Is God Perfect?

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This is an illogical. Accord my Bible, *copied part of what my bible wrote* God punished them because they did something God told them not to do. God kept that tree as his own. And we know it is wrong to take something that belongs to someone else, don´t we? Well what happened? The serprent was able to fool Eve.... that´s why they lost their beautiful garden home for being punishment to disobey God. It´s very sad fact is Eve was being TRICKED to beleive Satan´s word.[COLOR]

You use your logic to negate my posts, but the Bible negates your logic because you use "illogical" against my quotations.

Rebellion? This is a pretty illogical! They are very naive couple to have no knowledge what good or bad. That doesn´t mean that Eve and Adam were rebelled against God that´s because Eve made an innoncent mistake to beleive in Satan´s lie with no knowledge what right or wrong.

They made the mistakes because of their rebellion against God's warning.

I never said Adam and Eve were babies but toddler and children. No, I disagree that they were fully mature since they have no knowledge what good or bad. They never being taught what good or bad by God. To me, they were "children" because they were very first couple and alone on the earth with no knowledge until God fed them positive things like name animals, etc.

You use "toddlers" or "children" for your logic because you compared them to Adam and Eve, but the Bible shows you that your illogic is obvious.

See your own word. I say no further. :cool: but my bible did not say that Satan was reason why God created the tree of knowledge of good and evil to test.

If the Satan was not there on the earth, God would NOT put that tree there. Get it? If you disagree with me, then your logic is illogical.

Well accord my Bible - If only Adam & Eve had obeyed God, life would have been happy for them & their children. They could all have lived forever in happiness on earth. No one would have had to grow old, get sick and die.

It is your illogical comment.

Exactly!!! You got it!!! Yes, we have good reason for angry which it´s not supposed to be. We should use our logic to patience with anyone but we doesn´t. It shows itself is IMPERFECT.

Again, your illogical comment. Without the reason, then imperfect.

I do not see anything that I twisted the Scriptures but the fact is I use LOGIC view on bible interpretation.

Your illogic tells that. [/FONT]
Everything what you use, "logic" is what you are interested in negative comments against the factual history of the Bible.
Honestly? God didn't said to them that he would throw them out of the garden or stop taking care of them if they disobeyed him in first place but just warned them that they will die if they eat a forbidden fruit. .

If they did not rebel Him, yet, then God would not tell them concerning His warning.

Surely, Eve & Adam would not eat a forbidden fruit if they know about Satan's existence and will lost their garden home

If so, you make the Satan the winner! Also you make God a loser!
I'm with atheist that don't believe in God.
Psalm 14:1-3 (KJV)

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

This verses show the atheism here and then atheists are called themselves, 'FOOL"!!!

Romans 1:20-22 (KJV)

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

These verses show concerning the creation what you see very clearly and what you understrand. Atheists make no excuse, and then they are fools.
Psalm 14:1-3 (KJV)

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

This verses show the atheism here and then atheists are called themselves, 'FOOL"!!!

Romans 1:20-22 (KJV)

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

These verses show concerning the creation what you see very clearly and what you understrand. Atheists make no excuse, and then they are fools.

Ohh so you believe into judging other's religions? You believe to label other as fool like you follow those quote from the bible? What happened to "love your neighbors"?

Interesting... Plus a sort of confusing...
You will never understand the concept of God and Jesus cause you keep applying logic that you are following. I am gonna tell you that your logic is wrong. Since it is wrong, you cannot see what we are trying to tell you. The Bible is about a spiritual being. Phyisicial logic will not be same as spiritual logic. Until you stop looking at just phyiscial logic and start using spiritiual logic, nothing will change.
Amen! I second that. :thumb:
If He is not prefect, :
- Satan will win by preventing the birth of Jesus Christ.
- Some Hebrew families of Mose will not here because of stupid Satan. Jews will not leave the Epygt (sp) without Mose's help.
- His Creation should be f'ked up by now.
- Animals and any kind of creature will look so strange and wired when God created them imprefectly.
- Humans (descendant of Adam and Eve) will be f'ktards.
- Women will suffer by men's power and sex hungry in the past.
- Much more to say. (I can't think of more)

For an explain, do you don't want God to destory those people with His power for flooding them off as long as Satan finally could prevent the birth of Jesus Christ, right? (Speak of Noah and the Flood)

If indeed, Jesus is not important to some of you guys because some people keep call Him a murder (or imprefect). Jesus will not be here if God is not prefect, my life will f'ked up and others will too.

It's just my thought. ^_^

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Askjo --
I don't think you should push Pacman's belief in YOURS. It's his choice, it's just up to him. I don't know why you did pearch him.
If He is not prefect, :
- Satan will win by preventing the birth of Jesus Christ.
- Some Hebrew families of Mose will not here because of stupid Satan. Jews will not leave the Epygt (sp) without Mose's help.
- His Creation should be f'ked up by now.
- Animals and any kind of creature will look so strange and wired when God created them imprefectly.
- Humans (descendant of Adam and Eve) will be f'ktards.
- Women will suffer by men's power and sex hungry in the past.
- Much more to say. (I can't think of more)

For an explain, do you don't want God to destory those people with His power for flooding them off as long as Satan finally could prevent the birth of Jesus Christ, right? (Speak of Noah and the Flood)

If indeed, Jesus is not important to some of you guys because some people keep call Him a murder (or imprefect). Jesus will not be here if God is not prefect, my life will f'ked up and others will too.

It's just my thought. ^_^

--- --- ------ ---

Askjo --
I don't think you should push Pacman's belief in YOURS. It's his choice, it's just up to him. I don't know why you did pearch him.
Actually, the Christian religion is dominated by males.

Look at Huckabee! ;)
Actually, the Christian religion is dominated by males.

Look at Huckabee! ;)

Who is Huckabee? I wonder?

Yep, right. Mostly. :) Through God's spirit to make a man expresses it out in writing the Bible, what I believe in.
Psalm 14:1-3 (KJV)

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

This verses show the atheism here and then atheists are called themselves, 'FOOL"!!!

Romans 1:20-22 (KJV)

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

These verses show concerning the creation what you see very clearly and what you understrand. Atheists make no excuse, and then they are fools.

Ohh so you believe into judging other's religions? You believe to label other as fool like you follow those quote from the bible? What happened to "love your neighbors"?

Interesting... Plus a sort of confusing...

If He is not prefect, :
- Satan will win by preventing the birth of Jesus Christ.
- Some Hebrew families of Mose will not here because of stupid Satan. Jews will not leave the Epygt (sp) without Mose's help.
- His Creation should be f'ked up by now.
- Animals and any kind of creature will look so strange and wired when God created them imprefectly.
- Humans (descendant of Adam and Eve) will be f'ktards.
- Women will suffer by men's power and sex hungry in the past.
- Much more to say. (I can't think of more)

For an explain, do you don't want God to destory those people with His power for flooding them off as long as Satan finally could prevent the birth of Jesus Christ, right? (Speak of Noah and the Flood)

If indeed, Jesus is not important to some of you guys because some people keep call Him a murder (or imprefect). Jesus will not be here if God is not prefect, my life will f'ked up and others will too.

It's just my thought. ^_^

--- --- ------ ---

Askjo --
I don't think you should push Pacman's belief in YOURS. It's his choice, it's just up to him. I don't know why you did pearch him.

Thanks to Puyo and Mann for helping me.

Askjo, I'm laughing at you about peach at me, it doesn't work on mine, all of your belief are completely fool and smell like myth, smell like fairy tale.

I don't need believe in religion or so, don't PUSH at me to believe into religion, if you does then you would waste of your time. I'm PROUD to be atheist forever, also you said no excuse then you made NO EXCUSE to offend to any members who are atheist or no religion, just leave them alone, including with me. There's NUMEROUS, NUMEROUS and NUMEROUS different of religions in over the world, who would hell to believe into it, not for me.

It's MY CHOICE to be atheist, not your choice or business then don't push at me.
If they do not believe in God, that does make them "Unbelievers" They can only judged for themselves, if the Words of Jesus/God in the Bible convince them of His existence. If Jesus had been on Earth, God's existence would not be based on false. I became a Christian for one reason, and that reason is I trust Jesus, and His sacrifice for me on the cross, and I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior.

Roman 6:22 "But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life".

Roman 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Yes I know what "unbeliever" is about: If a person do not beleive in a God, god or whatever which mean is she/he is an atheist or unbeleivers but my friends are not atheist because they choose DIFFERENT religion as you to worship a God. Get it?

All different religion beleivers beleive in a God, gods or whatever is not make them unbeleiver or atheist.
Thanks to Puyo and Mann for helping me.

Askjo, I'm laughing at you about peach at me, it doesn't work on mine, all of your belief are completely fool and smell like myth, smell like fairy tale.

I don't need believe in religion or so, don't PUSH at me to believe into religion, if you does then you would waste of your time. I'm PROUD to be atheist forever, also you said no excuse then you made NO EXCUSE to offend to any members who are atheist or no religion, just leave them alone, including with me. There's NUMEROUS, NUMEROUS and NUMEROUS different of religions in over the world, who would hell to believe into it, not for me.

It's MY CHOICE to be atheist, not your choice or business then don't push at me.

:gpost: :)

Good thought, even I respectfully disagree but you, of course, allow your opinion. ;)
I like this quote and it makes sense to me.

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --Epicurus
Huh, I did not forbid you. I just don't think you should tell them what to do or force them to believe in your belief!

Your post upset me! I don't like "you are going to hell if you don't..." comments. Just stop it already.
Did my post upset you? No, the verse (The Bible) upsets you.

Please read what the Bible said (see post # 338):

"the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity" = Go to hell.

"Jesus died for the iniquity" = The plan of Salvation.

Sinner died to the iniquity. = Go to heaven.
Mod Note:

Thread's re-opened. Posts have been removed.

A note: Several members here felt that a certain post was 'threatening', however, it was not the poster who did so, the post(s) itself had several 'verses'...the fact that these 'verses' is what made some members feel threaten by. Either live with it or ignore it, but the point is, it's not the member who is actually doing the threatening or trying to do so. Lastly, just as anyone has the 'right' to share what their beliefs and unbeliefs are, either reply respectfully or refrain from posting. :ty:

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I did not said the word about the Bible but my own POV which is reality. Can you show me where I mentioned pets in the bible?
In reference to the discussion about Job and his calamities, you posted:
"To my view, the dead children and pets alway NEVER get replacement."

The reason I ask question is because of your own word "added" which is not logic. If it's really add what you said which mean is God add the children for Job and his wife which is not right because Job and his wife created many children themselves as a replacement for their loss beloved ones.
It was God who made possible the conceptions and births of those children. Notice that they got exactly the same combination of children again: 7 sons and 3 daughters.

Since Job's first 10 children were dead but not "lost", then the second 10 children were added to them, NOT replacing them. 10 + 10 = 20

Good, I satisfy your answer. Here is my answer is: Job positive his life with his strength to do something to re-build his life... create children... provide more animals, etc. The fact is the people should take the example of Job that they should positive their life with their strength with no complaint against God and Satan or blame anyone.
Where does it say that Job did it all in his own strength? What verse says that?

The Bible tells us the source of Job's blessings:

Genesis 42
10 And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.

And then it listed those blessings:

12 So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning for he had fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she asses. 13 He had also seven sons and three daughters.

Also, God gave back Job's health, God blessed him with a long life:

16 After this lived Job an hundred and forty years, and saw his sons, and his sons' sons, even four generations. 17 So Job died, being old and full of days.

Notice, that's 140 years + however many years Job lived before these events. Since he already had adult children at the beginning of the story, you can figure that he wasn't young when God added those 140 years.

Nope, I do not see anything that I deny it but use fact logic after what I learn from the bibles, websites and the people, school, etc. You know that we learn something new everyday. It does never stop. ;)
It depends on how reliable those sources are, and how we interpret them.

1. Ohh so you believe into judging other's religions?

2. You believe to label other as fool like you follow those quote from the bible?

3. What happened to "love your neighbors"?
1. Judge other's religions? Many Christians know what religions are cults. They can tell them that these religions are cults or not.

2. Label other? I did not label them. The Bible labels them.

3. Love your neighbor? You see, you use a verse like this. You use the Bible. If God loves Adam, He warned him concerning the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I love my neighbors, and then I warned them.
You use your logic to negate my posts, but the Bible negates your logic because you use "illogical" against my quotations.

They made the mistakes because of their rebellion against God's warning.

You use "toddlers" or "children" for your logic because you compared them to Adam and Eve, but the Bible shows you that your illogic is obvious.

It shows that you has no clue about Bible history.

If the Satan was not there on the earth, God would NOT put that tree there. Get it? If you disagree with me, then your logic is illogical.

To my eyes, you described about God and tree is a negative and violent.

Liebling's post
Well accord my Bible - If only Adam & Eve had obeyed God, life would have been happy for them & their children. They could all have lived forever in happiness on earth. No one would have had to grow old, get sick and die.

Askjo's post
It is your illogical comment.

It's not my word but type and copied what my bible said. It show yourself that you has NO clue about Bible history but depend on verues...

Again, your illogical comment. Without the reason, then imperfect.

I do not see anything that I twisted the Scriptures but the fact is I use LOGIC view on bible interpretation.

Your illogic tells that.

No, I do not see anything that you use positive logic view on bible interpretation about God but no love and feeling. What you described is too violent.

Everything what you use, "logic" is what you are interested in negative comments against the factual history of the Bible.

No, the list, you quoted tell me a lot that you don't know how to positive my negative questions. It tells a lot that you has no clue about Bible history but complain over my "negative" questions... :lol:

You have to face negative sometimes.

If you don't like then not quote my post.
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