Is God Perfect?

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If they did not rebel Him, yet, then God would not tell them concerning His warning.

If so, you make the Satan the winner! Also you make God a loser!

*goose bump* :cold:
Ohh so you believe into judging other's religions? You believe to label other as fool like you follow those quote from the bible? What happened to "love your neighbors"?

Interesting... Plus a sort of confusing...

Yes I am wondering the same.

1. Judge other's religions?

Yes, because you choose to judge other's religions.

I choose to respect other's religions.

Many Christians know what religions are cults. They can tell them that these religions are cults or not.

I choose to accept what religions are, not judge their religions as cults.

I don't tell them that their religions are cults or not. This is a disrespectful.

2. Label other? I did not label them. The Bible labels them.

Yes, you have. You choose to label them because your bible labels them so. No excuse, period!

3. Love your neighbor? You see, you use a verse like this. You use the Bible. If God loves Adam, He warned him concerning the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I love my neighbors, and then I warned them.

I view your posts and must say no love in verses, you show us. All what I see is you "point" verse in your bible to label them because you CHOOSE to label them without use your own philosophical logic.
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Did my post upset you? No, the verse (The Bible) upsets you.

Please read what the Bible said (see post # 338):

"the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity" = Go to hell.

"Jesus died for the iniquity" = The plan of Salvation.

Sinner died to the iniquity. = Go to heaven.

Yes your post upset them because you choose to label them with the help from your bible.

I choose to not do that.
Yes your post upset them because you choose to label them with the help from your bible.

I choose to not do that.

Lieblingie, he was sharing the verses in the Bible just like you post links to back up your beliefs and you allow unbelievers to label Christians, and said they have a right to express their beliefs/views etc. yet some of you are attacking him for speaking his, Where is the fairness in this?

:shaking my head:
In reference to the discussion about Job and his calamities, you posted:
"To my view, the dead children and pets alway NEVER get replacement."

Yes, I am right that I do not see that I mentioned pets in the bible but my own POV after read Job's story that the dead children and pets always NEVER get replacement which mean is my personally view.

It was God who made possible the conceptions and births of those children. Notice that they got exactly the same combination of children again: 7 sons and 3 daughters.

Since Job's first 10 children were dead but not "lost", then the second 10 children were added to them, NOT replacing them. 10 + 10 = 20

:confused: Job's dead children were in paraisde like what you said in previous post... now you said that the 2nd 10 children were added to them. To me, yes what you said is a confusing.

Okay, I would interpret your post. God added children to Job & his wife as a replacement. Right?

Where does it say that Job did it all in his own strength? What verse says that?

It's my philosophy on form of real life to postive Job's story as an example that the people should not blame anyone including God and Satan but positive his life with his strength.

Lieblingie, he was sharing the verses in the Bible just like you post links to back up your beliefs and you allow unbelievers to label Christians, and said they have a right to express their beliefs/views etc. yet some of you are attacking him for speaking his, Where is the fairness in this?

:shaking my head:

*speechless and shake my head quietly*

What we use logic is our POV and what he use different. He said negative about God in his bible which we thought God is loving... and like what Puyo said "love your neighbor". That's why I support friend Mann_05. She is a Christian.

*shake my head quietly*

Say no more further.

Please don't think I'm trying to attack you or anything, it doesn't mean I agree with what he is doing, I'm just tired of seeing all the arguing back and fourth, I just want to see peace in this religion sections that's all.
Please don't think I'm trying to attack you or anything, it doesn't mean I agree with what he is doing, I'm just tired of seeing all the arguing back and fourth, I just want to see peace in this religion sections that's all.

Okay, understood and acceptance. Yes I also wish to see peace inthis religion sections too with agree to disagree but it doesn't work because some ADers took our posts personally.
1. Judge other's religions? Many Christians know what religions are cults. They can tell them that these religions are cults or not.

2. Label other? I did not label them. The Bible labels them.

3. Love your neighbor? You see, you use a verse like this. You use the Bible. If God loves Adam, He warned him concerning the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I love my neighbors, and then I warned them.

You are responsible to label it on this post, cause some members to be upset at you, if you said bible does label it then why does you mention it in this post.

If people who has other religions than Christian and it's their business but it's wrong to judge on them, that make feel like offended or rude. If I'm proud to be atheist, that's my business and don't need your suggest or related. Again, I have nothing to against on all religions but doesn't push me or others into believe on your religion. Christian isn't pure or dominant religion, there's numerous of different religions over world and you really can't judge like that, every religion, including with no religion are all equal.
Okay, understood and acceptance. Yes I also wish to see peace inthis religion sections too with agree to disagree but it doesn't work because some ADers took our posts personally.

Well I cannot blame them because I feel that way sometimes too when they're only here to stir up trouble or start mocking others about God.

I don't time for childish games to be honest.

I think you and I are going off topic here :giggle: so sorry about that.
Who is Huckabee? I wonder?

Yep, right. Mostly. :) Through God's spirit to make a man expresses it out in writing the Bible, what I believe in.
Huckabee is a politician running for president. He supposedly believes that women should stay at home and be barefoot & pregnant while men work.
Well I cannot blame them because I feel that way sometimes too when they're only here to stir up trouble or start mocking others about God.

I don't time for childish games to be honest.

I think you and I are going off topic here :giggle: so sorry about that.

I can understand and no problem... :hug:

Oops :topic: :giggle:
1. Judge other's religions? Many Christians know what religions are cults. They can tell them that these religions are cults or not.

You choose to believe to judge each other's religion, I choose to respect each other, to respect each other's own heart.

2. Label other? I did not label them. The Bible labels them.

Then why do you bring it up? Your point? Proven Pacman that his belief is not real? More likely...

3. Love your neighbor? You see, you use a verse like this. You use the Bible. If God loves Adam, He warned him concerning the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I love my neighbors, and then I warned them.

What if the bible was not real? I don't know...

Yes, because you choose to judge other's religions.

I choose to respect other's religions.

I choose to accept what religions are, not judge their religions as cults.

I don't tell them that their religions are cults or not. This is a disrespectful.

Yes, you have. You choose to label them because your bible labels them so. No excuse, period!

I view your posts and must say no love in verses, you show us. All what I see is you "point" verse in your bible to label them because you CHOOSE to label them without use your own philosophical logic.


You are responsible to label it on this post, cause some members to be upset at you, if you said bible does label it then why does you mention it in this post.

If people who has other religions than Christian and it's their business but it's wrong to judge on them, that make feel like offended or rude. If I'm proud to be atheist, that's my business and don't need your suggest or related. Again, I have nothing to against on all religions but doesn't push me or others into believe on your religion. Christian isn't pure or dominant religion, there's numerous of different religions over world and you really can't judge like that, every religion, including with no religion are all equal.

Then why do you bring it up? Your point? Proven Pacman that his belief is not real? More likely...
AskJo is entitle to his opinion as much as you and Pacman. Pacman claimed that God was just a myth, sounds like our religious isn't real to him either. As Roadrunner stated on his post that Askjo has that right to post verses from the bible, You have a choice either ignored or respond in a civil way.

Our Christian Nation been mocked at, insulted at, and it's okay for that? but it's not okay for your or anyone else's own religious being wrong? There a double standard there.

Seem like nobody learned anything from Roadrunner's post when he re-open this thread, Do you want it locked again? Then drop it and get back on topic as "Is God perfect?"
AskJo is entitle to his opinion as much as you and Pacman. Pacman claimed that God was just a myth, sounds like our religious isn't real to him either. As Roadrunner stated on his post that Askjo has that right to post verses from the bible, You have a choice either ignored or respond in a civil way.

Our Christian Nation been mocked at, insulted at, and it's okay for that? but it's not okay for your or anyone else's own religious being wrong? There a double standard there.

Seem like nobody learned anything from Roadrunner's post when he re-open this thread, Do you want it locked again? Then drop it and get back on topic as "Is God perfect?"

Not just only for me, RR does stated to several members, including me.
AskJo is entitle to his opinion as much as you and Pacman. Pacman claimed that God was just a myth, sounds like our religious isn't real to him either. As Roadrunner stated on his post that Askjo has that right to post verses from the bible, You have a choice either ignored or respond in a civil way.

Askjo quoted Mann_05's post personally to upset her which Pacman doesn't. Pacman expressed his own opinion about God without quote anyone. This is a difference. I would say Pacman something if he quote ADer's post but he doesn't in first place.

Our Christian Nation been mocked at, insulted at, and it's okay for that? but it's not okay for your or anyone else's own religious being wrong? There a double standard there.

It doesn't mean we mock God when we entitle our POV differently what and how we learn from the Bible history. We judge ourselves what we learn from the Bible. This is a difference.

Seem like nobody learned anything from Roadrunner's post when he re-open this thread

I personally disagree with Roadrunner's post but I choose to not say anything but I choose to convince Askjo with my POV in polite way. I can see that I am not alone who polite with Askjo with their view. We tried to solve this issues with him, not bash him.

Do you want it locked again? Then drop it and get back on topic as "Is God perfect?"

I do not wish to have my thread to lock but respect my thread. Askjo choose to disrespect the rule of my thread for take our post personally.

Dear ADers,

Anyway, please go back topic and talk about "Is God Imperfect".


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Not just only for me, RR does stated to several members, including me.
Liebling said:
It doesn't mean we mock God when we entitle our POV differently what and how we learn from the Bible history. We judge ourselves what we learn from the Bible. This is a difference.
There's no differences. Respect is two way street. You judged God, You'll be judged too in the same as it was received. It's is the same as "Don't judge, and you won't be judged. Don't condemn, and you won't be condemned. Set free, and you will be set free."

Even the bible says In Luke 6:37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned."

I personally view God as an imperfect God.

God punish people for not worship him.

At first God give the people choice then punish them... *scratch my head*

He flooded the earth to wipe out all his mistakes, he made.

He should wait until Joseph and Mary married then talk with them together that he want to make a baby with her but he made an unmarried mother pregnant.

God noticed later that Adam was a lonely and need a company since all animals have mates.

If he really is a perfect as what you claim but why he created an imperfect earth. (I know your answer is blame Eve & Adam... No matter... he KNEW it in first place before created Adam.)

There's no differences. Respect is two way street. You judged God, You'll be judged too in the same as it was received. It's is the same as "Don't judge, and you won't be judged. Don't condemn, and you won't be condemned. Set free, and you will be set free."

Even the bible says In Luke 6:37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned."

Is it okay for you to judge different religion beleivers as false religion, etc. , not us to judge ourselves about God ? :roll:

We are free to judge ourselves what and how we learn from the Bible history because it's fact, period.

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