Incoming calls on vp-100 fails to answer

Also, not many people realize how valuable Static-DHCP tool is. If using that, then all VP netoworking address would hae the box crossed to obtain the IP address. That is, in other word, set it and forget it! And whenever it crashes, simply power cycle all, then turn back on starting with modem, give it time to "agree" with your ISP server, then power up the next device and so forth, give each devices time to warm up. NEVER turn all at once.

The idea of Statif-DHCP is to assign MAC address with specific NAT IP address you want to set up. You see, because of DMZ, you would NEVER want DMZ enable on your PC. That is too dangerous for PC. So, using Static-DHCP, would "Lock" IP adderess to specific device, that way, DMZ would end up lock with that specific IP you assigned. For example, you set DMZ with 125 for vp, You would want to lock your VP with XXX.XXX.XXX.125 The XXX can be any number allowed by NAT rules. but must match the Gateway address as well.
diehardbiker ... at your second job, are you SVP installer in your area?
No, check on my profile. There is answer in there. :)

I do wish I would be installer but none is available in my area. We got 11 installers here. It is the highest in the USA. Most areas are zero to 1 installer.

diehardbiker ... at your second job, are you SVP installer in your area?
No, check on my profile. There is answer in there. :)

I do wish I would be installer but none is available in my area. We got 11 installers here. It is the highest in the USA. Most areas are zero to 1 installer.

Oh okay .. I just checked your profile. NP! Yea I bet there is alot in your area cuz alot of hearing impaired live in that area. If you move into my state here, then you can be SVP installer because there is NONE in my state. haha
Why not learn how to do this job., It is real money maker in your area!!! They pay well! But not here in Rochester area, they have to limit to each installers, meaning less work = less money.
But where I work, I am much happier! I love it, and never was that happy for years!

Oh okay .. I just checked your profile. NP! Yea I bet there is alot in your area cuz alot of hearing impaired live in that area. If you move into my state here, then you can be SVP installer because there is NONE in my state. haha
Why not learn how to do this job., It is real money maker in your area!!! They pay well! But not here in Rochester area, they have to limit to each installers, meaning less work = less money.
But where I work, I am much happier! I love it, and never was that happy for years!

Glad you enjoying working at second job!!! It would be nice to learn myself here but I'm still on recovering from surgery. Once I'm done and then other kind of business done then I will plan to move to Chicago area. Thanks for suggestion, I appreciated!
Also, not many people realize how valuable Static-DHCP tool is. If using that, then all VP netoworking address would hae the box crossed to obtain the IP address. That is, in other word, set it and forget it! And whenever it crashes, simply power cycle all, then turn back on starting with modem, give it time to "agree" with your ISP server, then power up the next device and so forth, give each devices time to warm up. NEVER turn all at once.

The idea of Statif-DHCP is to assign MAC address with specific NAT IP address you want to set up. You see, because of DMZ, you would NEVER want DMZ enable on your PC. That is too dangerous for PC. So, using Static-DHCP, would "Lock" IP adderess to specific device, that way, DMZ would end up lock with that specific IP you assigned. For example, you set DMZ with 125 for vp, You would want to lock your VP with XXX.XXX.XXX.125 The XXX can be any number allowed by NAT rules. but must match the Gateway address as well.

Hi DHB Soresnon Empolyee

me rather not use static dchp becuz if change vp wont work need to visit router config each time diffrent vp. easy to use obtain ip address first, then uncheck it use

why not u update soresnon tech supprot web site?
Sorenson VRS

you best stay far far far alldeaf away
Of course this link you have, is workable, but not as realiable as Static-DHCP, maybe you should study how Static-DHCP works. They are far more realiable. I have had it for 3 years, and not even one problem! The Static-DHCP is used for NAT addressing purpose only.

Hi DHB Soresnon Empolyee

me rather not use static dchp becuz if change vp wont work need to visit router config each time diffrent vp. easy to use obtain ip address first, then uncheck it use

why not u update soresnon tech supprot web site?
Sorenson VRS

you best stay far far far alldeaf away
Of course this link you have, is workable, but not as realiable as Static-DHCP, maybe you should study how Static-DHCP works. They are far more realiable. I have had it for 3 years, and not even one problem! The Static-DHCP is used for NAT addressing purpose only.

good good good

why soresnon hand out own ruoter sr-200 default dmz 125? no explain static dhcp you work for soresnon? talk you with mark king? what he will said?

if two or three viedophone static dhcp not work casue one dmz.

me no no problem my viedophone for 3 year too still use dmz
Clarification, not all routers have this static-DHCP feature. If router got this feature, I would recommend using that. I am not saying that it is the only way. I am saying that this is one way you can do. There are few ways to do the set up. There is no specific right way to do. We all know that not all routers are created equal, I wouldn't argue about this. My point is that I have one of several ways I can do.
Like I said in the past, I am not God, and I am still learning everyday, EVEN when it comes to networking! I am sure this applies to you as well.

good good good

why soresnon hand out own ruoter sr-200 default dmz 125? no explain static dhcp you work for soresnon? talk you with mark king? what he will said?

if two or three viedophone static dhcp not work casue one dmz.

me no no problem my viedophone for 3 year too still use dmz
Nice bike diehard. Ride a vtx myself. Anyway to get back on subject.... I am helping someone install two VP's behind the same public IP (getting a second IP is way to expense with there provider). Would piggy backing two routers work as talked about earlier, plugging both vps into the second router with the firewall turned off and having the second routers wan port set in the DMZ of the first router? What would be your recommendation? Both VP's need to recieve video calls as it is a roommate setup. Thanks in advance for any input.
There are two reasons why can't have 2 or more VP on same public addy, first of all, almsot ALL routers can't handle port forward for more than one IP NAT address, can't have same port forward on two NAT IP. That is one problem, second the server which handles as "DNS" with phone number and Public IP address can only take ONE entry for each public IP address.
So, the only solution is to get second public IP address for 2nd VP.

You STILL able to get "Inercom" calls with more than 1 VP on same Public IP address, but the outside connection is disabled on one of these two VP.

Nice bike diehard. Ride a vtx myself. Anyway to get back on subject.... I am helping someone install two VP's behind the same public IP (getting a second IP is way to expense with there provider). Would piggy backing two routers work as talked about earlier, plugging both vps into the second router with the firewall turned off and having the second routers wan port set in the DMZ of the first router? What would be your recommendation? Both VP's need to recieve video calls as it is a roommate setup. Thanks in advance for any input.
I also have a issue with black screen and incoming calls that don't work. Nothing Sorenson provided gave me help, but hell. I call them bugware, nothing more. The only way to fix it is have a Sorenson VP technican come over and find out what's causing the issue and I'm not a tech for VP complex stuff.
Often the cause is port forwarding is not working right, meaning it wasn't set up right
I have seen many people use on Public IP address and that is very common! It will cause black screen. Very important is to follow instruction on Sorenson VRS
If still plm let me know, I can work from there.
Please bear with SorensonTech, they have been bombarded with so many people contacting them. I love my job, it just simply going crazy and man! It was never a dull moment at Sorenson! BUT, we WILL work with you! That is our goal, more happy camper VPers!

Edit: Here is the link, that is for standard set up of VP, if you got regular cable modem/ or DSL without any gateway/router built in, and Dlink di-694 or SR-200, follow exact on this link Sorenson VRS

I also have a issue with black screen and incoming calls that don't work. Nothing Sorenson provided gave me help, but hell. I call them bugware, nothing more. The only way to fix it is have a Sorenson VP technican come over and find out what's causing the issue and I'm not a tech for VP complex stuff.
Tips on how to get fast help from Sorenson Tech?

Number one method, GIVE all the information that Sorenson Tech ask from you. Why these information is needed? Here is why.

Name: Of course this is obviously,
VP number: Why we need your VP number? To pull out your info from database, but unfortunately our database isn't always up to date, and sometimes two people got similiar names, we need to cross reference to make sure we are working on right customer.

Modem, not all modem is built the same way, some have built in gateway, router, dmz, etc. If we see its built in these feature, we may have to remove the router! That is where we need to verify.

Roouter, not all routers will work with VP, especially wireless. NONE of wireless router will work right with VP. We do not have any hard answer for wireless part. So, we adviced against using wireless feature for VP itself.

Often we get E mail that says "Please come over, we have problem with VP". That is it, Sure we understand that they have plm with VP, but what is the problem? What do they have? We can NOT see what they have to deal with. That is why we always ask for up to date and accurate information so we can have fast answer.

We deal with thousands of E mail each day! I didn't find out how many calls we handle each day. The less information we get, the more frustration we get, thus makes our customers upset (We truly hate to see disappointed customers). We REALLY wanted to see happy customers, no question about it. I am one of them, ALL of our team members is awesome, and work their ass off to help everybody!

And finally, if one of them ask you for SSN, something is definelty fishy! We do NOT ask for SSN, and we do not see reason why we need SSN, however whenever we need to replace or ship you something, make sure you inform us your current address and contact information.
Thanks for the quick response Diehard. Ever heard of anyone using a proxy to get around this problem?
Diehard. How is the vp contacted when a call comes in? Seems that the VP would have to maintian contact with the vrs servers for its location, otherwise dynamic public IP's would cause major head aches. The thought of using two routers, first router sends all ports to the second router. The second router has the firewall turned off so setup of multiple ports to multiple vp's isnt a problem. The nat of the second router would handle this. This all assumes that each vp keeps "in contact" with the vrs service as to its location and that there are two seperate private IP ranges, one range behind the first router, including the wan of the second router. And the Lan side of the second router has its own private IP range.
Are the vp's MAC address maintianed with its IP address?
Your getting the idea. Your right that VP needs to maintain contact with the server. The server actually acts as directory operator. It is easier for people to rememeber phone number than IP address, also public IP address can be changed from time to time making it harder for deafies to call another VP if using IP address method. That is the purpose of the server, simplify the contact informatin for everybody. VP needs to have port #1720 to be open all the time. WHenever your friends call in, server gets in your VP using that port and signal incoming calls. If you block it, server have no way to alert your VP that somebody is calling you.

2 routers on same public IP address won't work, and cause collision... Really it is like trying to have two master control a dog, then that poor dog gets confused.


Diehard. How is the vp contacted when a call comes in? Seems that the VP would have to maintian contact with the vrs servers for its location, otherwise dynamic public IP's would cause major head aches. The thought of using two routers, first router sends all ports to the second router. The second router has the firewall turned off so setup of multiple ports to multiple vp's isnt a problem. The nat of the second router would handle this. This all assumes that each vp keeps "in contact" with the vrs service as to its location and that there are two seperate private IP ranges, one range behind the first router, including the wan of the second router. And the Lan side of the second router has its own private IP range.
Are the vp's MAC address maintianed with its IP address?
Yes, and I am not sure how he had achieved this. It was for DLink i2eye.
That is something that is way advanced for average technie.

Thanks for the quick response Diehard. Ever heard of anyone using a proxy to get around this problem?