Immigrating to U.S. becomes much costlier

(1. American border guards who provide them with water and first aid.)

They just should let those illegal immigrants rot in the desert instead of paying our taxes to save them. They choosed to illegally try enter the United States without requesting for some help on how to enter the States legally.
I don't mean the house, I mean the land. Anyone can pick the land whatever they want. The borderline of country is just made from man.
I wish it will be this way I am sure that is how it was meant to be (the Land), but while while there will always be people who dont see it as land so there is a need for protection.
The citizens of that country need to put pressure on the leaders of their own country, and get conditions improved where they live. The leaders of those countries (such as Mexico) encourage illegal border crossing because it takes pressure off of them at home.

That's a cop out. Most poor people are powerless politically speaking. And anyway, you need to provide for your family first and immediately. Are you telling me that if you were a poor Mexican who had a large family dependent on you that you'd be telling yourself "but I can't do that to the good people of America who would suffer if I made a border crossing to provide for my family?" No, of course not. You'd do what it takes to keep your family surviving.

What vigilanties? Please back up your claim.

They are called the "Minutemen". I'm surprised you haven't heard of them - I watched a TV documentary about them here in Australia. Here's a link to a newpaper story: US border vigilantes declare war on themselves | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited

Yes, and do you know who is to blame?
1. Paid coyotes (usually fellow Mexicans) who rob and then abandon them in the desert.
2. Illegal border crossers who don't know how to prepare for a desert crossing.
Do you know who rescues them?
1. American border guards who provide them with water and first aid.

Maybe so. But do you now understand why it wouldn't be the smartest way for a terrorist to get into America? A lot of the terrorists are educated, middle class, have money and want to do things efficiently without drawing attention to themselves. And the best way to do that is to go the legal route.
They just should let those illegal immigrants rot in the desert instead of paying our taxes to save them. They choosed to illegally try enter the United States without requesting for some help on how to enter the States legally.

Niiiiice! I bet you wouldn't feel that way if you were poor and in Mexico and you didn't qualify for any of the visas due to lack of education, work skills and finances. Everything looks so easy when it's not your problem.
Money that is saved in bank accounts in the USA is used to support the economic system of the USA by making funds available for investment and loans. Money that is sent out of the USA doesn't help our country at all.

In the USA, some benefits and services depend on the state in which they reside. All children in the USA (including illegal aliens) are allowed to attend public schools. In general (not always), illegal aliens can use routine medical services on a cash basis, or they can use "free" services at emergency rooms where they don't get turned away.

Some landlords charge higher for rents because the aliens are stuffing 12 unrelated adults into a 2-bedroom apartment, which is more wear and tear on the space, and higher utility use.

If landlords are charging higher but not reporting it to IRS, then they are breaking the law. If landlords are allowing too many people to rent a small space then they are possibly breaking occupancy laws.

Many illegal aliens without drivers licenses drive uninsured vehicles, and then cause hit and run accidents or accidents for which there is no insurance recourse for the victims. When an uninsured, unlicensed alien driver drives drunk and hits a tree at 120 mph, who pays for medical bills if he lives for a while? Who pays for his funeral and shipping his body back to his home country? Suppose an uninsured driver hits a little girl walking down the street and she needs medical care? Who pays the bill?

BTW, those aren't hypothetical events. These are taken from my daily local newspaper.

Examples from

...The coroner's office handles 12 times more cases a year now than it did two years ago, said Greenville Coroner Parks Evans. "Nine out of every 10 (illegal immigrant) deaths, we have problems with identification," Evans said.
Last month, Deputy Coroner Karie Cane was faced with identifying a 49-year-old man who had two Mexican identification cards--same photograph, different names--and no family in Greenville..."

If their families are not allowed to enter the country illegally in the first place, then they won't grow up here uneducated or poor, and they won't be here to commit crimes.

If it's so hard and risky to enter the USA illegally, then where are all these thousands of illegal aliens coming from? No, the problem is it's NOT hard to sneak in.

Those who come in on legal visas but stay beyond the expiration date, or never attend the school are also illegal aliens. Whether they come first class on a plane or wade thru the Rio Grande, they are still ILLEGAL.

It's not for illegal immigrants, that's mexican's culture, even with big families that live in small unit like 2-3 bedroom apt. I had seen that legal immigrants (Mexicans) are doing like that. When back in 70's, one district that where I used to live and population was under 50,000 in 70's then increased after 150,000 due massive apt complexes that which is most are built in 70's to present. Please don't bash on their culture, just show an respect to them as culture.

I'm got tired of racist that bash on their culture and racial.

Some of them aren't in overcrowded, depends on them but there's several men that who are working class and live in 1-2 bedroom apt so overcrowded.

I'm partly latino because of my father that born from latino father and white mother, also I'm US citizen.
We should invade Mexico and Mexico become USA since it seems everyone from there want to come here to take our jobs and homes because they want same thing we have here. And to change their government's system to get rid of crook politicals and cops.
They just should let those illegal immigrants rot in the desert instead of paying our taxes to save them. They choosed to illegally try enter the United States without requesting for some help on how to enter the States legally.
Americans are too soft hearted to do that.
That's a cop out. Most poor people are powerless politically speaking.
That's a cop out.

Most revolutions are manned by the poor people.

And anyway, you need to provide for your family first and immediately.
Tell that to the average poor guy who fought in the American Revolution, and froze and starved at Valley Forge.

Are you telling me that if you were a poor Mexican who had a large family dependent on you that you'd be telling yourself "but I can't do that to the good people of America who would suffer if I made a border crossing to provide for my family?" No, of course not. You'd do what it takes to keep your family surviving.
Or he might think, "Ha, why should I bother struggling with my government when I can just cross the Rio and get a job."

They are called the "Minutemen". I'm surprised you haven't heard of them - I watched a TV documentary about them here in Australia. Here's a link to a newpaper story: US border vigilantes declare war on themselves | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
I know all about the Minutemen, and they are NOT vigilantes. They don't break any laws at the borders. They don't shoot at anyone crossing border. They report border crossings to legal authorities (like any citizen can and should do), and let them handle the confrontation. The Minutemen have actually provided food, water, and first aid to some border crossers in need.

Maybe so.
Not "maybe". It's happening.

But do you now understand why it wouldn't be the smartest way for a terrorist to get into America? A lot of the terrorists are educated, middle class, have money and want to do things efficiently without drawing attention to themselves. And the best way to do that is to go the legal route.
Some, not all.
It's not for illegal immigrants, that's mexican's culture, even with big families that live in small unit like 2-3 bedroom apt. I had seen that legal immigrants (Mexicans) are doing like that. When back in 70's, one district that where I used to live and population was under 50,000 in 70's then increased after 150,000 due massive apt complexes that which is most are built in 70's to present. Please don't bash on their culture, just show an respect to them as culture.
A dozen men in two rooms is not the same as parents, children, and grandparents sharing an apartment. The multi-generation living together is cultural. The large group of unrelated young males is not culture.

Some of them aren't in overcrowded, depends on them but there's several men that who are working class and live in 1-2 bedroom apt so overcrowded.
Those that are overcrowded are breaking occupancy laws. Most residential areas have limits to how many unrelated people can live together in a certain number of square feet. It has nothing to do with racism. A dozen Swedish guys can't live in an 800 sq. ft. apt. either.
Certain of illegal immigrants are require to pay taxes via paycheck and doesn't want companies in trouble.

They can't file on tax return due absence of SSN care or green card.

I think that medical care in USA does treat illegal immigrants, also need pay to them in cash or other methods, unlike in Germany because germany offers free medical center then wouldn't be free for illegal immigrants.

They are required to be US citizen to receive the paychecks from the job in America. It's impossible for them to receive the paycheck while they are not US citizen and don't have any IDs.
They are required to be US citizen to receive the paychecks from the job in America. It's impossible for them to receive the paycheck while they are not US citizen and don't have any IDs.

They are supposed to be a citizen, but they don't have to be a citizen to receive a paycheck. That's where stolen identities, companies that know the loopholes, and paying under the table come into play.
They are supposed to be a citizen, but they don't have to be a citizen to receive a paycheck. That's where stolen identities, companies that know the loopholes, and paying under the table come into play.

Wow, I didn't know that.. I just don't know how they do it..
Wow, I didn't know that.. I just don't know how they do it..

Yeah, sucks huh? There are laws in place to avoid such things from happening, but there are also speed limits too. Just because someone may or may not be watching all the time doesn't mean they will be enforcing the law fully.
A dozen men in two rooms is not the same as parents, children, and grandparents sharing an apartment. The multi-generation living together is cultural. The large group of unrelated young males is not culture.

Those that are overcrowded are breaking occupancy laws. Most residential areas have limits to how many unrelated people can live together in a certain number of square feet. It has nothing to do with racism. A dozen Swedish guys can't live in an 800 sq. ft. apt. either.

It's not so often in here but occupancy law is weak or hardly to enforce in LA. You said dozens of men live in one bedroom apt, that's rare to me but most are under 10 in 2-3 bedroom apt, that where I saw like that, it is actually from families like grandparent, uncle, aunt, cousin and other members. It's depends on their families but men that who live in overcrowded are nowhere, but some of your statement are true, just certain of buildings.

You will notice about same thing in Mexico, like in Mexico City but it can be their culture but who cares, that's none of our business.

Your statement are probably an issue in SC, that's not my place to live.
They are required to be US citizen to receive the paychecks from the job in America. It's impossible for them to receive the paycheck while they are not US citizen and don't have any IDs.

No, not require to be US citizen to get paycheck from workplace, legal immigrant and illegal immigrants can get paycheck too but illegal immigrants have more restricted to use feature, some workplace like wal-mart is more strict because require to proof of green card or SSN card but other workplace aren't.

Ok, better to determine...
US Citizen- more freedom to across, like can open new account at bank, get more benefits from job and can vote on election.
Legal Immigrant- Same as more rights as US citizen except for vote and other few system.
Illegal Immigrant-More restricted to across, not many rights as US citizen and legal immigrant, such as can't open the account but only live off with cash, also can't vote but some of them are break to across like drive the car with no license, even or uninsured.
No, not require to be US citizen to get paycheck from workplace, legal immigrant and illegal immigrants can get paycheck too but illegal immigrants have more restricted to use feature, some workplace like wal-mart is more strict because require to proof of green card or SSN card but other workplace aren't.

Ok, better to determine...
US Citizen- more freedom to across, like can open new account at bank, get more benefits from job and can vote on election.
Legal Immigrant- Same as more rights as US citizen except for vote and other few system.
Illegal Immigrant-More restricted to across, not many rights as US citizen and legal immigrant, such as can't open the account but only live off with cash, also can't vote but some of them are break to across like drive the car with no license, even or uninsured.

Ohh that explain clearly..
Yes I agree that this fee doesn't solve anything but cause more illegal immigrants.

The fee is probably to cover some costs for leagel immigrants and never was meant to address the illlegal alien problem.


Interesting, it's legal in your country to employ illegal immigrants in their companies or whatever.

It's illegal here in Germany to employ illegal immigrants in their companies unless they have the residence permit from City Hall. Without residence permit, they cannot get job. They have to extend their residence permit if they want to stay in Germany longer... It's City Hall's decision either they extend their permit or not.

There are laws in this country against hiring illegal aliens. The problem is our goverment (both parties) wants cheap labor for thier donors so they pass laws and do nothing to enforce them. Case to point the raids that netted a law number of illegal aliens at the meat packing plant last winter. Those were jobs that 'Americans won't do'. The problem is that the illegals will work for less then Americans and they really aren't covered by workplace laws so can't say much. But what was really funny was the number of Americans that applied to fill those positions when the illegals were arrested. At this time since the great 'amnesty' didn't pass the enforcement seems to have gone down toilet again, proving alot of us that the raids were just window dressing to lull the citizens back to sleep. Unfortunately 20 yrs or so of promises not kept have made many of us sceptical. But not to worry at this time our 'esteemed' (said with much sarcasum) leaders are still working dilligently to make those who jumped the line leagel. This will of course make those who are working to get the proper papers to come here wait even longer, and by making those workers leagle rather then enforceing the laws, those now legal workers will move on to much better paying jobs. and so it will go.

At this time there are cities passing laws making it unlawful to rent or give welfare to people who are not citizens or LEGAL immigrants.
Niiiiice! I bet you wouldn't feel that way if you were poor and in Mexico and you didn't qualify for any of the visas due to lack of education, work skills and finances. Everything looks so easy when it's not your problem.

I do know LEGAL immiigrants from Mexico. Even they while symphthetic with their fellow Mexicans do not like the way illegals depress the wages they earn when they come here. Mexico is a very oil rich country run by people from what I understand from my friend an co worker haven't even been in Mexico for that long, they come from the island countries or something. (she speaks excellent english is and american citizens but sometimes things are hard to understand) Mexico DOES in fact have ways to help it's own people and it's the people of Mexico who in the end have to do something about the corrupt people in charge. We cannot become a home to every one who can't. THere is also the misconnception that most Mexicans area uneducated. Perhaps in some areas, but most do go to school at least through 7th or 8th grade, and believe me she says she had to tell her 6th grade sons teacher that while her country is poor her son would still be in 3rd grade with his current math skills. WHile I feel for them I do not feel I owe them anything when they break my countries laws. Plus they make it much harder for those coming here legally.

The minutemen are people who really care about this country. They started patroling when people who own land on the border complained about the illegals crossing their property. Some things you don't here are the amount of garbage being left in the deserts. The number of people who live on the borders who have to keep their doors locked all the time. (it's not only the nice people who are coming across, there are also a large number of gang members, drug smugglers and criminals) The minute men were started to help address that problem.

We'll agree to disagree I think.
It's similar with Australia. The aborigines where here before the Europeans and had no concept of private property ownership. The land was considered to belong to everyone until the Europeans arrived and parcelled everything off..

Native American's were devided in to many different tribes and they did fight over land and such to so they really weren't much different then my ancestors, they were of course desimated by diseases brought by the settlers and the superior arms.

There was nothing they could do. Aborigines were not even considered to be human beings until 1967. Until then, they were listed in the census under "Flowers and Fauna".

As someone who did an Economics degree I have a positive view of immigration. Immigrants increase the tax base in countries were fertility is declining and the population is aging. They also bring their savings to their host countries, which they spend, resulting in creation of jobs. They also tend to take jobs that no one wants or which cannot be filled. They spend their wages, which further increases jobs. It's not like every country has a fixed number of jobs that stays the same whatever happens.

You seem to think that we should condone (sp?) people breaking our laws to get here. Sorry but no thanks. We are NOT against leagal immigration. Perhaps if our 'esteemed' (extreme sarcasm) lawmakers would show us some enforcement for a few years we'd agreed to let them up leagel immigration without making so much noise. Actually the so called 'immigration reform' might have been snuck through all in one piece of the Mexicans had not taken to the streets waving the Mexican flag....nothing like showing your contempt for the country you supposedly want to be a part of. As it is, right now our 'esteemed' leaders (said with extreme sarcasm) are sneaking through a bill to 'leagalize" (give green cards to) some farm workers here illegally to 'releive' the labor shortage in that area. Unfortunately once they get thier green card they'll move on to much better paying jobs, then we'll need more to do those jobs that even MExicans once legal won't do. (time for some areas of farming to use some ingenuity and mechanize I think)