Is GHOST really real?

Yeah it scared me a couple of times too. There is a house here in town that is supposed to be haunted and I had to go in there one time. Beautiful old victorian house. Went inside and they had all this really old antique furniture pushed up against doors, windows, etc. It really creeped me out. They wanted me to go into the basement to look at stuff and i said no thanks
Yeah it scared me a couple of times too. There is a house here in town that is supposed to be haunted and I had to go in there one time. Beautiful old victorian house. Went inside and they had all this really old antique furniture pushed up against doors, windows, etc. It really creeped me out. They wanted me to go into the basement to look at stuff and i said no thanks

Freak you out completely? :rofl:
You can see me freak out any time you want. I hope you have good eyes though cause you can't see me from far away or through all this smoke!!!
I love true facts on ghost stories and ghost hunter and the most scary place on earth are pretty good. In fact, I remember there was topic on ghost issues. So again I would say yes, I do believe in ghost and supernatural. There are lot of unknown out in the world that we don't see it. But it happens to me so I am believer. :)
I most definitely am a believer. Too many weird things have happened. I swear, after my mom died, I heard her calling my name!
They'd for sure be pissed with you! I got the chills one time when I was at work, someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around but no one was there...and I might realise it was my grandpa who died over 12 years ago.

Could it be your Guardian angel?

I have a key chain that says "never drive faster then your Guardian angel can fly."
eh maybe, maybe not. i'm skeptic. My brother and his friends went out to this haunted area on expressway ramp because they heard some urban legend about it called "FRANKLIN LAKE'S GRAVITY ROAD".

The legend of Franklin Lakes’ Gravity Road claims that a young woman was killed at the bottom of the exit ramp. When you stop at the stop sign, a mysterious force pushes you backward up the hill again. This is supposedly the ghost of the woman pushing your car away from the dangerous intersection where she was struck down. Rumor has it that putting flour or baby powder on your front bumper before trying this will reveal the ghostly handprints of the girl after the event.

so they put baby powder around the car to see if it's true or not and then nothing happened so they thought it's just a hoax. On the way home, his friend was screaming because he saw a baby-powdered hand print on the window. I was like "uh... ok" so i went myself to find out if it's true or not. I tried again several times and nothing happened. Maybe the ghost was either scared of me or it's all a hoax :dunno:
Mine could have been my guardian angel, it could have been my imagination, it could have been her. Who knows. I do know other people that this has happened to. Jiro as far as your brother is concerned, maybe you aren't as receptive as he is. Maybe it has to be done at a specific time - like the same hour she got hit or something like that. I have to tell you all, there is one guy that wishes I was a ghost right now. I just came from court and won a small claims suit against someone that had at one time been a friend/lover.
eh maybe, maybe not. i'm skeptic. My brother and his friends went out to this haunted area on expressway ramp because they heard some urban legend about it called "FRANKLIN LAKE'S GRAVITY ROAD".

so they put baby powder around the car to see if it's true or not and then nothing happened so they thought it's just a hoax. On the way home, his friend was screaming because he saw a baby-powdered hand print on the window. I was like "uh... ok" so i went myself to find out if it's true or not. I tried again several times and nothing happened. Maybe the ghost was either scared of me or it's all a hoax :dunno:
It's a hoax.

This is because of the distorted perspective of the road.

The road is slightly downhill, but the way we stand up and look at it... it appears to be uphill. So, the car will roll "uphill" when it's really rolling downhill. ;)
Could it be your Guardian angel?

I have a key chain that says "never drive faster then your Guardian angel can fly."

I meant for the bad ghost, never hurt a guardian angel :eek3:
I most definitely am a believer. Too many weird things have happened. I swear, after my mom died, I heard her calling my name!

My mom's mom died (my nana) and one night a couple of years ago my mom could smell my nana's perfume in her room in the middle of the night. My nana passed 6/6/96 unexpectedly. Those sixes freak me out.

I am sure there's something out there.