Incoming calls on vp-100 fails to answer

In other words you're trying to use 2 vps on one internet connection? Hmmmm.

Your recent explanation now makes it clear why the dlink vp works but not the vp-200. I think. Plug the vp 200 into the 604 and it should work same as the dlink vp. (if you have them setup the same.)
In other words you're trying to use 2 vps on one internet connection? Hmmmm.

Your recent explanation now makes it clear why the dlink vp works but not the vp-200. I think. Plug the vp 200 into the 604 and it should work same as the dlink vp. (if you have them setup the same.)

Oh! That Sound will work. I am wonder. If I can use same IP from D-Link Videophone and it will be work on VP-200? (when plug it in DI-604)
In other words you're trying to use 2 vps on one internet connection? Hmmmm.

Your recent explanation now makes it clear why the dlink vp works but not the vp-200. I think. Plug the vp 200 into the 604 and it should work same as the dlink vp. (if you have them setup the same.)

Yes, I am try to using 2 vps on one internet connection.
Oh! That Sound will work. I am wonder. If I can use same IP from D-Link Videophone and it will be work on VP-200? (when plug it in DI-604)

Yes. I switch between vp 100 and DVC 1000 by just taking the vp 100 out and putting dvc 1000 in its place. I have both set up the same. Just switch them. (Can't use both same time.)
Oh! That Sound will work. I am wonder. If I can use same IP from D-Link Videophone and it will be work on VP-200? (when plug it in DI-604)

I can use 2 VPs at same time in my house with one internet connection - BUT only one vp can be used for incoming call.. You cant have one public IP to forward port TCP 1720 to both VP at same time unless you get 2nd public IP from your ISP provider.. Same thing for forwarding UCP ports of 15000 something to that VP.

I can call VP to VP within same household since my router (Cisco 871W - $400 small business grade router) allow me to configures VP to use same internal IP as VP rather using public IP. this is why I created this original thread as my VP was working perfectly until I replaced with cisco router that has different routing design which I must use same IP as VP in public IP feild in order to make it work for incoming calls. Ironically, I am also not required to create forwarding rule in my router for UCP ports either, just TCP 1720 as router automatic create the UCP tunnels for me whenever it needs.

If I understood your previous message, you would have both DSL and Cable modem - Sure it will work just as it is designed as long both router does not plug into same network unless it is set to different subnet (ie. 192.168.1.x and 192.168.2.x).
Yes. I switch between vp 100 and DVC 1000 by just taking the vp 100 out and putting dvc 1000 in its place. I have both set up the same. Just switch them. (Can't use both same time.)

Oh, I am not going using two VP same time. I just check VP-200 and D-Link Videophone and both Setting are totally Different. So I am going write down all D-Link Videophone Setting and put it in VP-200 see if I able to recieve any Calls and VP-200 work that way. I hope that will work.

I am going try this tomorrow Morning.
Yes. I switch between vp 100 and DVC 1000 by just taking the vp 100 out and putting dvc 1000 in its place. I have both set up the same. Just switch them. (Can't use both same time.)

Hey!!! I try this at (late night) and it worked. I able recieve calls. I were doing testing Calls with Sorenson (Call Back Test) and it worked. And I try answer and it didn't show anything is that normal? I think it normal for now.
Hey!!! I try this at (late night) and it worked. I able recieve calls. I were doing testing Calls with Sorenson (Call Back Test) and it worked. And I try answer and it didn't show anything is that normal? I think it normal for now.

Ha ha .. yes that's normal. It's just for testing to see if you see the phone ring as quote letting you know someone is calling at this moment. When "onlive" person is calling you then you will be answer it and chat with.
Ha ha .. yes that's normal. It's just for testing to see if you see the phone ring as quote letting you know someone is calling at this moment. When "onlive" person is calling you then you will be answer it and chat with.

Oh, I see. I guess my VP-200 is worked now!! I am so happy. Finally after two week struggle!
Oh, I see. I guess my VP-200 is worked now!! I am so happy. Finally after two week struggle!

Congrats!!! I'm still struggling for 10 months (since I moved here from Florida). I bet something to do with my area internet provider. Oh well.
Hey!!! I try this at (late night) and it worked. I able recieve calls. I were doing testing Calls with Sorenson (Call Back Test) and it worked. And I try answer and it didn't show anything is that normal? I think it normal for now.

Normally you should see yourself on their screen. Best have a friend call you to make sure no black screen. Otherwise great!
Normally you should see yourself on their screen. Best have a friend call you to make sure no black screen. Otherwise great!

That True... I did test with myself with VideoSign on PC and my VP-200. But seem like my computer couldn't pick up Calls I guess it because of Firewall on my computer. I have Norton Internet Security and Norton Personal Firewall on my computer. But I will test with a friend Hope I have no black screen! I hate this black screen. It happen to me long time with Videophone D-Link but Guy came to my house and fix the problems. and now it work great but also I copy setting from D-Link Videophone and move it to VP-200 and it work fine. Hope no Black Screen.

About VideoSign... I know it my computer because I try with D-Link Videophone and it do same thing with VP-200 it mean it is my computer not VP-200 fault.
If it's the black screen don't forget to put the vp in the DMZ on your router. That should solve it.

Videosign is seperate and it would be your Norton firewall for that.
If it's the black screen don't forget to put the vp in the DMZ on your router. That should solve it.

Videosign is seperate and it would be your Norton firewall for that.

I already do Call Test with Sorenson (Call Back Test) and I saw myself on screen seem no black screen. But I will still need do test with friends.
This is not workable solution, these two routers WILL collide with each other.

Let me explain clearly

Cable modem with two IP addreses provided to cable modem

dang this isn't working on this. ANyway,

First cable from the cable modem to switch, then two cables from switch, each cables goes to router (WAN port) then you can connect your two VP on both routers, viola! there it is.

You see, two cable after switch, that is to split two WAN IP addresses from your ISP, so therefore you get two NAT zones. You can have VP, PC, anything on each Zones.

Get it?

I just dont simply see the benefit using 2 routers. If you must, try this:

Modem -> Router 1 -> Router 2 -> VP-100

1. DSL Modem: I assume this modem would give you 192.168.x.x address if I understand this would be NATed firewalled

2. Router 1: assign LAN IP as /
Plug the modem to WAN (it would automatic obtain public IP or private IP, depending on modem setting)
Enable DHCP if you plan to plug computers to router #1

3. Router 2: assign LAN IP as /
WAN Static IP assignment: / with Gateway of
Plug the router #1 Port 1 into Router #2's WAN
Enable DHCP if you plan to plug computers to router #2

4. Plug VP to Router #2 port #1. Assign VP IP as /
Gateway of
DNS 1:
DNS 2: (These DNS are OpenDNS.Org and more reaible than ISP DNS)
Try using public IP of auto-detect first.. if fails, try using, if failed, try

5. if modem is firewalled, set DMZ to whatever modem assigned to Router #1

6. assign DMZ to whatever it assigned to router #2.

7. assign DMZ to VP

this *should* in theory open path from modem to VP totally opened via DMZ. Plus you have two LAN zones.

Good luck!
Here is diagram, that I am talking about HOW to set up more than 1 VP, as long as you request from your ISP for additional IP address.

Hope this clears up for ya all.
You can set any of NAT pool address that is approved for private uses. FOr example, I used on router 1, then I use 10.10.0.XXX on router 2, that way I know which router I am working on. There is trick part on 2nd router, got to do it right. it is not hard AS LONG AS you set VP to same IP address on DMZ, or properly set port forward.
Here is diagram, that I am talking about HOW to set up more than 1 VP, as long as you request from your ISP for additional IP address.

Hope this clears up for ya all.

very good diagram vp2 can use the IP from isp and no need to have second router
That is indeed correct, 2nd router is purely optional. Im just simplify because if 2nd VP connects straight to switch without router, then the setting is slightly different on 2nd VP than 1st vp.

very good diagram vp2 can use the IP from isp and no need to have second router