: for anybody who is gunning against Democratic Party. Are you sure you want to do that? because let's assume majority of American history is run by Republicans.

SURE!! I :applause: Scott Brown!!! Goo, Scott, goo!!! Do you have a problem with THAT ??? This is MY freedom of speech and I CAN applause him or not. You are NOT me, is that understood ? If, you don't like it... then, shoot me in the head. :)

That means you, me, ADers, and all other deaf/disabled people would not be having any generous accommodations, Civil Rights, and financial assistance. I believe that you are currently receiving social security disability benefits. You would not be receiving it now if it were not for Democratic Party. You would be placed in Mental Ward.

First of all, dude - I've NEVER brought up my personal financial matters here. It's none of YOUR beewax, really. Please, don't you ever bring up anyone's personal financial here.

I believe in a fair balance of all parties together. I will vote for any competent person to the seat - regardless of his/her political affiliation (except Socialist Party). Be careful what you say Be careful what you wish for.

Why should someone silent me ? You are not a cop. Remember what MOD warned you in your PM ? Please, do not harrass me after you read this. :ty:
Why should someone silent me ? You are not a cop. Remember what MOD warned you in your PM ? Please, do not harrass me after you read this. :ty: [/COLOR]

This thread is subjecting to debate so you have post or stay out of this thread, your choice.

You are just rude person and don't understand what I was saying.

Don't bring any word about mods against Jiro, it make you looks like chicken so learn to be woman.
This thread is subjecting to debate so you have post or stay out of this thread, your choice.

You are just rude person and don't understand what I was saying.

Don't bring any word about mods against Jiro, it make you looks like chicken so learn to be woman.

Me a chicken ? LMAO!! Yea, right! Harrassin' is against the law. Sorry to tell you this. Please, go and read AD's rules. :ty:
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