Is Ted Kennedy's Senate seat falling into Republician hands?

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It'll be interesting to see who gets Ted's old seat.
lolity. who cares? :lol:
It'll be interesting to see who gets Ted's old seat.

Yup, I bet it will be very surprise.

Election could be tricky like Bush won in 2004 but many Americans has projected that Kerry will win but never happened.
Yup, I bet it will be very surprise.

Election could be tricky like Bush won in 2004 but many Americans has projected that Kerry will win but never happened.

Yeah... projected when the candidates were announced, but as soon he started flipflopping in his speeches, everyone knew Bush was going to win at the polls.
Hitler Finds Out Scott Brown Won Massachusetts Senate Seat

[ame=]YouTube - Hitler Finds Out Scott Brown Won Massachusetts Senate Seat[/ame]

lllllooooollll Hitler video just never cease to humor me :lol:

lol @ reference about health care reform being dragged forever like Stalingrad. good one about not releasing high school record. LOL!
Messachusetts :lol:
:laugh2: :laugh2: Lord, love this video!...Seems Scott Brown has gone 'truckin'!
It was interesting how Obama attacked Brown's truck. It's a GMC truck, too, of all things. At least Brown isn't afraid of doing honest hard work. A rare breed.
It was interesting how Obama attacked Brown's truck. It's a GMC truck, too, of all things. At least Brown isn't afraid of doing honest hard work. A rare breed.

It was interesting how Obama attacked Brown's truck. It's a GMC truck, too, of all things. At least Brown isn't afraid of doing honest hard work. A rare breed.

really? LOL! do you have a link to that? I wanna read about it. Foxnews link is welcome.
President Obama warned Massachusetts voters Sunday from following Republican Scott Brown's old pickup truck around the state, saying if elected to the U.S. Senate, Brown will drive health care and the rest of the Democratic agenda off track.

In a quip he repeated several times during a campaign appearance for Democrat Martha Coakley, Obama mocked the man who has been driving a pickup truck around the state, claiming he's a "lockstep" Republican.

"Martha's opponent already is walking in lockstep with Washington Republicans," Obama said, criticizing Brown for opposing the president's proposed tax on Wall Street. "She's got your back, her opponent's got Wall Street's back. Bankers don't need another vote in the United States Senate. They've got plenty. Where's yours?"

Obama also took jabs at Brown's signature vehicle, and his "slick ads."

"So look, forget the ads, everybody can't can slick ads. Forget the truck. Everyone can buy a truck."

Brown took that opportunity to slam the president on government spending..

"Mr. President, unfortunately in this economy, not everybody can buy a truck," Brown said in a statement. "My goal is to change that by cutting spending, lowering taxes and letting people keep more of their own money." - Obama Stumps for Coakley in Surprisingly Tight Massachusetts Senate Race

Classic example of a foot-in-mouth syndrome.

You have Scott Brown who is an honest, hard working American and then you, Obama?
Well, people should care. It reflects very well in Congress rather than to resort to dishonest working habits.
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