Intro for Seri


New Member
Aug 21, 2005
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Hi everyone,

My name is Seri, this is pretty much my first dive into a hearing impairment/deaf community. I am 27 years old female and have lived in North Dakota my entire life in a small community.

I had spinal menigitis when I was 6 months old, which is what they believe caused the gradual destruction of the nerves in my cochlear. My hearing loss started earlier than it was discovered...I had just taught myself to read lips so well by the age of 3-4 that no one really noticed, and attributed my strange or lack of reactions to certain things to my extreme shyness. My uncle finally is the one that pointed out I didn't answer properly on the phone, played my music way too loud, and I was coming home from kindergarten every day complaining of headaches. A hearing test discovered I was slowly going deaf with a "cookie bite" type loss. I have about 10-12% hearing left in each ear, and I fear that won't last for long.

Because of those few years and the gradual loss, my speech is well developed. I am profoundly deaf in both ears, although I do wear digital hearing aids in both ears. They do nothing to help in my speech comprehension, but they do allow me to hear everyday sounds. I am an avid lip reader, and 100% of my speech comprehension comes from lip reading. Without lipreading, I'm clueless!

It is rather frustrating, I have to say I don't understand my loss because with my aids, I actually hear rather well in my opinion. I can hear voices when people talk, I can hear music. I just can't understand a word that is said without visual aid with the sole exception of my mother, whos voice I can understand in almost any situation. My audiologists have no explanation for me, and being there is no deaf community available to me and I was mainstreamed in school, I have never had access to the knowledge that others in my situation may be able to offer. Finding this site was a big deal for me!

Anyhow...I own a dog grooming/boarding facility, so there are times I am thankful for being deaf <g>. I have a wonderful hearing assistance dog, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Wyatt Earp. He is only trained to alert me to emergency sounds, mostly he is used for awareness in public, and as a visual aide for me. I watch his reactions for clues to sounds I am not hearing, especially when unaided. He has been an absolute wonderful addition in my life, I never thought a hearing dog could offer so much. It is wonderful to go into a public place and have people not think I am ignoring them or being rude; seeing Wyatt they have more understanding of me, which is very liberating.

I never learned to sign, and have been trying to self teach for years, which is hard...I'm better at learning from another person than I am from a book. There are no classes in my area though. I started to learn as a child, but my audiologist urged my parents to not allow me to sign, figuring I would not use my speech capabilities to the fullest, which I think is ridiculous. I've long since moved on to a new audiologist, needless to say. :/

I have been researching the CI for years, but despite many promptings to get it, I just do not feel it will offer me enough for the risks to be worth it. I am perfectly satisfied with the hearing that my aids offer me...what I miss is speech comprehension, and from my understanding, the CI will not give me that. It's hard to explain to people why I am not jumping at the chance of this, but I stand firm in my decision thus far. I'm still researching though.

Well, I imagine that is enough about me. This looks like a great forum, and I am very happy to have found it. I have a wonderful support network of family and friends, but there has never been anyone in my life to talk about my disability with that understands it on the same level and from the same perspective as I do.

:wave: :welcome: serijules to Alldeaf. It's nice to have you here with us on AD. I hope you have fun posting, and make many friends.

Your biography is very interesting, and it looks as though your life is fulfilled with supportive family, a good job, and a positive attitude, despite your hearing loss. I hope Wyatt Earp will serve you well for many years to come, and that you continue to move on in the right direction, and don't let anything stop you.

Good luck and God bless.

Herzlich Willkommen zu AD

Come and share your interesting posts here with us :thumb:
welcome to AD enjoy your stay..

interesting bio.. I have very similar hearing loss as you had, but i got it when i was around 2 yrs old

enjoy posting along :D
Welcome to our nut house, Seri. :thumb: I see that you’re another meningitis case—we’ve got tons of ‘em here. I had it when I was five years old. Something extremely weird happened in my case, though—it only knocked out one of my ears. Killed it deader than a door nail, but I have normal hearing in the other ear.

BTW, I want to learn how to groom my own dogs. We have a toy poodle and a Lhasa Apso/poodle mix. Can I hit you up for some free advice sometime? :mrgreen:
I never learned to sign, and have been trying to self teach for years, which is hard...I'm better at learning from another person than I am from a book. There are no classes in my area though. I started to learn as a child, but my audiologist urged my parents to not allow me to sign, figuring I would not use my speech capabilities to the fullest, which I think is ridiculous.
Hey Seri! Welcome! We do have a lot of late to sign folks here....Jump in!!! Many of us totally know what you're going through!
*tries to think* Maybe you could get in touch with the North Dakota Association for the Deaf, or the information bureou on deafness and hohness and see if they have any CODAs or anyone else nearby who would be willing to teach you sign.....I also went through beginning to learn ASL as a kid, but my parents listened to the "experts".....they now say they wish they'd learned ASL.....don't even GET ME started on that!
deafdyke said:
I also went through beginning to learn ASL as a kid, but my parents listened to the "experts".....they now say they wish they'd learned ASL.....don't even GET ME started on that!

Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then go do it.

—Robert Heinlein
Thanks for the welcome everyone!

CODAchild, you are right, I've never even considered letting my hearing loss stop me from doing anything. The biggest problem I have is learning to have a decent conversation without the safety net of my keyboard. I'm so used to not really participating in conversations that when I am alone with people, I turn into a silent bump on a log!! lol I just can't seem to open up and be myself and start intelligent conversations and share myself with people very well unless they start the conversations and keep it going, then I am fine. Weird huh?

Levonian: Ask away, free advice is the best advice to get <g> Mostly the key to grooming your own dogs at home and getting grooming salon quality clips is not as much talent (although that does help of course lol) but more so quality equipment. People make the mistake of trying to groom their dogs with $30 clippers from petsmart, and it aint gonna happen.

deafdyke, I'm glad others know why that concept is so frustrating! I know how much easier it is to learn something as a child, and I always moan over all those lost years when my parents and I could have learned a skill together that would benefit us our whole lives, even if we didn't use it as our main form of communication. Children are so bright and forward-thinking, I just don't believe that I would have had any more trouble with my already exceptional speech abilities if I had learned to sign as well. But oh well, I'll continue to teach myself. I'm looking for some good videos or things like that if anyone has any recommendations.
deafdyke said:
Hey Seri! Welcome! We do have a lot of late to sign folks here....Jump in!!! Many of us totally know what you're going through!
*tries to think* Maybe you could get in touch with the North Dakota Association for the Deaf, or the information bureou on deafness and hohness and see if they have any CODAs or anyone else nearby who would be willing to teach you sign.....I also went through beginning to learn ASL as a kid, but my parents listened to the "experts".....they now say they wish they'd learned ASL.....don't even GET ME started on that!
not to mention this.. ND have a small deaf community there.. and i'm not sure if they have Deaf schools?
DeafSCUBA98 said:
not to mention this.. ND have a small deaf community there.. and i'm not sure if they have Deaf schools?

I was mainstreamed through my entire schooling so no idea. I was put in a "speech" class for an hour every day because I didn't quite say my r's and s's right, but after 2 years of that one day I looked at the lady and said "you know, You are never going to change how I talk, I say the words as I hear them"

She looked at me dumbfounded for a few minutes and then called my mom and told her she didn't think I needed speech lessons anymore. LOL :dunno:
Video links for you

I'm looking for some good videos or things like that if anyone has any recommendations.

I don't know how big your public library system is, but the Bravo Family videos are a good introduction to Signs and Deaf culture. It's about a 15 tape set. It may be on DVD by now. Here's a link that might help if you want to buy it for yourself.

There's also a CD package called Instant Immersion for your PC. Here's a link; but I'm seeing it on Best Buy, Target, and several other websites. The second link is my Yahoo search.
Aloha from Hawaii! Wish you was here! Enjoy your AD forums with us

Hope to see you there in AD forums and have a great fun!
Welcome to AD and enjoy these posts yourself!!! That is good thing you can meet new friends who are deaf and hard of hearing and also hearing. :D
Yeah, they have a school for the deaf....every state except for Nevada and NH has a school for the Deaf..... I remember speech therapy...I hated it...SO BORING!!!!!!
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf serijules! Interesting introduction and I'm sure you'll find the "Our Pets" forum a place of great interest for you-- ;) Hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD!! ;)
Welcome to AD, Seri! Your Wyatt Earp sounds like a darling! I was thinking of getting a Pembroke Corgi as a personal pet/service dog one of these days.
I am sure you will learn heaps of things as you peruse through the threads within this forum...and meeting new friends as you go along. Welcome!