Iraq: Stay or Leave?

Should we stay or should we go?

  • As long it takes, we stay

    Votes: 22 32.8%
  • Get hell out of Iraq

    Votes: 45 67.2%

  • Total voters
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You're blamining the environmentalists for the higher pricing of gas (or, even, anyone else)?

Get real.

Among them, OPEC just joined them, along with consumers just like you and I, the nervous market that influences high share prices, etc. Happy? LOL
the only reason to stay is pride. what are McCain's conditions for leaving? kill every last man, woman and child in the middle east? the area won't be stable any time soon. we'll spend a few more years there, kill some more tens of thousands of hostiles, while they kill hundreds of thousands of civilians, and we'll come back home with our tail between our legs having spent like $3 trillion on a war that our great-great-great-great grandchildren will still be paying for. might as well leave now and save some lives and a lot of money.
I'm sick and tired of Uncle Sam acting like God! They are not God!

What I see Uncle Sam doing right now is control freak! US. Government is so dysfunctional and need serious overhaul!
Get real! Iraq and environentist made only small impact on oil demand...

In 1992, Asian people barely need oil, now they have same demand of oil as we do, I am getting worried that they may double or triple the demand than we do in 18 years from now, and the oil price will definetly shot up even higher.

Its all about supply and demand.

Now that India and Chinese people drooling over America over cars and they too wanted same thing... Scary!!!!

I hear you dude! There are fields within the US yet to be extracted, but IMHFO blame environmentalists who want to save an Alaskan mountain range they never visit. Hope they're happy with $4.00/gallon now!
I voted end the war on Iraq, get the hell out. An attack on Iraq had nothing to do with stopping terrorism, there was no link between Saddam Hussein and terrorism had been discovered, don't get me wrong Saddam Hussein was a brutal leader, but why is it our business to butt in, It is not our country, it is theirs.
I don't believe in war, nor in fighting. The so called "war" against invisible targets in Iraq is leading nowhere and to nothing but pain and suffering.
Amen! ;)
a factor in high gas prices is the value of the dollar on the world markets has fallen drastically....welcome to the 'global economy'...we wanted to bring everyone up to our level.....for now it's taking us down to the world level. same with food prices.
The United States (and I am assuming that the question was directed toward citizens of the United States) has invaded Iraq.

Obviously, if the U.S. were to leave, it would de-stablize the country/nation (The bed is made . . . now lie in it!).

That is a risk that weighs far greater than staying.
I hear you dude! There are fields within the US yet to be extracted, but IMHFO blame environmentalists who want to save an Alaskan mountain range they never visit. Hope they're happy with $4.00/gallon now!

EXCUSE ME??! :squint: By the time we drill for the oil and get it shipped to the lower 48, that will 10 years from now! It is not a workable solution. What we need to do is to invest in alternative fuel to the oil dependence that is gripping this country.

Secondly, the people of the Pacific Northwest don't want the drilling to happen.

Get real! Iraq and environentist made only small impact on oil demand...

In 1992, Asian people barely need oil, now they have same demand of oil as we do, I am getting worried that they may double or triple the demand than we do in 18 years from now, and the oil price will definetly shot up even higher.

Its all about supply and demand.

Now that India and Chinese people drooling over America over cars and they too wanted same thing... Scary!

So true and good post! The economies of China and India are exploding at a fast rate with China leading the way.
Get real! Iraq and environentist made only small impact on oil demand...

In 1992, Asian people barely need oil, now they have same demand of oil as we do, I am getting worried that they may double or triple the demand than we do in 18 years from now, and the oil price will definetly shot up even higher.

Its all about supply and demand.

Now that India and Chinese people drooling over America over cars and they too wanted same thing... Scary!!!!

Get real? What I said is true. You just mentioned some worries over fuel price, well it's going up right now. So you my friend is who needs a reality check.
EXCUSE ME??! :squint: By the time we drill for the oil and get it shipped to the lower 48, that will 10 years from now! It is not a workable solution. What we need to do is to invest in alternative fuel to the oil dependence that is gripping this country.

Secondly, the people of the Pacific Northwest don't want the drilling to happen.

Another One! 10 years from now, not a solution? Do you know what the demand will be then? Do you understand the expense and technological difficulties to develop stable and reliable alternative fuel resources? By the way, I'm talking about Alaska, not Washington or Oregon.
Another One! 10 years from now, not a solution? Do you know what the demand will be then? Do you understand the expense and technological difficulties to develop stable and reliable alternative fuel resources? By the way, I'm talking about Alaska, not Washington or Oregon.

It still won't bring the prices down.

Secondly, Alaska has to ship the oil somewhere and they will likely ship it into Washington and Oregon for processing.

Third, Alaska is considered the Pacific Northwest along with Washington and Oregon. That is basic Geography 101.

Fourth, the resources for reliable and alternative fuel is already here, let's utilize it instead of depending on foreign oil.
I voted get the hell out of Iraq.
Too many people have died in this war :(
I wanted them to come home NOW before they made a mistake staying there too long.

Our Gov't broke the promise to take care of our health and school systems with billions of dollars. OMG, look at Bush's hairs. His hair turned gray which obvious that he lied so much going on.

I heard on the news that our billions dollars were sent to Iraq for a better living, but American soldiers found out that Iraqi people are buying the weapons from Iran with our money. What a big fool!
It still won't bring the prices down.

Secondly, Alaska has to ship the oil somewhere and they will likely ship it into Washington and Oregon for processing.

Third, Alaska is considered the Pacific Northwest along with Washington and Oregon. That is basic Geography 101.

Fourth, the resources for reliable and alternative fuel is already here, let's utilize it instead of depending on foreign oil.

We both know where its at right down ti its GPS coords LOL, but yeah, we should be integrating alternative fuels til it takes over oil completely. I wish they'd find a way to safely contain Hydrogen, its use would be ideal for the entire environment and everyone's health.
It is a tossup.
If we leave there, it will be like we started some stuff that we couldn't finish, and Iraq may collapse again.

If we stay, there will likely be more fighting yet, and it will still take time, and again, it still looks bad.

I also feel that the oil argument is not viable, it is counterintuitive to me. Any 'benefit' from it is lost due to expenditure and a hurting economy, for one. Second, it is not beneficial to the oil market, it is actually a hindrance. It would have been better off leaving Iraq alone and gaining it through diplomacy... if this move was for oil, it was a very stupid move, almost like "shooting yourself in the foot". It did drive up oil prices, but that has diminishing returns, and eventually has a negative effect rather than a positive one... if the oil is -too- expensive, you actually will lose more money than a point on the curve where it would be cheaper (because people would be insane to pay for it after a certain point, therefore sale volume drops, along with profit).
let's look at the sequence of events:

1. terrorists, mostly Saudis, kill thousands of Americans on 9/11
2. with anti-Muslim sentiment at an all-time high, Bush finds a great opportunity to invade Iraq under shaky pretenses of alleged weapons of mass destruction.
3. the intelligence is quickly found to be unfounded. no wmd's anywhere.
4. Cheney rattles off his stupid mouth trying to convince people of an absurdly fictitious connection between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein.
5. hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians, combatants, and American troops die over 5+ years while hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars are spent blowing shit up and doping up American troops on antidepressants to treat post-traumatic stress (see the cover story on this week's Time magazine)
6. John McCain and Americans who still support the war think we can stay in Iraq indefinitely, add like $4 trillion to the national debt and not rest until every man, woman and child in the middle east who will not conform to American empiricism is killed.
Australia has begun withdrawing our soldiers for the first time in 5 years. The war's over for us.
I dislike the war, but I also fear more terrorist attacks.
I dislike the war, but I also fear more terrorist attacks.

me, too... We need troops to protect us against enemies attacks... I only against troops for go and attack enemy countries.
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